Page 18 - Boca ViewPointe - January '25
P. 18

Page 18, Viewpointe                                                 January 2025
      Edgewater At Boca Pointe

      Celebrates Its Remarkable Centenarians

      By Lisa Sileo

         Reaching the age of 100
      is a milestone few achieve,
      but  at  Edgewater  at  Boca
      Pointe, it’s an accomplishment
      celebrated in grand style. The
      community recently hosted its
      inaugural Edgewater Centennial  Mary Gilbert, 100, says she’s “blessed  Nick Vislocky, a WWII Veteran,  Florence Ellman, a  resident  of  Kay Approbato is celebrating her
      Celebration, honoring 15  every day” living at Edgewater at  celebrated his 104th birthday at  Edgewater at Boca Pointe, celebrated  103rd  birthday  at  the  retirement
      remarkable residents aged 100  Boca Pointe.               Edgewater.                     her 100th birthday.           community.
      to 104.5 years.
         The joyous event brought the community together to pay   Living Beyond The Average                on community, wellness, and enrichment, undoubtedly
      tribute to these exceptional individuals, and sang “Happy      Living to 100 is a rare feat. In the United States, only   contributes to the remarkable longevity of its residents. With
      Birthday,” followed by a celebratory cake and warm wishes   one in 5,000 people reaches this age. Acts Retirement-Life   plentiful opportunities for engagement, from social events
      from friends and neighbors. As part of this new tradition,   Communities, of which Edgewater at Boca Pointe is a   and fitness programs to lifelong learning, residents often say
      Edgewater at Boca Pointe unveiled plans to install a plaque   part, boasts an impressive statistic: as of August 2024, 108   there isn’t enough hours in the day to enjoy all the wonderful
      in the ARTWAY, commemorating the names of centenarians.   centenarians reside across its 28 communities. You could   offerings on campus.
      This plaque will serve as a living testament to the longevity   credit this to the quality of life and supportive environment.     Although stress and anxiety are inevitable, Edgewater
      and vibrancy of the community, with new names added each      In fact, the average age reached by Acts residents is 90.6   residents embrace a forward-thinking approach to navigating
      year.                                             years, significantly higher than the national life expectancy of   life’s uncertainties. By choosing to live in an Acts community,
         “I’ve been blessed every day I came to live at Edgewater,”   79 years for women and 73.5 years for men. This longevity   they ease the challenges of homeownership, enjoy a stress-
      said Mary Gilbert, a resident who moved in nearly a decade   reflects not just genetics but also the importance of a   free lifestyle, and secure financial stability with access to
      ago and celebrated her 100th birthday in April.   healthy, fulfilling lifestyle—something Edgewater residents   healthcare on the same campus, if it’s ever needed.
         “It’s wonderful at Edgewater, I’ve been very happy   exemplify.                                      Edgewater’s very first Centennial Celebration was made
      here,” said Florence Ellman, who has lived at the retirement   The Secret To Longevity               possible by the Edgewater Culture & Belonging Committee.
                                                           A common misconception is that living to 100 is purely
      community for 25 years. She turned 100 in September.     a genetic gift. While genes play a role, they account for only   This celebration is a reminder that with the right community
                                                                                                           and lifestyle, reaching the century mark might not be as
      The Boy I Was Is                                  about 20 percent of an individual’s lifespan within biological   elusive as it seems.
                                                        limits, according to the Danish Twin Study. The remaining
                                                                                                             As Edgewater at Boca Pointe looks forward to adding

      Helping Me Age                                    80 percent is influenced by lifestyle choices, such as diet,   more names to its centenarian plaque in the years to come,
                                                        exercise, social connections, and stress management.
                                                                                                           it celebrates not just the years lived but the richness of lives
                                                           Edgewater’s resort-like atmosphere, with its emphasis

                                                                                                           well-lived. 
      By Robert W. Goldfarb
         In the quiet moments during our family’s celebration
      of my 95th birthday, I began reliving memories of the
      young man I had been long ago. Days before my birthday,
      I had flown with other veterans on a pilgrimage to military
      monuments in Washington.
         Walking through memorials to wars in which we fought
      seemed to cloak me in the uniform I wore as a teen-age
      soldier. Pride in having served on distant fields and family
      stories recounted at the celebration brought to life the boy I
      thought I had left in the past.                                                                                        Servicing PETS of Boca Raton
         I realize how little credit I gave him for all he did to help                                                             for over 20 years
      me stride rather than slump into old age. At 95, I exercise,                                                              “Caring is our Specialty”
      follow a healthy diet and remain mentally active. But I would
      not have inherited the confidence that drives me forward were                                                         Complete medical, Surgical and Dental
      it not for a trauma endured by the boy I was.                                                                            Facility SPA Bath & Grooming
         He was five years old when his family was evicted from
      their Bronx apartment. He was awakened by men bursting
      through the apartment door, shouting, “Get out! You’re being
         He rushed to his parents, only to find them slumped against         NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
      the wall as his bed was carried past them into the street. Instead
      of standing stricken alongside them, he took his first steps as
      someone to whom this would never happen again.
         He somehow found the courage to dream of leaving                 Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      streets on which people dumped their dreams along with their
      garbage. He was the first in those streets and in his family
      to go to college. He needed the G.I. Bill to fulfill that dream           Board Certified in
      and the courage to fight a war to earn it.
         I often wonder where those dreams and the courage to                   Internal Medicine
      follow them came from. I wonder if it was when the boy             with Added Qualifications in
      felt, “Nothing I’m going to face in the future will be as
      painful as watching the landlord and his sons carry my bed                Geriatrics (2002).
      into the street.” He was right. Growing old challenges my
      spirit, but has been made easier by courage the boy passed         Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      to me a long time ago.
         He sought a wife who had her own dreams and would                    Voted a “Best Doctor”
      want to share hers with him. She nurtured his dream of                        by his peers.
      building a career that helped others find their way out of
      their own dark streets.
         The death of my wife of nearly seventy years would have              Call to request a complimentary meeting
      crushed my soul without the courage bequeathed me by the
      boy I had been. I was too maimed with grief to realize he                               with Dr. Reznick.
      remained deep inside me.
         But when I became 95, I felt his presence flooding me
      with the courage that took us from places where dreams die.                           561.368.0191
      He touches something in my soul that blazes into a dream I
      intend to follow on the journey he and I began so long ago.
                                                                                      7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
         Bob’s articles have appeared in The New York Times,                                 Boca Raton, FL 33433
      The San Francisco Chronicle and in Next Avenue, the                      
      publication of the Public Broadcasting Service. His book,
      “What’s Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?” was published
      by McGraw Hill and is in five languages. 
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