Page 15 - Boca ViewPointe - January '25
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January 2025 Viewpointe, Page 15
Tax Talk
Dear Friends: As we worked on this latest edition, one of our priorities Service Excellence.’ I feel lucky to be a member of such a
Each day, at approximately was to align with the information on our new website, www. great team of professionals, all moving in the same direction
11 a.m., my team and I receive, so the two complement one another. We made to deliver exceptional customer service.”
an email report from our client the guide easy to use with color coding guides to services
satisfaction survey vendor and QR codes that will take you right to our website for more A Better Journey
highlighting the surveys we information on a specific topic.
received from clients the Visit to request a copy of the 2025 Our new website,
previous day. I enjoy reading edition. When you receive the guide, we will invite you to has
the surveys, especially the respond to a brief survey to provide us with your feedback so been online for over
comments where clients tell we can keep enhancing this signature publication. I hope you a month now and I
us what we are doing right enjoy this publication as much as we enjoy providing it to you! hope you have enjoyed
and what needs improvement. exploring all the new
We strive for exceptional service on each and every interaction Faces Of The TCO: AJ Starks features. One feature that
with our clients, both in-person and on the phone, and most I want to highlight is the
of the time we get it right, but there are times that we miss Title: Director of Contact Center Operations enhancements made to our reservation system. We created
the mark. In either case, it is important that we hear from our Hometown: Memphis, Tenn. a new more intuitive interface, featuring pop-up icons to
clients so we can address issues and make corrections where Favorite Activity: Manning the grill or the smoker provide information about topics related to our services.
needed, but at the same time, it is so rewarding to hear from Favorite Food: My smoked brisket During your “journey” to make a reservation online,
clients who rave about the service they have received from a This month, in our we first present you with a list of documents that you will
member of my staff. That commitment to exceptional from “Faces of the TCO” series, need for your transaction. Next, upon indicating which
every member of our team is the driving force behind our I am pleased to shine the documents you have by checking “Yes” or “No” and before
industry-leading client satisfaction results, where 87 percent spotlight on the director you officially schedule your reservation, we present you a
of our clients say that their experience with our office was of our Client Care and summary checklist of the document(s) you need to bring with
exceptional or very good! Research Center (CCRC). you to your reservation. You can then print the list or email
Anne M. Gannon, Ajani “AJ” Starks it to yourself to view or print later. Keep in mind that this
Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach County joined my Senior document is not confirmation of a reservation, as you still have
Leadership Team in to select a date, time and location. This checklist is designed
Get Yours Now! The 2025 Tax 2022, and he oversees 40 to help you easily keep track of the
employees whose main responsibility is to answer client
documents you need to gather. Once
Planner & Services Guide questions and concerns via phone and emails. Handling an you have the opportunity to use our
average of 1,700 calls a day is not an easy task, and to do enhanced reservation-making system,
We are excited to announce so effectively, AJ and his team have developed strategies tell us your feedback by visiting www.
that our 2025 Tax Planner & to ensure all clients receive exceptional service. AJ says,
Services Guide will be available “Client feedback is important to us, and we monitor calls
beginning in January. This and utilize call monitor forms to provide our client care
comprehensive guide is designed representatives with feedback. With this comes challenges
to keep you informed, connected, servicing clients who are unsatisfied with some aspect of
and empowered as you navigate our services. I remind the team that it is not personal and to
our organization’s services, show empathy towards the client, and we specifically train
values, and resources. Inside, staff for these calls.” Employee recognition is important,
you’ll find everything from taxes to motor vehicles services and AJ says, “We celebrate wins and best calls, and in fact,
and driver’s license/ID card services. There is also a monthly we just held our first annual CCRC Awards, recognizing
calendar to help you keep track of your payment deadlines. exceptional achievements, such as ‘Most Calls’ and ‘Client