Page 24 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - December '24
P. 24

Page 24, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Chamber Celebrates The Successful Conclusion

      Of The 2024 Women In Business Mentorship Academy

        The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce proudly     “The Women  in  Business  Mentorship Academy  has   and one-on-one mentorship sessions, leading to lasting
      announces the successful conclusion of its 2024 Women in   been a transformative journey for me,” said Katie Velotta,   connections and friendships.
      Business Mentorship Academy. Over the past six months,   a participant in the program. “My mentor has poured so     As  the  Palm  Beach  North  Chamber  of  Commerce
      this transformative program has paired aspiring professionals   much wisdom and support into my growth, guiding me   continues  to  champion  women  in  business,  it  remains
      with experienced mentors, fostering valuable connections and   through challenges and celebrating my achievements. I’ve   committed  to  providing  platforms  for  growth,
      empowering women in the business community.       not only gained confidence in my abilities but also built   empowerment, and collaboration within the community.
        Participants  gathered  for  a  final  session  filled  with   lasting relationships with my fellow mentees.    For more information about the Women in Business
      celebration  and  reflection  on  their  journey. This  event     Together, we’re excited to uplift one another and create   Mentorship Academy or to learn about upcoming programs
      provided an opportunity to share key lessons learned and   a positive impact in our community.”      and initiatives, please visit
      to deepen the relationships formed throughout the program.     The program focused on developing essential skills,     For  more  information About  Palm  Beach  North
      Mentees and mentors alike left the session enriched with new   building confidence, and creating a supportive network   Chamber of Commerce, visit
      knowledge and strengthened bonds that will support their   of  women  dedicated  to  advancing  in  their  careers.
      continued growth and success.                     Participants engaged in workshops, networking events,
      Loggerhead Marinelife Center Wins Large Nonprofit

      Of The Year At Eighth Annual Hats Off Nonprofit Awards

        Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC) has been recognized
      as the Large Nonprofit of the Year at the Eighth Annual Hats
      Off Nonprofit Awards. This prestigious honor was presented
      by Nonprofits First during a reception and awards ceremony
      at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts on Wednesday,
      October 30.
        The annual Hats Off Nonprofit Awards celebrates dedicated
      nonprofit organizations, staff, and volunteers in Palm Beach
      County who are committed to making a positive impact   Gui Proença accepting
      in  the  community.                               award for Loggerhead
      The  inspiring  event                             Marinelife Center                                  Loggerhead MarineLife Center
      showcases  nominees
      across 14 categories,                             mission,  and  those  that                         With the goal of becoming a leading authority in ocean
      with  one  honoree                                come to the center to see our                      conservation at both local and global levels, LMC focuses on
      recognized  in  each                              patients firsthand,” said Andy Dehart, president and CEO of   rehabilitation, research, conservation, and education. For four
      category.                                         Loggerhead Marinelife Center. “We are grateful for everyone   decades, the center has worked tirelessly to rehabilitate sick
        “As a donation-                                 who shares our mission, and together, we’ll continue to build   and injured sea turtles, striving to return them to their natural
      based facility, we are                            a safer world for our turtles and our oceans.”     habitats as swiftly as possible.
      grateful for everyone                               LMC is dedicated to conserving ocean ecosystems,              Photos courtesy of Capehart Photography
      who  supports  our  Andy Dehart                   specifically targeting threatened and endangered sea turtles.         and Loggerhead Marinelife Center
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