Page 21 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - December '24
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 21
      Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

      ER To Remain Open During Renovations

        Palm  Beach  Gardens  Medical  Center’s  emergency   flow. This  addition  is  particularly  important  as  Palm   specialized  attention,  Palm  Beach  Gardens  Medical
      department will remain open and fully operational as it   Beach County experiences a population surge that has   Center reinforces its commitment to ensuring residents
      undergoes  renovations  designed  to  expand  access  and   placed increased demands on local healthcare facilities.  have access to quality care without prolonged wait times.
      enhance the patient experience. As the longest-standing     “With  our  highly  trained  team,  we  are  focused  on     The ongoing upgrades at Palm Beach Gardens Medical
      healthcare provider in the Palm Beach Gardens community,   enhancing services and patient-centric care in meaningful   Center also include a modernized building façade, new
      the hospital is investing in these improvements to meet the   ways that will allow our community to seek specialized   patient rooms designed for comfort, expanded operating
      needs of the area’s growing population while maintaining   care close to home,” says Erik Cazares, CEO of Palm   rooms  equipped  with  the  latest  technology,  and  a  new
      its reputation for award-winning care.            Beach Gardens Medical Center. “As the area’s population   main lobby.
        One of the key additions to the renovated emergency   is  rapidly  growing,  we’re  continually  optimizing  our     The  commitment  to  accessible,  quality  healthcare
      department will be a vertical care area, specifically   facilities, technology, and clinical programs to support   has been a cornerstone of Palm Beach Gardens Medical
      designed for patients with less acute medical needs. This   that growth.”                            Center’s mission. These renovations are a continuation
      new area will streamline the treatment process, enabling     The  emergency  department  already  boasts  low  wait   of  the  hospital’s  legacy,  positioning  it  to  better  serve
      patients to receive timely care and return home quicker,   times,  and  these  renovations  aim  to  improve  those   the evolving needs of the community with the latest in
      easing  their  experience  and  improving  overall  patient   times even further. By providing patients with prompt,   healthcare technology and patient care approaches.
      Gifting Greatness With College Planning

      By Peggy Forgan, M. Ed.                              Giving  the  gift  of  college  planning  to  children  and   workshops, career assessment, applications, and scholarship
        Give  a  high  school                            grandchildren is a thoughtful and impactful way to support their   opportunities. These services help your student become
      aged loved one a college                           future success. As the cost of higher education continues to rise,   positioned to succeed. The SAT prep courses are tailored
      planning gift that will last                       many families feel the financial strain of paying for college. By   to improve test scores, while the college essay workshops
      beyond the holiday season.                         gifting college planning, you can help ease that burden and set   guide students in crafting compelling essays that stand out
      The  many  steps  of  the                          the next generation up for financial stability. I offer expert, 1:1   in the competitive admissions process. Additionally, the
      college application process                        college planning services, helping you navigate the complexities   career assessments help students explore their strengths and
      are stressful. I offer a                           of the admissions process and create a personalized plan to   interests, giving a clearer sense of direction for the future. No
      comprehensive roadmap for                          maximize financial resources and minimize student debt. Using   detail is left unnoticed in the application process. Ultimately,
      students to stand out in the                       Class 101’s approach, the college planning process can begin as   gifting the college planning services through Class 101 is
      crowd and help them connect                        early as ninth grade, ensuring that students have ample time to   an investment in your student’s academic success, financial
      all the details and meet all the                   build a strong academic and extracurricular profile that aligns   well-being, and future career opportunities.
      deadlines. My flat fee and all-inclusive 1:1 approach helps   with their college and career goals.     For information or to schedule a free consultation please
      your student build a college resume, increase test scores, and     Class 101’s comprehensive 1:1 services are designed   contact Peggy Forgan at (561) 418-7897 or www.class101.
      find the best schools at the best price, which all helps students   to provide expert college planning. Our approach offers   com/northpalmbeachfl/.
      achieve greatness.                                 speed reading, SAT prep courses, college essay writing     Happy Holidays from Class 101!
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

      Dear Taxpayer,                                    in Palm Beach County with                          Holiday Office Closures
        As we come to the close of                      a homestead exemption. If
      2024, I have been reflecting                      there are no changes to the                          The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office,
      on both the past year and                         use and/or ownership of the                        including our five Service Centers, will be closed:
      what we can accomplish in                         property, simply keep the                          Monday, December 23
      the future.                                       card  as  your  receipt  that                      Tuesday, December 24
        Property values in Palm                         you have been automatically                        Wednesday, December 25
      Beach  County  continued                          renewed for another year.                          Wednesday, January 1, 2025
      their upward trend this year,                     However, if there is a change to ownership due to a sale,
      but the overall increase in                       marriage, divorce, death, or change in property use, call
      values has slowed compared                        our office at (561) 355-2866 or email us at MyExemption@  Book Review from page 20
      to previous years. Taxable              
      property values rose 9.6 percent from 2023 to 2024, down     A homestead exemption reduces the assessed value of   25 of the 4,000 dogs they have rescued. Do I need to
      from the 14 percent increase we saw last year. Market values   your property, thereby reducing the amount of property tax   say more?
      for real property grew 5.6 percent this year, down from the   you pay by an average of $500. Homestead exemption also
      20.6 percent increase from 2022 to 2023.          qualifies you for the 3 percent Save our Homes (SOH) cap.               *****
        For the first time in our county’s history, new construction     If you’ve not yet filed for a homestead exemption, it’s easy
      topped $5 billion this year. Overall, the market value of all   to e-file online, by mail, or in person at one of our five service     On a doggie note,
      Palm Beach County property is more than $514 billion.   centers. When you apply, you can also file for portability of   my wife Linda and I
      Westlake continues to lead in municipal value growth, with   SOH savings. The deadline to file a homestead exemption   will be sharing our first
      the largest percentage of taxable value increase from 2023   application is March 1 of the year after you buy your home,   holiday  season  with
      to 2024. The Village of Golf, Jupiter Inlet Colony and Cloud   and you may file any time after you take ownership of the   Lacey, who joined our
      Lake are second, third, and fourth, respectively.   property and become a permanent resident of Florida. To   family  three  months
        My  staff  are  gathering  information  for  2025  as  we   qualify, you and/or your spouse must not be receiving a   ago. Lacey, a “teacup”
      prepare to value property based on the status of the market   residency-based exemption on any other property in Florida   Maltese  who  weighs
      as of January 1. I want to thank my staff for their continued   or in another state.                   just  3-1/2  pounds,
      diligence and commitment to accuracy and excellence. “We     For more about homestead exemption, visit our website,   will celebrate her first
      Value What You Value” is not a simple catchphrase – it is a   call (561) 355-2866, or email   birthday on December
      commitment to service honored by every single one of the                                               20, and is already
      220 qualified public servants in my office. We determine the                                           completely  bonded
      taxable value of more than 655,000 parcels and nearly 59,000                                           with  my  wife  Linda,
      tangible personal property accounts in the county.                                                     as you can see here.
        As we look forward to 2025, our mission remains
      consistent:  to  value  property,  administer  exemptions,
      and maintain ownership records fairly, equitably, and in
      accordance with Florida law for all of Palm Beach County.
        As I prepare to be sworn in for my third term as your
      property appraiser, I want to thank you for allowing me to
      serve in this office. I wish you and your families a safe and
      happy holiday season.
                          Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS,
                      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser                                                  Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
                                                                                                            Palm Beach County and is a privately
      Homestead Exemption Receipt                                                                           owned and managed company.
                                                                                                            Captain’s is committed to providing
      Cards Mailed Late December                                                                            dependable, reliable and professional
                                                                                                            ground transportation to and from all
                                                                                                            South Florida Airports and Seaports.
        On the last business day in the month of December,                                                     To reserve your vehicle:     PBCVH212
      the  property  appraiser’s  office  mails  a  pink  and  white                                        561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
      homestead exemption receipt card to every property owner                                                                 
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