Page 16 - Stuart Exposure - December '24
P. 16

Page 16, Stuart Exposure
                                                         Book Review

      ’Twas The Bite Before                               special  is  Rosenfelt’s                           midnight?”
                                                           What makes this book
                                                                                                             “They’re five hours ahead there. Are they playing at
      Christmas                                         writing style. But there are                          “I taped it.”
                                                        so many reasons to love                               “You taped an English soccer game? Voluntarily?”
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                this author it is difficult to                        “Yup.” …
         When I was trying to                           know where to begin. Most                             “Does it bother you that they score about once every
      decide on an appropriate                          importantly, his tongue-in-                        couple of months?
      book to review for this                           cheek humor will keep a                              “Nope.”
      December column, several                          grin on your face from first                          … “I watch along with him for a minute or so,
      features on the cover of this                     page to last. I kept thinking                      pretending to be interested, then I leave. I could watch
      month’s selection attracted                       that he would make a great                         until someone scores, but by then Bobby’s trial might have
      me: the obvious connection                        writer for the  Saturday                           started. …
      to the Christmas holiday, the                     Night Live TV show.                                   “I can’t sugarcoat this or enter a state of denial …
      cute twist of the “Bite” for                         Here, for example, are                          the simple fact is that I have a son who prefers soccer to
      “Night” in the title and the                      just a couple of examples                          good old American college football.
      adorable Dalmatian with the                       early on when Andy Carpenter is describing how he feels      “I am raising a Communist.”
      Gingerbread Man cookie in his mouth—an irresistible draw   about certain aspects of his family life. (I have omitted      As if David Rosenfelt’s delightful writing style weren’t
      for the doggie lover I am.                        large sections of the text for lack of space here and   enough to have me join his vast base of admiring readers,
         What I did not realize until I arrived home, opened the   substituted ellipses. …)                how about the following: He and his wife live in Maine
      book, noted the author’s credentials and began reading this      “I don’t like eggnog, and I don’t think anybody does. It’s   with 25 of the 4,000 dogs they have rescued. Do I need
      novel is that I had struck literary gold in my selection! Within   too thick and too sweet for my taste … like drinking melted   to say more?
      the first few pages I understood why David Rosenfelt has   chewing gum. I just tried some again anyway and found
      developed a massive fan base of readers for his more than   that sucking some of this batch through a straw requires   *****
      40 already published novels, over half of them about Andy   either a serious pair of lungs or a hydraulic pump; it’s not
      Carpenter, the same attorney who stars in ’Twas The Bite   nearly good enough to justify that amount of work.     On  a  doggie  note,  my
      Before Christmas.                                    “But the reason I doubt that anyone really likes it is   wife Linda and I will be
         In this novel, Carpenter is serving as defense attorney   that it’s only popular at Christmas. Good food or drink   sharing our first holiday
      for a friend and excellent neighbor who, shockingly, has   should not require a holiday to justify consumption … I   season with Lacey, who
      been arrested and charged with the murder of a high-ranking   feel the same way about fruitcakes and candied yams; if   joined our family three
      mobster. It turns out that his friend, to the surprise of   you like them, eat them all year. Otherwise, I don’t want   months ago. Lacey, a
      Carpenter and everyone else in town, has been living among   to hear about them.”                    “teacup” Maltese who
      them as part of the government’s witness protection program      Or this passage about his son, Ricky.  weighs just  3-1/2 pounds,
      after having earlier been a part of the mob but who “turned”      “Ricky is watching a soccer game.  will celebrate her first
      and gave evidence at great personal risk.            “He likes soccer.                               birthday on December 20,
         With his friend and client declaring himself to be      “I’ve known this for a while, but it’s still jarring. I’m   and is already completely
      completely innocent of the new charges, Carpenter must get   a good parent, so as much as I hate soccer and hate even   bonded with my wife
      to the truth about the “evidence” and find the real killer. (He   more that he likes it, I’m not about to say anything or   Linda, as you can see here.
      also takes on the responsibility of caring for his friend/client’s   be critical. He has to live his own life and make his own
      two dogs while he is in prison.) This won’t be an easy case:   choices, even a ridiculous one like this.
      The victim was found dead in the trunk of his client’s car,      “What are you watching, Rick?”
      and his bloodstains on the client’s clothing. It’s a well-told      “It’s a Premier League game. Liverpool is playing
      tale with a surprising, satisfying and credible ending.   Chelsea.”

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