Page 12 - Stuart Exposure - December '24
P. 12

Page 12, Stuart Exposure

                                 stuart ChaMber haPPeNINGs

      Hair Cuttery CEO Eric Bakken was excited to present the latest of his salons, located at
      5929 S.E. Federal Highway, Stuart with an official Stuart/Martin County Chamber ribbon
      cutting on October 24. Chamber members and staff joined in on the festivities, as they were   The staff and management of Serenity Stuart celebrated the new apartment complex with a
      educated on hair care products and services.                                ribbon cutting during the Stuart/Martin County Chamber’s October 22 Business B4 Breakfast.
                                                                                  As host and sponsor of the event, staff members invited guests to tour their variety of modern
                                                                                  apartments and amenities. Shown (from left) are Chamber Ambassador Jon Ryan, Ryan
                                                                                  Advisor Services; Alan Rose, Chamber Director/Trustee Jeff Gustafson, Karen Gustafson,
                                                                                  Alyssa Harper and Celeste White, Serenity Stuart; Chamber Chairman Dan Hulen, Fifth
                                                                                  Third Merchant Services/Worldpay; and Ambassador Dawn Maschas, Aflac.

                                                                                                                                   Lisa Teetor, VIP America,
                                                                                  (From left) John Stauffer, Brighter Days Electric; Rob  introduced her administrator
      Stuart/Martin County Chamber members were in for a treat as they sampled several delicious   Bauman, Blue Stream Fiber; and Butch Bayley, Sailfish  Susan Vargo at the Stuart/
      breakfast items offered by Alice’s Restaurant “A Caring Café” at the October 29 Business   Marina; enjoyed coffee and conversation at the Stuart/ Martin County Chamber’s
      B4 Breakfast sponsored by ARC of the Treasure Coast. Keith Muniz, CEO of ARC (center),     Martin County Chamber’s October 29 Business B4 Breakfast  October Business at Lunch
      explained how his organization acquired Alice’s Restaurant to train and employ individuals   sponsored by ARC of the Treasure Coast at Alice’s Restaurant  sponsored by Live Hearty at
      with intellectual and developmental disabilities under their guidance. Shown are ARC and   “A Caring Café.”                  Martin Downs Golf Club.
      Alice’s Restaurant associates.

                                                       Stuart/Martin County Chamber
                                                       members learned about the
                                                       importance of staying healthy
                                                       and fit from October Business
                                                       at Lunch sponsor Dr. Michele
                                                       Libman and her husband Rob
                                                       Gluckman, owners of Live
                                                       Hearty, at Martin Downs Golf
                                                       Club. Shown (from left) are
                                                       Chamber President/CEO Joe
                                                       Catrambone, Dr. Michele
                                                       Libman, Rob Gluckman and
                                                       Nicole Cannella, Live Hearty.  Stuart Corinthian Yacht Club Commodore Scott Smith cut the Stuart/Martin County Chamber
                                                                                  ribbon during the Grand Re-opening of their beautifully remodeled waterfront club on
                                                         Stuart Chamber           November 14. Both chamber and yacht club members enjoyed the refreshments and delicious
                                                         Happenings on page 13    hors d’oeuvres served during the ceremonial event.

                                                           • LARGEST SELECTION of in-stock hearing aids
                                                           • SALES, SERVICE, & REPAIRS on all major brands             Best Price
                                                           • Tinnitus & Earwax Management                              Guarantee
                                                           • Insurance Accepted & Financing Available
      Shawn Plymale, Treasure Coast
      Legal (right), and his mother
      Sherry Plymale entertained  Stuart/Martin  County                                                        FREE            Hearing Evaluation &
      and educated Stuart/Martin  Chamber Past Chairwoman                                                      FREE Consultation ($249 Value)
      County Chamber members at  Janice Norman (left) and
      the October Business at Lunch  Deb Duvall (right), Water                                                 PREMIUM           $  1  , 000      off
                                                                                                                                 $1,000 off
      at Martin Downs Golf Club  Pointe Realty Group,                                                          HEARING AIDS
      with a mock debate explaining  enjoyed visiting with Trustee
      the constitutional amendments  Lee England, Express                                                      FREE            Hearing Aid Cleaning
      on  the  ballot. Shown  with  Employment Professionals,   Elizabeth James, bc-his                                        & Checkup
      the Plymales was Chamber  at the October Business at   Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist
      Chairman Dan Hulen, Fifth  Lunch  sponsored  by  Live            772-291-0274 •
      Third Merchant Services/ Hearty at Martin Downs               5941 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart (Located in Publix Cove Shopping Center)
      Worldpay.                Golf Club
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