Page 19 - The Jewish Voice - December '24
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The Jewish Voice, Page 19

      Community Calendar from page 18                   contact Isabelle at Temple Emanu-El at 561-832-0804 or   Tuesday, Jan. 21 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                               Women’s League Pop-Up Program: Jewish Cookbook
      Minyan                                            Wednesday, Dec. 25 – 6 p.m.                        Book Club
      Mondays and  Thursdays at 8:45 a.m. followed by a   Chinese Dinner and A Movie (a Hanukkah tradition!)     A delightful time with friends, located off-site in North
      Complimentary Breakfast. All are welcome.            Join us for a Chinese dinner and a movie, with   Palm Beach. For more information, call 561-832-0804.
      Thursdays at 12 to 3 p.m.                         latkes  and  a  special  candle  lighting  on  this  first  night   Wednesday, Jan. 22 – 10 And 11:30 a.m.
      Women’s League Game Day                           of Hanukkah. Two movies will be available (one child-  Adult Education Series
         Open to all! Join us for a fun afternoon of mah-jongg and   appropriate.) For the movie titles, the menu and to RSVP      Interesting speakers and discussions surrounding topics
      canasta. Meet new friends or come with existing ones. For   (required), call 561- 832-0804.          of a Jewish theme, with snacks provided. Speakers and
      more information and to confirm dates, call 561-832-0804.  Tuesday, Jan. 7 – 1 p.m.                  topics are subject to change.
      Support Groups                                    Women’s League Program: Crypto-Jews –  An          10 a.m. – “Tales of My People – The Sephardim” (Part 3)
         For more information, please call the Temple Office at   Improbable Journey into our Jewish Heritage  facilitated by Cecilia Busbib Solomon
      561-832-0804.                                        Join us to hear dramatic testimony from men and   11:30 a.m. – To be Announced
      Caregivers Support Group via Zoom                 women who have recently discovered their Jewish    For more information, call 561- 832-0804.
      10 a.m. on 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month     identity. Snacks included. Come and be inspired! For more   Friday, Jan. 24 – 7:30 p.m.
      Bereavement Support Group via Zoom                information, call 561- 832-0804.                   Shabbat Dinner – Hungarian Style
      1 p.m. on 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month      Wednesday, Jan. 8 – 10 And 11:30 a.m.                 Following our 6:30 p.m. services, come enjoy another
      Sunday, Dec. 15 – 2 p.m.                          Adult Education Series                             delicious international meal with us! Feast on the flavors
      Hanukkah Party at  Temple Emanu-El’s Merkaz          Interesting speakers and discussions surrounding topics   of Hungary. For more information, the menu and price,
      Emanu-El Jewish Arts Center                       of a Jewish theme, with snacks provided. Speakers and   and to RSVP, call 561-832-0804.
         A special holiday celebration for children K through 2nd   topics are subject to change.          Sunday, Jan. 26 at 4:30 p.m.
      grade. For more info, location and to RSVP, contact Isabelle   10 a.m.. – “Tales of My People – The Sephardim” (Part   Holocaust Survivor Band with Saul Dreier
      at Temple Emanu-El at 561-832-0804 or  1) facilitated by Cecilia Busbib Solomon      Join us as 99-year-old Saul Dreier, a Holocaust survivor
      Wednesday, Dec. 18 – 10 And 11:30 a.m.            11:30 a.m. – To be Announced                       who founded the Holocaust Survivor Band, shares his
      Adult Education Series                            For more information, call 561- 832-0804.          music and story. Saul continues to be the voice for those
         Interesting speakers and discussions surrounding topics   Friday, Jan. 10 – 5:30 p.m.             who perished in HaShoah. A wine and cheese reception
      of a Jewish theme, with snacks provided.          Family Shabbat Sing-A-Long with Dr. Emily Aronoff  will follow. For more information, call 561-832-0804.
      10  a.m.  –  “What  is  Kaddish and Why  Do We  Say It”      Join us to make music, meaning and memories as we   Monday, January 27 at 12 p.m.
      facilitated by Andy Siegelstein                   celebrate Shabbat. Come with friends or make new ones!   Women’s League Book Club
      11:30 a.m.– “Chanukah and the Story Behind the Story”   For more info, contact Isabelle at Temple Emanu-El at      Enjoy a lively conversation with snacks provided as we
      facilitated by Col. Buzz Solomon                  561-832-0804 or                  discuss “Revenge” by Laura Blumenfeld. The author will join
      For more information, call 561- 832-0804.         Wednesday, Jan. 15 – 10 And 11:30 a.m.             the discussion. For more information, call 561-832-0804.
      Thursday, Dec. 19 – 5:45 p.m.                     Adult Education Series                             Wednesday, Jan. 30 at 9 a.m.
      Young Adults (20s/30s) Vodka and Latkes Mixology     Interesting speakers and discussions surrounding topics   Kind Kitchen (located in North Palm Beach)
         All young adults (over 21 years old) are invited to enjoy   of a Jewish theme, with snacks provided. Speakers and      Each  month  our  Social Action  Committee  brings
      this special pre-Hanukkah treat. Mingle and mix as you   topics are subject to change.               volunteers to the Kind Kitchen to help pack and prepare meals
      learn how to create delicious drinks! Indulge on latkes and   10 a.m. – “Tales of My People – The Sephardim” (Part 2)   for our neighbors going through challenging situations such
      other snacks as well. For more information and to RSVP,   facilitated by Cecilia Busbib Solomon      as illness, financial hardship, and more. To donate food or
      contact Isabelle at Temple Emanu-El at 561-832-0804 or   11:30 a.m. – To be Announced                volunteer to assist, please call 561-832-0804.                                For more information, call 561- 832-0804.          Friday, Jan. 31 And Saturday, Feb. 1
      Wednesday, Dec. 25 – 4 p.m.                       Sunday, Jan. 19 – 10 a.m.                          Open House Weekend
      Family Youth Initiative (FYI) Hanukkah Program &   Family Youth Initiative (FYI) Lego Class             Come discover all that Temple Emanu-El of Palm
      Dinner                                               Join us as our youth create their own Lego masterpieces.   Beach has to offer – spiritual, social and educational
         A free, fun and festive program with dinner to engage   Whether simple blocks or intricate shapes, this program   programs for every age and stage! A special children’s
      our families with young children. Enjoy a Hanukkah craft,   will let imaginations soar. For more info, contact Isabelle   program will be held on Feb. 1 led by Dr. Emily Aronoff.
      candle lighting and more. For information and to RSVP,   at Temple Emanu-El at 561-832-0804 or  For more information, call 561-832-0804


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