Page 17 - The Jewish Voice - December '24
P. 17

The Jewish Voice, Page 17

      Community Calendar from page 16                   Young Families’ Mesibas Shabbos                    This Shabbat will be led by Cantor Carol Garrett, bringing
                                                        Shabbos, Jan. 18                                   us a blend of traditional and modern music and amazing
      century. MORT KLEIN is the National President of the   Women’s Tehillim Group                        inspiration. We will honor all those celebrating birthdays
      Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel   Shabbos, Jan. 25 after Kiddush Luncheon  and anniversaries within the month of December during
      group in the U.S., founded in 1897. He is widely regarded as      The power of women’s prayer is legendary in our tradition,   this service.
      one of the leading Jewish activists in the U.S. and was named   particularly when they recite the Psalms of King David on
      one of the most important of the last century. Sponsored by   the last Shabbos of the Jewish Month.  Friday, Dec. 20 – Celebration of Shabbat with L’Dor Va-
      the Gross Family Center for the study of Antisemitism and   Ladies’ Champagne Brunch                 Dor at 5859 Heritage Parkway, Delray Beach at 7 p.m. This
      the Holocaust.                                    Sunday, Jan. 26                                    Shabbat will be led by Cantor Carol Garrett, bringing light
      Ladies’ Lunch And Learn—Ascent                    Women United for Israel                            and hope to all with her music and words.
      Thursday, Jan. 16 at 12 p.m.                         Join a fabulous group of women as we celebrate the Jewish
         The core of prayer in Judaism is the soul’s craving for a   Woman! Together, we salute and show gratitude to female   Friday, Dec. 27 – Celebrate Shabbat and the fourth
      deep and meaningful personal connection with G-d. Learn   voices who have shown strength and hope in support of the   night of Chanukah with L’Dor Va-Dor at 5859 Heritage
      how to meet this goal through prayer. RSVP Essential:   Jewish people, at this elegant annual affair.  Parkway, Delray Beach at 7 p.m. This Shabbat will be led by or 561.624.2223            RSVP Essential: or 561.624.2223  Cantor Carol Garrett. We invite all who would like to bring
      Members Guest Shabbos Dinner                                                                         their Chanukiah and candles (or electric menorahs) and light
      Friday, Jan. 17                                   Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor                          the Chanukah candles together as a community. Enjoy the
      Thanks-for-Giving Dinner                                                                             inspiring insight and music of Cantor Carol and sing-along
         Join us for an evening of gratitude, camaraderie, and   6100 Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach   some traditional Chanukah songs.
      meaningful conversation as we celebrate the invaluable support   561.968.0688,
      of our Shul’s Partners. RSVP Essential:  Friday, Dec. 13 – Celebration of Shabbat with L’Dor   Sunday, Dec. 29 – L’Dor Va-Dor’s annual Chanukah
      rsvp or 561.624.2223                              Va-Dor at 5859 Heritage Parkway, Delray Beach at 7 p.m.   Happening Party at the Palm Beach County Lantana Road
                                                                                                           Library, 4020 Lantana Road, Lake Worth at 1:15 p.m. to 4
                                                                                                           p.m. We will have music, sing-along, community candle-
                                                                                                           lighting, stories, trivia games, gift baskets, raffles, nosh, and
                                                                                                           more. All are welcomed. Please RSVP by calling or texting
                                                                                                           561-968-0688. There is no charge but donations will be
                                                                                                           Temple Beth David

                                                                                                           4657 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens
                                                                                                           Daily Minyan Services, Monday to Thursday ~ 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                           and Sunday ~ 9 a.m. via Zoom.
                                                                                                           Shabbat Services, Services are offered in-person and
                                                                                                           virtually. Please visit our website for more information.
                                                                                                           Friday, Dec. 13, 6:30 p.m., Shabbat Minyan via Zoom
                                                                                                           Saturday, Dec. 14, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services
                                                                                                           Sunday, Dec. 15, 9:30 a.m., Menorah Making. Please
                                                                                                           contact the temple office for more details.
                                                                                                           Tuesday, Dec. 17, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Canasta
                                                                                                           All levels welcome.
                                                                                                           Wednesday, Dec. 18, 10 a.m., Yoga L’Chaim
                                                                                                           Thursday, Dec. 19, 10 a.m., Sisterhood Book Club
                                                                                                           Friday, Dec. 20, 5:30 p.m., Shabbat Services And
                                                                                                           Hanukkah Dinner. Registration required
                                                                                                           Saturday, Dec. 21, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services
                                                                                                           Friday, Dec. 27, 6:30 p.m., Shabbat Minyan via Zoom
                                                                                                           Saturday, Dec. 28, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services
                                                                                                           Friday, Jan. 3, 6:30 p.m., Shabbat Minyan via Zoom
                                                                                                           Saturday, Jan. 4, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services
                                                                                                           Tuesday, Jan. 7, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Canasta
                                                                                                           All levels welcome.
                                                                                                           Friday, Jan. 10, 6:30 p.m., Shabbat Minyan via Zoom
                                                                                                           Saturday, Jan. 11, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services
                                                                                                           Tuesday, Jan. 14, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Canasta
                                                                                                           All levels welcome.
                                                                                                           Wednesday, Jan. 15, 10 a.m., Yoga L’Chaim, RSVP
                                                                                                           required, $22/class
                                                                                                           7 to 9 p.m. Mah-jongg, RSVP required, $5 per player
                        ADVANCED SURGERY.                                                                  Thursday, Jan. 16, 10 a.m., Sisterhood Book Club
                                                                                                           7 p.m., Yiddish Film Festival Night, RSVP required
                                                                                                           Friday, Jan. 17, 6:30 p.m., Shabbat Minyan via Zoom
                           FASTER RECOVERY.                                                                Saturday, Jan. 18, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services
                                                                                                           Thursday, Jan. 23, 7:15 p.m., Melton Adult Education
                                                                                                           with Rabbi Debra Eisenman via Zoom;
                       Complex surgery doesn’t always mean a lengthy recovery.                             Roots of Antisemitism
                     Our surgeons perform minimally invasive and robotic-assisted                          6 week course; registration and payment required
                                                                                                           Friday, Jan. 24, 6:30 p.m., Shabbat Minyan in-person or
                     surgery through incisions as small as one inch. For less pain.                        via Livestream
                             For faster recovery. For every care in the world.                             Saturday, Jan. 25, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services
                                                                                                           Tuesday, Jan. 28, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Canasta
                                                                                                           All levels welcome.
                        Turn to the experts at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital.                           Wednesday, Jan. 29, 7 to 9 p.m., Mah-jongg, RSVP
                                                                                                           required, $5 per player
                                                                                                           Thursday, Jan. 30, 7:15 p.m., Melton Adult Education
                                                                                                           with Rabbi Debra Eisenman via Zoom;
                                                                                                           Roots of Antisemitism
                                              877.463.2010                                                 6 week course; registration and payment required
                                                                                                           Friday, Jan. 31, 6:30 p.m., Shabbat Minyan via Zoom
                                                       Saturday, Feb. 1, 9:15 a.m., Shabbat Services

                                                                                                           Community Calendar on page 18
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