Page 6 - The Jewish Voice - November '24
P. 6

Page 6, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 4                      Holiday Book Packing Event                         Volunteer Meal Packing and Holiday Celebration
                                                        Sunday, December 8                                 Tuesday, December 24
      Collection for Victims of Domestic Violence       2 to 3:30 p.m.                                     Volunteer initiatives beginning at 9 a.m.
      Monday, December 2, through Wednesday, December 18  Temple Shaarei Shalom                            Celebration from 3 to 5 p.m.
      The One School at Temple Beth Am                  9085 Hagen Ranch Road, Boynton Beach               Kind Kitchen, 844 Prosperity Farms Road, North
      2250 Central Blvd., Jupiter                          Join Kohl JVC in partnership with the Brooke Jackman   Palm Beach
      Torah Tots Early Learning Center                  Foundation as we celebrate the Jewish value of nedivut      Volunteers of all ages are invited to start the day by
      8600 Jog Road, Boynton Beach                      – generosity. Volunteers of all ages can decorate holiday   helping to prep and pack holiday meals for those in need
         Honor the Jewish value of kehillah – fostering community   cards  and  help  fill  backpacks  with  age-appropriate,   and then join Kohl JVC with our partners at Kind Kitchen
      – by helping provide critical baby essentials to clients of   holiday-themed books and supplies for children in need at   to honor the Jewish value of v’shinantam l’vanecha –
      Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) in partnership   an elementary school in Boynton Beach. Let us together   and you shall teach your children – for a heartwarming
      with Federation’s Jewish Woman’s Foundation (JWF). Items   provide students with joy and learning during winter break.   Hanukkah celebration. For more information and to
      purchased from their Amazon Wish List, including diapers, baby   For more information and to register, visit  register, visit or call 561.242.6680.
      wipes, formula, and bedding, will be shipped to Federation for   volunteer or call 561.242.6680.
      delivery to AVDA. For more information, visit                                          Beach Cleanup
      volunteer or call 561.242.6680.                   Hanukkah Meal Packing Plus Latke Party             Friday, January 3, 2025
                                                        Ongoing from November 25 to January 3              9 to 11 a.m.
      GR8 Holiday Wrap                                  Times  vary by  day, please  call or  visit  website  for   Ocean Reef Park, 3860 N. Ocean Drive, Riviera Beach
      Tuesday, December 3                               schedule                                              Honor the Jewish value of shmirat hateva – protecting
      7 to 9 p.m.                                       Kind Kitchen, 844 Prosperity Farms Road, North Palm   nature – as volunteers of all ages are invited to help clean
      Wellington Community Center – Lakeview West Room,   Beach                                            the beach at Ocean Reef Park in Riviera Beach followed
      12150 Forest Hill Boulevard, Wellington              All ages are invited to bring their holiday spirit as we   by cleaning debris from nearby Flagler Drive in West Palm
         Celebrate the Jewish value of lomed m’kol adam – learn from   partner with Kind Kitchen this holiday season to honor the   Beach. Learn about the importance of litter reduction and
      everyone – as you wrap and decorate gifts with this new initiative   Jewish value of kibud zekaynim – honoring senior citizens   how we can all make a positive impact on the environment.
      that will benefit families who otherwise might not have presents   – by preparing and packing festive meals for those in need.   This event is in partnership with the Beach Bucket
      to open. In collaboration with Alpert Jewish Family Service PJ   Each volunteer event concludes with a latke party. For more   Foundation. For more information and to register, visit
      Library, all toys, essentials, and gift-wrapping supplies will be   information and to register, visit or or call 561.242.6680.
      provided. Volunteers are encouraged to donate new coloring   call 561.242.6680.
      books and crayons. For more information and to register, visit                                       Local Happenings on page 7 or call 561.242.6680.


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                  New York, NY 10036                           Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410                              Westport, CT 06880
         Phone: 917-470-9098, 917-470-9198                           Phone: 561-232-2082                        Phone: 917-470-9098, 917-470-9198
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