Page 4 - The Jewish Voice - November '24
P. 4

Page 4, The Jewish Voice

                                                     LocaL happenings

                                                                                                             Join Kohl Jewish Volunteer Center, in partnership with
      inSIGHT Through Education                          Community Invited to                                J-TEEN at Mandel JCC, as we honor the Jewish value of
      Provides Holocaust Studies to                      Celebrate Hanukkah through                        ha’achalat re’evim – feeding the hungry – by helping to
                                                                                                           ensure that local families have a hearty, healthy, and festive
      County Schools                                     Volunteer Opportunities                           Thanksgiving meal. Non-perishable items should be dropped
                                                         Honoring Jewish Values
                                                                                                           off at Mandel JCC locations in both Palm Beach Gardens and
         inSIGHT Through Education is a nonprofit, nonsectarian                                            Boynton Beach during normal business hours. Frozen turkeys
      organization with a mission to inspire and educate,      As the Festival of Lights approaches, Jewish Federation   and non-perishables can be dropped off at both Mandel JCC
      encouraging kindness, acceptance, and respect for all, using   of Palm Beach County’s Kohl Jewish Volunteer Center (Kohl   locations on Thursday, November 21, from 8:30 to 10:30
      lessons learned from the Holocaust and genocides worldwide,   JVC) invites the community to brighten the lives of others   a.m.; please register with your location of choice.
      to recognize and oppose antisemitism, hatred, and bigotry.   through a series of meaningful volunteer opportunities during      Requested items include frozen turkeys, canned cranberry
      inSIGHT is the backbone of Holocaust education in Palm   Hanukkah. The popular initiative, 8 Days, 8 Ways of Giving,   sauce, sweet potatoes, vegetables and soup, boxed stuffing,
      Beach County schools, which is mandated in Florida, along   marks its return with numerous opportunities for all ages to   bags of potatoes, packets of gravy mix, boxed rice or pasta,
      with the study and prevention of antisemitism. Last school   connect, celebrate, and honor the 8 days of Hanukkah with   whole oranges or apples, and ready-to-serve, non-perishable
      year, inSIGHT reached new audiences and doubled its   8 days of good deeds to support those in need throughout the   desserts.
      impact, reaching 40,000 students and hundreds of educators.   Palm Beaches and beyond.                  Donations support Place of Hope, The Soup Kitchen of
      inSIGHT knows that education is key to change and is      Each volunteer opportunity in the series honors a specific   Boynton Beach, Alpert Jewish Family Service, Quantum
      committed to opening the hearts and minds of young people,   Jewish value and includes everything from collecting food   House, and The Lord’s Place. For more information and to
      our future leaders.                                donations for local food pantries and homebound seniors to   register, visit or call 561.242.6680.
         inSIGHT provides age-appropriate resources, speakers,   preparing traditional Hanukkah meals for families in need, a
      and programs for students at every level, and funds   beach cleanup, supporting victims of domestic abuse, and more.  Thanksgiving Family Mitzvah Project
      professional development for teachers and administrators.      “We are honored to offer everyone in our community   Sunday, November 24
      Principals and assistant principals may attend the Principal’s   fun and meaningful ways to give back within the Palm   10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
      Field Study  in Washington, DC. With local Holocaust   Beaches and contribute this season while connecting with one   Temple Israel, 1901 N. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach
      survivors, they visit the United States Holocaust Memorial   another,” said Amy Gordon, director of Kohl JVC. “Together,      Bring the whole family to team up with Temple Israel,
      and Museum and the National Museum of African American   we can deepen our connections and make this Hanukkah a   Temple Beth El, Kohl JVC, and PJ Library to honor the
      History and Culture. Participants are profoundly impacted,   truly inspiring time of giving, reflection, and impact.”  Jewish value of gemilut hasadim – acts of loving kindness
      enhancing their support for Holocaust and antisemitism      For more information on any of the 8 Days 8 Ways   – as they team up for Birds and Baskets – a family mitzvah
      education.                                         opportunities, please visit, contact   project that will provide Thanksgiving meals to local families
                                               , or call 561.242.6680.  in need. Register online by Monday, November 18, then shop
                                                            The following events are open to the public and will take   from the list of requested traditional holiday meal staples
                                                         place through November and December:              and bring groceries to Temple Israel on Sunday, November
                                                                                                           24, between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to assemble and decorate
                                                         Thanksgiving Food Drive                           Thanksgiving meal baskets.
                                                         Non-perishable food donations:                       Requested items include canned cranberry sauce, sweet
                                                         Monday, November 4, through Thursday, November 21  potatoes, vegetables and soup, boxed stuffing, bags of
                                                         Frozen turkey donations along with non-perishable foods:  potatoes, packets of gravy mix, boxed rice or pasta, whole
                                                         Thursday, November 21, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.    oranges or apples, and ready-to-serve, non-perishable
                                                         (registration required)                           desserts. For more information and to register, visit jewishpb.
                                                         Drop off donations at either Mandel JCC:          org/volunteer or call 561.242.6680.
                                                         5221 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens
                                                         or 8500 Jog Road, Boynton Beach                   Local Happenings on page 6

       Traveling Cattle Car classroom

         At the Centropa Summer Academy, 70+ educators from
      15+ countries convene for a seven-day program. They use
      the city of Berlin as their classroom and collect stories to
      learn history and its implications today. Key to the CSA is
      the active participation of teachers, who share good practices
      and work on lesson plans and cross-border projects together.
         At the JFR Lerner Institute, a prestigious program aimed
      at advancing educators’ knowledge of Holocaust history and
      the legacy of Righteous Gentiles who saved Jews during
      the Holocaust, participants attend a rigorous program led
      by Holocaust scholars, becoming Alfred Lerner Fellows.
      These fellows are committed to sharing their knowledge
      with schools and communities, thus promoting Holocaust
      education and the values of courage and compassion. Palm
      Beach County has a cohort of 20+ Lerner Fellows who share
      this knowledge with their peers. This impact ripples through
      schools, fostering understanding and remembrance of the
         Since the tragedies of October 7 and the significant rise in
      antisemitism, organizations worldwide have acknowledged
      the need for education from an early age. inSIGHT has done
      this for 14 years. Looking ahead to inSIGHT’s 15th year, we
      remember the vision that unites us: to create a generation of
      future leaders who are kind, empathetic, informed, critical
      thinkers with the courage to stand up for themselves and the
      rights of others.

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