Page 14 - The Islander - October '24
P. 14

Page 14, The Islander

                                                                nonprofIt news

                              Impact The Palm Beaches Announces

        Start Of $100,000 Grant Process For Local Nonprofits

        Impact the Palm Beaches is seeking applications from
      local nonprofit organizations interested in receiving a
      $100,000 grant to create effective change in Palm Beach
      County. The 2024/25 grant process opens on September
      29 and initial proposals must be submitted by October 25.
        Eligible Central and Northern Palm Beach County
      nonprofits may apply for grant funding that supports their
      mission, programs, or services.
         “As we kick off our 10th year, Impact the Palm Beaches
      remains committed to partnering with local organizations
      to make a  meaningful and long-lasting impact on  the
      communities they serve,” shared Lisa Johnson, 2024/25
      copresident of Impact the Palm Beaches. Impact has set
      a goal of 500 members this year. “As our membership
      continues to grow, we are able to support an increasing
      number of organizations and initiatives, expanding our
      efforts to uplift communities.”
        For  eligibility  requirements  and  more  information,
      please visit
        Impact the Palm Beaches seeks to fund programs and   2024 Impact the Palm Beaches Impact Grant winners
      projects that reach underserved populations and address
      or  satisfy unmet needs,  solve  a  problem,  or  create  an     Impact grants will be awarded at an Annual Awards     Impact members contribute $1,100 annually, which
      opportunity for strategic change, can demonstrate specific   Celebration on April 30, 2025, at the Kravis Center.  includes a $100 administrative fee, and each member’s
      measurable outcomes, and are sustainable well into the     Since its establishment in 2015, Impact the Palm   $1,000 donation is pooled together to fund multiple
      future.                                           Beaches has granted almost $2 million to local nonprofit   $100,000 grants. The full amount of membership is tax-
        Nonprofits can submit applications that align with   organizations that are making transformational changes   deductible. Impact grants fund the following service
      any of the five Impact focus areas: Arts and Culture,   in our community.                            areas: Arts and Culture, Education, Environment and
      Education, Environment and Animal Welfare, Family,     *The  three  $100,000  Impact  Grants  winners  for   Animal Welfare, Health and Wellness, and Family.
      and Health and Wellness. Grant requests can include new   2024 were the American Association of Caregiving     Impact 100 is a worldwide organization with more than
      or expansion of existing programs and initiatives. Impact   Youth (Caregiving Youth Project), Healthy Mothers,   60 chapters and steadily growing. Their motto is “One
      also considers requests for capital projects.     Healthy Babies (Basics4Babies Emergency Pantry), and   Woman, One Meeting, One Vote.” It is designed for women
         “Impact has awarded grants that address a variety   The Lord’s Place (Project Divert: A Homeless Shelter   who want to find an efficient and collaborative means of
      of needs in our community, including mental health,   Diversion Pilot Initiative). Additionally, two $48,000   creating transformational change in their community.
      affordable housing, homelessness, food insecurity, job   Merit Grants were awarded to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary   Women can become as involved as they wish in the process.
      training, arts funding, hygiene, high school graduation,   (for the rehabilitation flight cages for large birds) and Take     The Town of Palm Beach United Way is the fiscal agent
      marine preservation, foster care, and so much more,”   Stock in Children Palm Beach County (for the program   of Impact the Palm Beaches.
      said Missy Agnello, Grant Committee Cochair. “We are   expansion in Central and Northern Palm Beach County).                        Photo by Capehart
      excited to continue working with our area nonprofits to     To learn more about the Impact the Palm Beaches grant
      ignite change in our community.”                  recipients, visit
               Habitat For Humanity Of Greater Palm Beach County

       Announces Veterans Build 2024, Presented By Vertical Bridge

        Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County   support,” said Ron Bizick, CEO of Vertical Bridge. “Giving
      (HFHGPBC) has announced its annual Veterans Build event,   back and making a difference in our communities is deeply
      presented by Vertical Bridge, will be held on November 1,   important to us. Seeing the stability this housing provides to
      with multiple job sites across Palm Beach County. This annual   those who have devoted themselves to defending our nation’s
      fundraiser and community build/repair effort supports veterans   freedom is especially fulfilling.”
      and active service members in our community.         Veterans Build 2024 cochairs are Clint Lowe, director of
        With nearly 76,000 veterans living in Palm Beach County,   Engineering Transformation and Footprint Strategy at Carrier
      Habitat is committed to honoring those who have served our   and U.S. Army Veteran; and Michael Maglio, vice president
      nation through initiatives like Veterans Build. This program   of Industrial Sales at NuStar Building Materials and U.S.
      ensures that veterans can achieve or maintain the American   Marine Veteran. Both chairs are honored to lead this year’s
      dream of homeownership, providing them with a safe and   event, dedicated to ensuring that veterans in our community
      affordable place to call home. The community can support   feel supported and connected as they transition from military
      Veterans Build in three impactful ways: by becoming a sponsor,   to civilian life. By helping provide a stable foundation of
      fundraising and building, or by donating to the American Dream   affordable homeownership, they are committed to giving
      Fund – a dedicated fund for Veterans Build 2024. Immediately   veterans a sense of security and belonging.
      after the build, participants will gather for the American Dream     Anyone wishing to learn more and get involved is invited to
      Barbecue, a reception at the Boynton Beach Arts & Cultural   attend the kick-off party on Thursday, October 10, from 6 to 8
      Center where guests will celebrate the impact of Veterans Build   p.m., hosted by the Maglio family at a private residence in Jupiter
      and honor the veterans and active service members in attendance.  Farms. Guests will enjoy an award-winning pig roast, tableside
        This year’s event is once again presented by Vertical   paella, red, white, and brews, live music by the Steel Pony Band,   Cochairs of Veterans Build 2024: Michael Maglio and Clint
      Bridge, a dedicated annual partner and champion for veterans   and a silent auction while learning how they can support Veterans   Lowe. Photo by MasterWing Creative Agency
      in Palm Beach County. “Vertical Bridge is proud to sponsor   Build 2024. R.S.V.P. is required, visit
      the Veterans Build with Habitat for Humanity of Greater   campaigns/33470-veterans-build-kick-off-party.    Committee members include Cochairs Clint Lowe and
      Palm Beach County, marking our seventh consecutive year of     Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County welcomes   Michael Maglio; Honorary Cochairs Anne Desormier-
                                                         corporate partners, volunteers, and service members to help build   Cartwright and Ryan Paton; Committee reserves: Julia
                                                         and improve homes for veterans in our community. Committed   Dattolo and Charles (Chuck) Millar; Committee members:
                                                         sponsors include Vertical Bridge (Presenting Sponsor); Carrier   Brandon Albers, Nicholas Cannon, Carey Clarke, Andrew
                                                         (Challenge Coin Sponsor); MISSION UNITED (Grant Funder);   Filauro, Amy Kemp, Donna Kerner, Debbie Meyers, Anthony
       Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing       Hubbard Radio/WFTL 50 (Exclusive Radio Sponsor); Art Roffey   Nastase, Jonathan Oakley, Anta Plowden, Jon Raybuck, Art
       Palm Beach County and is a privately              & Gail Danto, and BallenIsles Country Club and Seacoast Bank   Roffey, Ivan Rosa, and Melissa Royal.
       owned and managed company.                        (Community Builder Sponsors); Clear Touch, Document Storage     To learn more about Veterans Build 2024 sponsorship and/
       Captain’s is committed to providing               Systems, Inc; Grimes Events and Party Tents; Gunster; Humana;   or volunteer opportunities, visit
       dependable, reliable and professional             FPL; Pratt & Whitney; and Grimes; Mariza Brussolo, Boynton   veterans-build/.
       ground transportation to and from all
       South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212    Beach Arts and Cultural Center; and Restore Construction     To discover more, visit and
           To reserve your vehicle:                      Group, Inc (Hope Builder Sponsors); Magen Protective Services   follow us online at @HabitatGPBC.
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890  (Security Sponsor); and Starbucks (Coffee Sponsor); and Baptist     For any inquiries, contact Kristen Bardin, director of
                                                         Health (Hospitality Tent).                        Advancement, at
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