Page 10 - The Islander - October '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Islander

                                                            In Your CommunItY

                                             Live Like Jake Announces

                  Sell-Out Of Seventh Annual Be The Light Gala

             Fundraiser On October 4 At Pelican Club, Jupiter

        Live Like Jake, the                              more perfect, and we are so grateful to the Live Like Jake   Lee Petereit; The Gilbert Family; The Barone Family; The
      local foundation created                           community for the opportunity. Based on the response, I   Broadhead Family; and The McCarty Family.
      in the memory of Jake                              know we are not alone in our enthusiasm, which bodes well     For information about future events, scholarships, or the
      Ro ar ke  M o r r i son                            for support of our mission to end childhood drowning,” says   foundation, please visit or call (561)
      announces that tickets to                          Morrison. “We have fun surprises in store, and I can’t wait   441-7611.
      its upcoming “Buoys &                              to welcome everyone on October 4 at the Pelican Club.”   About The Live Like Jake Foundation
      Bourbon”-themed gala                                 All monies raised from the fun-filled event go to support     Committed to honoring the life and joy of Jake Roarke
      are sold out.                                      Live Like Jake’s mission of raising awareness for drowning   Morrison, the foundation’s mission is to raise awareness for
        The Seventh Annual                               prevention through self-rescue swim scholarships, outreach   drowning prevention. Following the 2013 tragic drowning
      Be the Light gala                                  programs and financial assistance to families who have lost   of their 2-year-old son, Keri Morrison and her husband
      fundraiser  took  place                            a child or have a child with critical care needs.   Roarke created the Live Like Jake Foundation to raise
      October 4 at the elegant, waterfront Pelican Club, Jupiter.     Sponsors for the night include: The Atkins Family, Life   awareness for childhood drowning prevention. Partnering
      Along with special libations celebrating this year’s theme,   Saver Pool Fence, Infant Swimming Resource (ISR), The   with other drowning prevention agencies and instructors,
      the evening includes a live and silent auction, open bar, hors   Weinberger Family, Counter Forced Labor Technologies,   supporting other families who have experienced the same
      d’oeuvres, a sumptuous dinner and dessert, dancing, awards   Hobgood Estate Services, Ritter & Ramsey General and   loss; providing an indoor, heated pool dedicated to infant
      ceremony, and a live musical performance by country music   Cosmetic Dentistry, Window Doctor, Trelles Injury Law,   swimming resource (ISR) instruction, and connecting with
      artist, Ricky Young.                               16 Handles, The Forgatch Group – Compass, Atlantis Car   their community, the foundation has been able to provide
        “We are absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of   Wash, Allyson Sullivan & Lang Realty, Nanny, Pandora,   thousands of self-rescue swim scholarships and critical care
      support and excitement for this year’s gala,” says Live Like   Illustrated Properties and Love, Tito’s.  funds around the nation.
      Jake Founder, Keri Morrison. “Having our Be the Light Gala     Table Sponsors: A&S Electric; Premier Pediatrics; Dr.     Visit and and
      underneath the actual beams of the lighthouse could not be   Michael Connor, MD; Guardian Angel Inspections, Inc.;   @livelikejake3939 on Instagram.

                                                                   Book revIew

                            American Sanctuary: Mutiny, Martyrdom,

                    And National Identity In The Age Of Revolution

                                                                         By Nils A. Shapiro

        I  cannot  recall  ever                          come across it by accident
      enjoying a scholarly work                          on a table stacked with
      of early American history so                       books while shopping
      interestingly and vividly told,                    in a market. Its author,
      so extraordinarily researched                      A. Roger Ekirch, is a
      and impressively detailed,                         professor of history at
      exciting as any novel, and                         Virginia Tech, has written
      as timely in subject as next                       four earlier books,
      month’s presidential election!                     received a Guggenheim
        The date was September                           Fellowship and is widely
      21, 1797. The event was a                          recognized as one of our
      vicious mutiny by the crew of                      finest historians.
      a British naval vessel, HMS Hermione, in the Caribbean off the     The details that enrich
      coast of Puerto Rico. Little remembered today, its aftershock   this narrative, garnered
      was to lead directly to the election of Thomas Jefferson over   from the author ’s                     Eventually, after the mutiny Robbins made his way to the
      the incumbent John Adams as president of the United States   extraordinary research,                 U.S. and was tracked down by the British government, which
      … and the resulting lasting image of America as a sanctuary of   add enormously to the overall experience, as do the many   demanded that President John Adams turn over the “mutineer
      freedom for those fleeing from persecution in other lands—an   contemporary portraits and illustrations from that period.  and murderer” to Britain for punishment. It was awkward timing,
      issue that dominates today’s political campaigns just as it did     Revolutionary and early American history being one of my   for Adams was then in the process of ratifying an economic trade
      the one in 1800.                                   preferred reading tastes I was surprised never to have heard of   treaty with Britain that had just been negotiated.
        I must admit that, although it was published in 2017, I   the very significant event that is the pivotal subject of this book:     Adams had to weigh the success of the treaty against the
      had never heard of American Sanctuary and was fortunate to   the mutiny aboard HMS Hermione. Nor, shockingly, was it ever   American public’s anger about the British policy and actions
                                                         mentioned in any class, even through college.     of impressment on the high seas and the idea of turning over to
                                                           At the time the mutiny took place—after the United States   Britain a claimed American citizen who “had the right to regain
                                                         had already won the Revolutionary War several years earlier   his freedom after having been the victim of such impressment”
                                                         and declared itself an independent nation—one of the most   and return home.
                                                         objectionable policies of the British crown and its navy was the     Adams’s decision to turn Robbins over to Britain—where he
                                                         practice of “impressment”: the stopping and boarding of other   was executed by hanging without a trial—Adams’s Federalist
                                                         nations’ vessels, capturing members of their crews and forcing   Party’s defense of his decision, and the consequences of
                                                         them to sail and work as seamen on British ships, most likely   Jefferson’s Republican Party’s national electoral campaign
                                                                                                           focused on driving the public’s anger, form the major part of
                                                         never to see their families again.
                     Your ad                               Such was the case of many on the Hermione’s crew as   this compelling story.
                                                                                                             Eventually—and critical in light of today’s political climate
                                                         it sailed near the island of Puerto Rico on that September
             could be here!                              day in 1797. Adding to what was already a tinder box of a   and immigration crisis—the American people eventually
                                                                                                           decided that, whether or not Jonathan Robbins (or Thomas
                                                         situation was the fact that this ship’s captain, Admiral Hugh
                                                                                                           Nash, if that was his real name) was in fact an American
                                                         Pigot, was a disciplinarian so stern that whipping and other
                          Call                           punishments for minor crew offenses became unbearable   citizen, anyone fleeing from oppression should be able to find
                                                         and sparked the bloody insurrection that ended in the death
                                                                                                           sanctuary in the United States and not have to fear being turned
                                                         of the captain and other officers.                away. It is to this day at the heart of our nation’s self-image,
           561-746-3244                                    One of the main leaders of the mutiny was a man whose   symbolized by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor and
                                                                                                           the inscription on her base addressed to “the huddled masses
                                                         name throughout this book varies between Thomas Nash
                                                         (if he was actually Irish) and Jonathan Robbins, depending
                                                         upon whether his claim to have been an American from   yearning to be free.”
                                                                                                             This is the story of how and when that all started. I loved
                                                         Connecticut was true or not.                      every word of it.
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