Page 8 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - October '24
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Page 8, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      TGH Urology Group

      One Of Few In Region Offering Novel Prostate Treatment

        For the first time in 10 years, Jim Grogan slept through the     If  left  untreated,  BPH           Encouraged to research alternative treatments, Grogan
      night. For this relief, he is grateful to Dr. Emanuel Gottenger, a   can cause significant           discovered aquablation and learned that Dr. Gottenger is one
      urologist with Tampa General Hospital (TGH) Urology Group   health problems, including               of the few urologists in South Florida offering the procedure.
      of Florida. Dr. Gottenger used a newer urologic procedure called   irreversible bladder or           Aquablation uses real-time ultrasound imaging, a robotic arm
      aquablation to treat Grogan’s benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)   kidney damage, bladder            for precision and the Aquabeam (water jet) to precisely remove
      or enlarged prostate.                              stones, and incontinence.                         prostate tissue. Following meetings and consultations with Dr.
        The 66-year-old Boca Raton resident was diagnosed with   In addition, BPH can have                 Gottenger, Grogan decided to move forward with the procedure.
      BPH more than 10 years ago. Over that period, Grogan became   negative effects on men’s                Although minimally invasive, aquablation surgery does
      more and more sleep deprived, struggling through his workdays.  everyday lives, impacting            require an overnight hospital stay, and patients go home with a
        “I was up every two hours to use the bathroom,” he said.   quality of sleep, limiting              catheter to aid urination while their urethra heals.
      “I could barely function during the day.” Grogan manages   social activities and causing               Grogan is thrilled with the results. “I went to bed at 10:30
      multimillion-dollar real estate transactions for a title insurance   relationship challenges.        p.m. and woke up at 6 a.m. It was the first time I slept through
      company. “I need to be sharp and on my game.” When he’d book     Gr o g a n ’s r e g u l a r  James Grogan, Tampa General   the night in 10 years!”
      flights to visit family in Boston, he’d select a seat closest to the   urologist could offer only  patient    TGH Urology Group of Florida recently joined Tampa
      restroom. Driving long distances was challenging because he’d   transurethral resection of           General as part of the academic health system’s initiative to serve
      need frequent stops to relieve himself.            the prostate (TURP) as a possible option for relief.   more patients across the state. Since 2020, Tampa General has
        According to the Yale School of Medicine, about 50 percent   Although  TURP  is  considered  the  gold  standard  for   been creating a framework of state-of-the-art services for patients
      of men between the ages of 51 and 60 have BPH. The number   treating enlarged prostates, it can come with severe   in Palm Beach and Martin counties.
      jumps to 70 percent among men aged 60 to 69 and to around 80   side effects, including erectile dysfunction, retrograde     For more information about TGH Urology Group of Florida,
      percent of men over the age of 70.                 ejaculation and painful urination.                please call (561) 739-4TGH (4844).
      Commissioner’s Update

      Advocacy And Civic                                 ranges from voting and participating in town halls to volunteering   a hallmark of our success as a county, much of which is a
                                                         and joining community boards. Civic engagement emphasizes
                                                                                                           direct result of various partnerships between the county and
      Engagement In Government                           collective action to address societal issues and fosters a shared   FDEP. However, the plan amendment was directly detrimental
                                                         responsibility between citizens and their government.  to environmentally sensitive lands and water quality to the
      By Vice Mayor Maria G.                               A recent example of effective advocacy and civic engagement   Loxahatchee River. Along with my colleagues, I penned a
      Marino                                             occurred in Palm Beach County when the Florida Department   letter to the secretary of the FDEP, expressing our opposition
        Advocacy and civic                               of Environmental Protection (FDEP) unveiled its 2024/25 Great   to the proposal and requesting its withdrawal.
      engagement are fundamental                         Outdoors Initiative. This initiative is aimed to increase public     Advocacy empowers individuals to take action on issues
      to a healthy democracy. These                      access, recreation and lodging at Florida state parks. However,   they care about, fostering a sense of ownership over the
      practices allow citizens to                        the proposal to amend the Unit Management Plan of Jonathan   direction of government policy. As an elected official, I often
      influence government policies,                     Dickinson State Park (JDSP) to develop environmentally   have the opportunity to hear from constituents daily through
      hold officials accountable,                        sensitive lands into a golf course sparked wide concern.  letter writing, phone calls, public comment on agenda items,
      and actively shape  the                              Local residents, outraged by the potential environmental   and additionally once a month during Matters by the Public.
      decisions that impact their                        damage, quickly mobilized. They reached out to elected officials   When individuals realize that their voices can have an impact,
      communities. When citizens                         at the local, state, and federal levels, voiced their concerns, and   they become more involved in the political process. Advocacy
      and organizations engage,                          organized protests. In a matter of days, thousands of residents   and civic engagement are crucial to the health of a democracy.
      they can drive government responsiveness, transparency, and   had signed petitions and coordinated protests. As a result, the     As demonstrated in Palm Beach County, when citizens
      effectiveness.                                     outcry attracted attention from officials across the state, including   come together to advocate for change, they can profoundly
        Advocacy refers to the efforts of individuals, groups, or   Florida Cabinet members, U.S. Congress representatives, and   impact their government and community for the better.
      organizations to influence public policy and government   state senators. These leaders called for increased transparency   Thank you for staying engaged and making your voices
      decisions. These efforts can take various forms, such as lobbying,   and urged FDEP to withdraw the proposal.   heard. If you’re interested in learning more about the Palm
      public campaigns, and grassroots mobilization. It often involves     As Vice Mayor of Palm Beach County and a member of   Beach County boards and committees that citizens may
      educating decision-makers and the public on specific issues,   the Loxahatchee River Management Coordinating Council,   participate in, please visit
      persuading them to adopt certain policies or actions.  I was acutely aware of the proposed plan’s potential impact   ABC/Pub_ABCReports.aspx. As always, please contact me
        Civic engagement is a broader concept that encompasses any   on the Loxahatchee River, a designated National Wild and   if I can be of assistance at (561) 355-2201 or by email at
      activity that allows citizens to be involved in public life. This   Scenic River. Protection of water quality and lands has been
      Statewide Leaders To Convene With Dr. Nadine

      Burke Harris To Support The Well-Being Of Babies

      Pioneer of ACEs/former Attorney General of California   system leaders in an interactive conversation that explores   Where
      to lead discussion to better shape the future of Florida’s   the profound impact of early adversity and trauma on   The Breakers Palm Beach (by special invitation only)
      youngest generation.                               childhood development. The event is taking place during   1 South County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480
      What                                               Celebrate Babies Week—a week dedicated to celebrating     Online registration is $25 and open to the public: https://
        Center for Child Counseling in partnership with   infants, toddlers, young children, their families, and early
      Florida Association of Infant Mental Health are hosting   childhood professionals across the globe.   0d0f-43f2-a9cf-cd1c2baa7d71
      “Celebrate Babies with Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.” on     Kathy Leone will host 175 by-special-invitation-only   About Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.
      Tuesday, October 22, to help better shape the future of   attendees at The Breakers. Registration to attend virtually     Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., MH, FAAP, is an internationally
      Florida’s youngest generation. With Kathy Leone as the   is $25 and open to the public. For more information, visit   renowned pediatrician, public health advocate, and author—
      honorary chair and WPTV Channel 5’s Ashley Glass as the   best known for her pioneering work in the field of ACEs and
      emcee, the hybrid event will take place at The Breakers   Why                                        toxic stress.
      by special invitation only and online for the public from     Science clearly confirms what our experience already     Dr. Burke Harris is the founder and former CEO of the
      12:30 to 2:30 p.m.                                 knows—what happens early in life impacts everything. For   Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco, an organization
        Dr.  Burke  Harris  is  the  former  attorney  general  of   better or worse, we carry our early events with us for the rest   dedicated to improving the health of children exposed to ACEs.
      California and an internationally renowned pediatrician,   of our lives, and into our future families and communities.  Dr. Burke Harris served as California’s first Surgeon General,
      public health advocate, and author. She is best known     Society is grappling with big, complex issues: a youth   where she focused on addressing the root causes of health
      for her pioneering work in the field of adverse childhood   mental health crisis, crime and overflowing jails, uncontrollable   disparities and promoting early interventions for childhood
      experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. Joining the event   addiction, and generational cycles of abuse and trauma left   trauma. Her influential book, The Deepest Well: Healing
      virtually, Dr. Burke Harris will lead statewide business and   on repeat. These dilemmas are often the result of unbuffered,   the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity has brought
                                                         untreated trauma experienced early in life.       widespread attention to the impact of early adversity on long-
                                                           But there are solutions we’ve been building for more than   term health and well-being.
                                                         20 years, so we have reason to celebrate! Our babies can be   Celebrate Babies’ Donors And Corporate Partners
                                                         better from birth—for the rest of their lives.      Donors and corporate sponsors who are making this
        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing        Dr. Burke Harris is the woman who thrust the subject   important conversation possible include: Children’s Services
        Palm Beach County and is a privately             of adverse childhood experiences into our national   Council of Palm Beach County, The Children’s Movement
        owned and managed company.                       consciousness and dialogue. Our understanding of ACEs   of Florida, The Breakers Palm Beach, Stephens & Stevens
        Captain’s is committed to providing              today is due to her insights and work in revealing how early   Marital & Family Law, Valley Bank, Sunshine Health, and
        dependable, reliable and professional            adverse events affect lifelong health and well-being—for   Jane Robinson.
        ground transportation to and from all
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212   individuals, families, and communities.             CFCC’s Fighting ACEs initiative to build trauma-informed
           To reserve your vehicle:                      When                                              communities is made possible with the generous support of
        561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890  Tuesday, October 22, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. (in-person registration   Quantum Foundation, Community Foundation for Palm Beach
                                                         begins at 12 p.m.)                                and Martin Counties, and private donors.
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