Page 7 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - October '24
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 7
Understanding Chest Pain: A Cardiologist’s Perspective
Angina or chest pain can occur due to cardiac and Non-cardiac causes hesitate to seek medical care and if it’s severe call 911,”
noncardiac causes. Often, chest pain is a symptom that of chest pain can include says Dr. Waldo.
causes individuals to seek medical attention, and rightfully gastrointestinal issues Cardiologists use various diagnostic tools to evaluate
so. Dr. Oral Waldo, a cardiologist with Cardiovascular due to conditions such as chest pain, including electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG).
Care – Palm Beach Health Network Physician Group acid reflux, gastritis, or This test records the heart’s electrical activity and can help
and on-staff at Good Samaritan Medical Center and Palm peptic ulcers that cause identify abnormalities indicative of heart problems. Blood
Beach Gardens Medical Center, aims to shed light on the chest pain. The pain may tests can include enzymes released into the blood during
various aspects of chest pain. Dr. Waldo emphasizes the be burning or sharp and a heart attack, such as troponin, can be detected through
importance of prompt evaluation and the importance of might be exacerbated by blood tests. Imaging studies or tests like echocardiograms,
identifying potential underlying cardiac issues. While certain foods or lying stress tests, and coronary angiography can provide
chest pain can be caused by a variety of factors, it is down. Musculoskeletal detailed images of the heart and blood vessels, aiding in
crucial to recognize when it might be indicative of a problems can also cause the diagnosis of cardiac conditions.
cardiovascular problem. chest pain due to strained Preventing cardiac chest pain involves adopting a
“Chest pain is one of the most common reasons for muscles or inflammation Dr. Oral Waldo heart-healthy lifestyle. Engage in regular exercise, eat
which adults seek the care of a cardiologist. Chest pain in the chest wall that can a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean
can present from a cardiac or noncardiac origin,” says Dr. lead to chest pain. Repetitive motion injuries, muscle proteins to support heart health and help control risk
Oral Waldo. strains, or conditions like costochondritis can also mimic factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Cardiac causes of chest pain include angina or chest cardiac chest pain. Additional causes of chest pain Quitting smoking is also one of the most significant steps
pain resulting in discomfort that occurs when the heart can be respiratory conditions, pneumonia, pleurisy, or one can take to improve heart health.
muscle doesn’t receive enough oxygen-rich blood. It inflammation of the lining around the lungs. Individuals To learn more about cardiology care and Dr. Oral
is often described as a pressure, squeezing, or burning with asthma may also experience chest tightness and Waldo, cardiologist, visit – For
sensation in the chest and can be triggered by physical discomfort. more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr.
exertion or stress. Another cardiac cause of chest pain can Any chest pain should prompt a visit to a healthcare Waldo call his office at (561) 407-0611.
be a myocardial infarction also known as a heart attack. professional, especially if the pain is severe, persistent,
A heart attack occurs when there is a sudden blockage of or associated with other concerning symptoms. Quick and
blood flow to a part of the heart muscle. Chest pain during accurate diagnosis is crucial in determining the underlying
a heart attack is typically more severe and prolonged than cause and initiating appropriate treatment.
angina and may be accompanied by shortness of breath, “Chest pain is a symptom that demands attention and a
sweating, nausea, and lightheadedness. thorough evaluation. If you experience chest pain, don’t
2024 Stuart Air Show from page 1 shared her excitement: “As someone who’s grown
up in this area for over 30 years, seeing the Stuart
For families with kids, the all-new STEM scavenger Air Show grow has been incredible. This year feels
hunt will offer an engaging educational adventure especially meaningful with the A-10 Final Demo
throughout the event. This hands-on hunt encourages Performance—it’s truly a historical moment. Being
children to discover how science, technology, part of the community and witnessing such an iconic
engineering, and math (STEM) intersect with aviation. event makes me proud of how far the show has come.
It’s a great way to spark curiosity in young minds and It’s like watching history unfold right here at home,
ensure the entire family is entertained and inspired. and I couldn’t be more excited!”
A highlight of Friday night’s twilight airshow is the Tickets are selling fast, so don’t miss your chance
spectacular drone show, a high-tech visual experience that to be part of this incredible event. Visit StuartAirShow.
will light up the sky with dazzling formations. Combined com to purchase tickets and find out more about the
with the fireworks display, this futuristic show promises to exciting performances and family-friendly activities.
be a mesmerizing blend of technology and art. Join us for a weekend full of aerial thrills, hands-
Of course, aviation enthusiasts won’t want to miss on fun, and delicious food, as we celebrate the future
the final performance of the A-10 Thunderbolt II of flight and aviation’s storied past at the 2024 Stuart
Demo Team. Known for its powerful presence and Air Show.
incredible low-level maneuvers, the iconic “Warthog” The Stuart Air Show is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
will make its last appearance at the Stuart Air Show organization that supports local charities and celebrates
before the team’s retirement. This historic moment will aviation’s history. Proceeds from the event benefit
be one of the weekend’s most anticipated events. community organizations.
Reflecting on the show’s growth, Chrissy Valvano,
Director of Operations for the Stuart Air Show,
Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
Susan Has Moved To A Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
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