Page 22 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - October '24
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Page 22, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

      Surpasses 100th Orthopedic Case Using Advanced

      ROSA  Robotics Knee System

        Palm Beach Gardens                                                                                   For more information about knee replacement surgery at
      Medical Center surpassed                                                                             The Center for Joint & Spine Care at Palm Beach Gardens
      its 100th orthopedic                                                                                 Medical  Center,  contact  our  Director  of  Orthopedic
      case using the advanced                                                                              Service Line at 1-(855) 769-2969 or visit https://www.
      ROSA Robotics  Knee                                                                        
      System earlier this month.                                                                           orthopedic-patient-navigator.
      The milestone minimally                                                                              About Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center
      invasive procedure was                                                                                 Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center (PBGMC), part
      performed by board-                                                                                  of the Palm Beach Health Network, the largest health care
      certified orthopedic surgeon                                                                         network in Palm Beach County, is a 199-bed acute care
      Harvey E. Montijo, Jr.,                                                                              hospital. It has served the Palm Beach County and Treasure
      M.D.  Dr.  Montijo,  Jr.                                                                             Coast communities for over 50 years. The hospital was the
      also performed the first                                                                             first in Palm Beach County to perform open-heart surgery
      procedure at the hospital                                                                            and has remained on the forefront as one of the area’s leaders
      using the ROSA  Robotics                                                                             in cardiac care. PBGMC also offers award-winning stroke
      Knee System less than one                                                                            care, neurosurgery, urology, orthopedics, robot assisted and
      year ago.                                                                                            minimally invasive surgical techniques, bloodless medicine
        The ROSA  Robotics                                                                                 and a 24-hour emergency room. For more information, visit
      Knee System, manufactured                                                                  
      by Zimmer Biomet, is a
      medical device designed to enhance the precision and   pleased that we have been able to offer our patients a   1
      efficiency for knee replacement. It combines advanced   minimally invasive option for knee replacement surgery.”  newsroom/2023/10/04/palm-beach-gardens-medical-center-
      robotics and artificial intelligence to assist surgeons in     The Center for Joint & Spine Care at Palm Beach   expands-robotic-surgical-capabilities-with-acquisition-of-
      planning the surgery and accurately placing the artificial   Gardens Medical Center uses advanced technology and   rosa-robot
      joint during the procedure.  With its capabilities, the   equipment to conduct minimally invasive procedures   2
      ROSA  Robotics Knee System has the ability to improve   for shorter hospital stays and faster recovery times.    newsroom/2023/10/04/palm-beach-gardens-medical-center-
      patient outcomes, reduce recovery times, and minimize the   In  addition  to  the  ROSA   Robotics  Knee  System,  the   expands-robotic-surgical-capabilities-with-acquisition-of-
      risk of complications. It also does not require CT scans   hospital’s robotic surgical fleet also includes a CORI ,   rosa-robot
      potentially saving money for the patient and radiation   two Mako SmartRobotics   and  a  NAVIO  Surgical   3
      exposure.                                         System.                                            orthopedic-care/orthopedic-robotic-surgery
        “We are  excited  and  proud to have achieved  this     Robotic-assisted procedures may provide better   4
      important milestone as part of our ongoing efforts to   accuracy and usually make smaller incisions that may help   newsroom/2023/10/04/palm-beach-gardens-medical-center-
      provide our patients with the latest advancements in   lessen potential risks and speed up healing for patients.   expands-robotic-surgical-capabilities-with-acquisition-of-
      medical technology,” said Erik Cazares, the hospital’s   This advanced technology may also promote greater   rosa-robot
      CEO. “Expanding our surgical technology capabilities last   safety for patients as it can help reduce the use of and   5
      year with the addition of this innovative robotic system   exposure to radiation and fluoroscopy.    orthopedic-care/orthopedic-robotic-surgery
      demonstrated our unwavering commitment to investing
      in the health and well-being of our community. We are
      What Is The Difference Between ADD And ADHD?

      Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                                provide in our office targets the specific areas of concern   behavioral functioning. Our testing will provide you with
      Licensed School                                   related to ADHD and allows us to diagnose and provide   the answers to know if your child really has ADHD or if
      Psychologist                                      specific recommendations to support your child at home   they are struggling in some other area that is contributing
        You may have wondered                           and  at  school.  Our evaluations are comprehensive and   to their ADHD-like symptoms. You will leave this process
      things like “What is ADD?                         offer a “whole child” approach so we will be able to assess   with targeted and specific recommendations tailored to your
      Is it different from ADHD?”                       their cognitive processing, like attention, memory, and   child’s strengths and weaknesses.
      or “How do I know if my                           processing speed, as well as their social-emotional and     Call (561) 625-4125 to discuss about your child.
      child has ADD or ADHD?”
      ADD was an older term for
      attention deficit disorder,
      which is the classification for                           CAMPBELL AND KARLIK, P.A.
      symptoms like inattention,
      distractibility, forgetfulness, and making careless mistakes.                  ATTORNEYS AT LAW
      While  people  still  use  the  term ADD  to  classify  these
      symptoms, it is no longer the technical term used in the
      medical and psychology community to diagnose these types
      of symptoms. In the late 1980’s the medical community                    Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning • Probate
      shifted to the term ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity
      disorder. In the early 1990s ADHD was classified into three                Taxation • Real Estate • Corporations
      different types, or presentations, that we use today. The three
      types are: inattentive presentation, hyperactive presentation,
      and combined presentation.
        So, if you’re seeing inattentive symptoms in your child
      and  they  were  to  be  diagnosed,  the  official  diagnosis
      would be ADHD, predominately inattentive presentation.
      Likewise, if your child struggled with hyperactivity and
      impulsivity the diagnosis would be ADHD, predominately
      hyperactive presentation and if your child had both
      symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity,
      they  would  be  diagnosed  with  ADHD,  combined
      presentation. What  this shift in terminology did was
      combine both  inattentive and hyperactive  impulsive
      symptoms  into  one  disorder  with  specific  presentation
      types so everything could be categorized the same way.
      How Do I Know If My Child Has ADHD?
        Children  can  be  evaluated  for ADHD  with  several
      instruments that assess their functioning in different areas                        Diane L. KarLiK
      and look at the severity of their symptoms. The testing we

                                                                                                                         Tel: (561) 625-5220
                                                           3450 Northlake Boulevard Suite 210                Fax: (561) 625-5201• Mobile: (561) 797-5004
                                                           Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403                                EMail:
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