Page 19 - The Jewish Voice - October '24
P. 19

The Jewish Voice, Page 19

      Lifestyles from page 18                           America, (July 20, 2016), http://     According to the Yale School of Medicine, about 50
                                                 percent of men between the ages of 51 and 60 have BPH.
         For example, Carey and Blake each have a child from   common-family-types-america.                The number jumps to 70 percent among men aged 60 to
      a prior relationship (Carey has a daughter, Rose; Blake   2 Jannik  Lindner,  Remarriage  Trends:  Statistics  Show   69 and to around 80 percent of men over the age of 70.
      has a son, Whitley) living with them full-time. During the   Complex Dynamics for Couples Blending Families, Gitnux      If  left  untreated,  BPH  can  cause  significant  health
      marriage, Carey and Blake have a child together named   (July 17, 2024),  problems, including irreversible bladder or kidney damage,
      Penny. Carey and Blake treat all three children the same.                                            bladder stones, and incontinence. In addition, BPH can
      Yet when Carey dies without a will or trust, her family   Tampa General Hospital                     have negative effects on men’s everyday lives, impacting
      must rely on state law to determine who receives Carey’s                                             quality of sleep, limiting social activities, and causing
      assets. Everything that was owned solely by Carey is   TGH Urology Group One of Few in Region        relationship challenges.
      divided between Blake, Rose, and Penny. Although treated   Offering Novel Prostate Treatment            Grogan’s regular urologist could offer only transurethral
      like a son, Whitley would be entitled to nothing. This may                                           resection of the prostate (TURP) as a possible option for
      not be the outcome Carey would have desired. Without an      For the first time in 10 years, Jim Grogan slept through the   relief. Although TURP is considered the gold standard
      estate plan, however, nothing more can be done. With a   night. For this relief, he is grateful to Dr. Emanuel Gottenger,   for treating enlarged prostates, it can come with severe
      will or trust, you can control what happens to your money   a urologist with Tampa General Hospital (TGH) Urology   side effects, including erectile dysfunction, retrograde
      and property and who will benefit from your hard work,   Group of Florida. Dr. Gottenger used a newer urologic   ejaculation, and painful urination.
      essentially eliminating the risk of regrettable results.  procedure called Aquablation to treat Grogan’s benign      Encouraged to research alternative treatments, Grogan
         The best way to safeguard and pass along what you   prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate.   discovered Aquablation, and learned that Dr. Gottenger
      have worked so hard to build is to talk to a qualified estate      The 66-year-old Boca Raton resident was diagnosed   is one of the few urologists in South Florida offering the
      planning attorney. Protect yourself, your family, and your   with BPH more than 10 years ago. Over that period, Grogan   procedure. Aquablation uses real-time ultrasound imaging,
      money and property by contacting us today.        became more and more sleep deprived, struggling through   a robotic arm for precision, and the Aquabeam (water jet)
                                                        his workdays.                                      to precisely remove prostate tissue. Following meetings
         Look for next month’s article to finish this      “I was up every two hours to use the bathroom,” he   and consultations with Dr. Gottenger, Grogan decided to
      conversation.                                     said. “I could barely function during the day.” Grogan   move forward with the procedure.
         If you have questions about your estate plan and what   manages multimillion-dollar real estate transactions for      Although  minimally  invasive, Aquablation  surgery
      documents you should have in place to plan your estate,   a title insurance company. “I need to be sharp and on my   does require an overnight hospital stay, and patients go
      schedule a free consultation today by calling our office at   game.” When he’d book flights to visit family in Boston,   home with a catheter to aid urination while their urethra
      561-694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq., Elder   he’d select a seat closest to the restroom. Driving long   heals.
      and Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive,   distances  was  challenging  because  he’d  need  frequent      Grogan is thrilled with the results. “I went to bed at
      Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.                       stops to relieve himself.                          10:30 p.m. and woke up at 6 a.m. It was the first time I
         The content of this article is general and should not be                                          slept through the night in 10 years!”
      relied upon without review of your specific circumstances by                                            TGH Urology Group of Florida recently joined Tampa
      competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein                                          General as part of the academic health system’s initiative
      is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm                                          to serve more patients across the state. Since 2020, Tampa
      on your specific circumstances or legal needs. An attorney                                           General has been creating a framework of state-of-the-art
      client relationship is not created through the information                                           services for patients in Palm Beach and Martin counties.
      provided herein.                                                                                        For more information about TGH Urology Group of
         To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must                                             Florida, please call (561) 739-4TGH (4844).
      inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained
      in this newsletter was not intended or written to be used,                                           Lifestyles on page 20
      and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of
      avoiding U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed
      on such person and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice
      from their tax advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular
      1 David H. Lenok, The 50 Most Common Family Types in   Jim Grogan

                                                         LIVE PROFESSIONAL THEATRE

                                                         Downtown West Palm Beach

                                                                                                                         When their widowed father
                                                                                                                         heads south to try and earn a
                                                                                                                         living, two teenage boys, Jay
                                                                                                                         and Arty, are left in the care

                                                                                                                         of their autocratic Grandma
                                                                                                                         Kurnitz, whose four adult
                                                                                                                         children have been damaged

                                                                                     by Neil Simon                       by her cruelty. Set during
                                                                                                                         World War II, this funny and
                                                                                                                         touching Pulitzer Prize-
                                                                                                                         winning memory play is both
                                                                                      NOV. 1-17                          an exploration of the wounds

                                                                                                                         inflicted by family, and a
                                                                                                                         testament to the power of
                                                                                            EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS
                                                                                        Stephen Brown and Jamie Stern    familial love and resiliency.

                                                                                                Don & Ann Brown Theatre
                                                                                                201 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

                                                                                                (561) 514-4042  •

          Neil Simon’s LOST IN YONKERS
          Laura Turnbull
          Curtis Brown Photography
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