Page 18 - The Jewish Voice - October '24
P. 18

Page 18, The Jewish Voice

      Lifestyles from page 17                           Cutting Colon Cancer Out of                        Won’t My Spouse and

      extra benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover — like   the Family Tree                         Kids Inherit Everything
      prescription drugs, dental, vision, and hearing.
         Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans (also called      About five of every 100                     When I Die?
      Medigap) helps fill gaps in Original Medicare and are sold   people with colon or rectal
      (at extra cost) by private companies to cover deductibles   cancer have the disease                  Part 1 Of 2
      and copays.                                       because of  a gene  passed
         Prescription drug coverage must be purchased separately.  down through their family.              By Anné Desormier-
                                                        Researchers at Cleveland                           Cartwright, JD, Esq.
      What Do I Look for and How Do I Know What Advantage   Clinic in Florida are investing                   You may think that if you
      Plan Is Best for Me?                              in specialists and resources to                    die while you are married,
         We review the costs of supplement and drug plans and   identify these families at risk,           everything you own will
      look at your healthcare budget. Then we review the Advantage   with the goal of preventing           automatically go to your
      Plans to see if your doctor is in network and review the   inherited colorectal cancer               spouse and children. But you
      cost of medications you take. Another consideration is to   from ever developing at all.             are thinking of state rules
      determine which of the ancillary benefits of Advantage Plans      The focus is on familial  Dr. Giovanna DaSilva   that apply if someone dies
      are most important to you: dental, eye exams, glasses, gym   adenomatous polyposis                   without leaving a will. In
      membership, hearing aids, over-the-counter medication, etc.  (FAP). “Familial” means inherited, or passed down through   legal jargon, this is referred
                                                        families. Adenomas are specific types of polyps that can   to as dying intestate. In that
      How Do I Decide?                                  become cancer. People with FAP have a 100 percent chance   case, the specifics will vary depending on your state’s law, offers tools to look up medications and   to get colorectal cancer, and parents with FAP have a 50/50   but generally, your spouse will receive a share of what you
      all plans in your area. However, there is an overwhelming   chance of passing it down to their children.   own, and the rest may be divided among your children or
      amount of information. A licensed local agent like me can      “We want to get the word out about our program, so   parents, depending on your situation. Exactly how much your
      review your plan and help you make an informed decision.  we can let as many people as possible know if they’re at   spouse will inherit depends on the state law, though.
                                                        risk, educate others in their family, and offer each one the      Now, it may seem like so far, so good. Your spouse is
      I Am Already on an Advantage Plan I Like — Should I   latest medical care, education, and support,” says Giovanna   getting an inheritance, and so are the kids. But here are some
      Change?                                           DaSilva, MD, a Cleveland Clinic colorectal surgeon and   examples of how the laws can fail in many common family
         Each year you receive the Annual Notice of Change   researcher in Florida.                        situations.
      (ANOC) for your plan, which outlines the changes for the      The centerpiece of the program is the Jagelman Registry,      First, when it comes to who will get your money and
      upcoming year. A free plan review will let you know if other   a database of patient information of families with FAP. Using   property, most states’ laws presume that a family comprises a
      plans you previously ruled out may have coverage that better   this data, physicians at Cleveland Clinic in Florida work with   married couple and their biological children. But because that
      meets your needs now or if your current plan is sufficient.  teams elsewhere to research the condition and share the latest   is not how many families are structured, things can quickly
         If you do not do a plan review, you miss out on a plan with   medicines and other treatments. Besides colon polyps, FAP   become legally complicated.
      lower costs, better benefits, or lower maximum out-of-pocket   can also cause growths or cancer in the stomach, pancreas,      One analysis identified 50 different types of family
      costs in and out of network. This is your financial exposure. It   bone, and other areas. The earliest preventive care ranges   structures in American households.  Approximately  40
      is important to ensure a major illness will not bankrupt you.  from medicines that stop the growth of polyps to simple   percent of all marriages in the United States are remarriages
                                                        colonoscopies to remove those that have not yet become cancer.   for at least one spouse,  and—through adoption and
         Happy AEP and Happy Medicare Planning!            “Using the registry, we’re able to let patients know what   stepfamilies—millions of children are living in blended
                                                        screenings they should have and how often,” says Dr. DaSilva.   families. Unfortunately, the laws have not kept up, and absurd
         I speak Medicare: Supplement, Drug Plan, and   “That can save their lives and those of their family members.   results can occur if you rely on intestacy as your estate plan.
      Advantage Plan.                                   We’re definitely very proud of our program, and we’re looking   Stepchildren whom you helped raise (but did not legally
         For your free Medicare Plan review, please call me,   forward to helping more and more patients through it.”   adopt) may end up with no inheritance, while a soon-to-be-
      Kathy Olejniczak, Agent, at 561-835-5413, or cell/text      To make an appointment with Dr. DaSilva or another   ex-spouse may inherit from you.
      561-212-7640.                                     Cleveland Clinic specialist in Florida, call 877.463.2010 or
                                                        visit today.     Lifestyles on page 19


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