Page 4 - Boca ViewPointe - October '24
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Page 4, Viewpointe                                                  October 2024
       Forgiveness Is YOUR Choice

      By Josette Veltri                                                                                       5. Be mindful of your presuppositions. There is no
                                                                                                           “supposed to” in life. Acknowledge the here and now of
         Forgiving oneself is not                                                                          your pain, be with it so you can come to understand it.
      easy and often thought of                                                                               And, lastly remember that what you see means nothing
      as impossible. But, studies                                                                          until you give meaning to what you think of what you
      have shown if we cannot                                                                              have seen. Forgiving oneself is not based on how many
      forgive ourselves, it will be                                                                        mistakes or unresourceful choices you have made. It is
      difficult to forgive others.                                                                         your choice to stop packing, unpacking and repacking the
      Mahatma  Gandhi  reminds                                                                             same feelings over and over again.
      us that the weak can never                                                                              It is your decision, your choice to drop the emotional
      forgive because forgiveness                                                                          baggage of unforgiveness toward yourself and others. It is
      is the attribute of the strong.                                                                      a moment in time when you decide to unpack the corners
         In  his  book  The  12  Steps  of  Forgiveness,  Paul                                             of your heart for the last time.
      Ferrini introduces us to a process of showing ourselves                                                 Dr. Tyler VanderWeele, co-director at the Harvard T.H.
      compassion, empathy, kindness, and understanding;                                                    Chan School of Public Health reminds us that the act of
      setting up healthy boundaries to make peace within, let      The following are five excerpts from Ferrini’s book   forgiving is never easy. But, dwelling on events and reliving
      go, and move forward.                             as he explains the process of forgiveness:         them over and over fills our minds with negative thoughts.
         However, forgiving someone does not start with them,      1.  The first step to self-forgiveness is to take   Yet, when we learn to forgive ourselves and others, we no
      it begins with you. Self-forgiveness is a choice that is   responsibility for your peace with an understanding that   longer are trapped by past actions and, we can finally feel
      not necessary. However, it is a choice to demonstrate   it is/was love and acceptance that you really wanted.  free to love, explore, relearn and learn again.
      unconditional love for ourselves.                    2. Release self-judgment and all conditions attached
                                                                                                             Josette  Veltri,  a Boca  Point  resident,  is  a  certified
                                                        to it, so you will be able to release your judgments and     educator and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose,
                                                        conditions toward others.
        Hot Topics                                        life and will make more effective choices in the future.  to assist clients heal and move forward so they can go
                                                           3. Trust yourself that you have learned the lessons in
                                                                                                           from I Can’t to I Can, One Step at a Time. She can be
                                                           4. Be open and willing to learn and share with an open
        Group Notice                                      mind and heart.                                  reached at (https://www.

           We are a women’s group who remember Reva  Pups N’ Pumpkins: Spooky Fun At The
        Tucker. Hot Topics has resumed meetings every Friday
        discussions at 11:00am to 12:30pm at the Boca Pointe  Shops At Boca Center To Benefit
        and are seeking new members. Please join us for lively
        Community Office. If you would like more information
        or to sign up, please call 561-715-8298.        Tri-County Animal Rescue

                                                                                                              Tickets are $20 per person, and all proceeds will
        Dear Boca Pointe                                Tuesday, October 29 from 5                           benefit Tri-County Animal Rescue, a nonprofit organi-
                                                        p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                           zation  dedicated  to  rescuing  and  rehoming  animals  in
        Dog Owners:                                     By Hillary Reynolds                                need. Register in  advance  at  https://bocacenterpupsn-

                                                                                                              About  Tri-County Animal  Rescue: Tri-County
                                                            Get ready for a howling good time at Pups n’ Pump-  Animal  Rescue  is  a  501(c)(3)  nonprofit  organization
                                                        kins at  The Shops  at Boca Center, 5150  Town Center   dedicated to saving and rehabilitating animals in need.
           We have had a few recent                     Circle, (between Rocco’s Tacos and Tap 42), on Tuesday,   They provide medical care, shelter, and adoption servic-
        complaints from residents who have              October 29 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for an unforgettable   es to countless animals, ensuring they find loving for-
        had uncomfortable encounters                    evening filled with spooky bites, scary sips and a Halloween   ever homes.
        w ith dogs  of f                                pet costume contest with a prize of $500 in gift cards from      The Shops at Boca Center is a 117,227 square-foot
        leash around the                                various Boca Center merchants of the winner’s choice.  upscale retail and dining destination with tenants includ-
        property. We  are                                   Bring your furry friends and festive spirit to celebrate   ing Total Wine & More, Copperfish Kitchen, Morton’s
        reaching out to our                             the season with a Monster Mash DJ Dance Party that will   Steakhouse, Narbona, Orange Theory Fitness, Rocco’s
                                                        have everyone grooving to the beat. This is a family-friend-
                                                                                                           Tacos, Sixty Vines, Tap 42, Ke Uh, Narbona, and more.
        residents to remind                             ly event where pets and their owners can enjoy a variety of      For more information, visit 
        them of our rules concerning keeping  dogs  on  leashes   Halloween-themed activities.
        and cleaning pet litter. As a resident of Boca Pointe
        you must: Keep your dog on a leash. All dogs must
        be controlled on a leash by an able-bodied person, at
        all times, whenever the dog is on property. Also, you
        must clean up and properly dispose of pet waste when
        your pet relieves itself. Knowing and abiding by our
        community’s animal-related ordinances will help make
        our neighborhood a better place for everyone.
        Thank you!                                        Do you know a family member,
                                                           friend or a neighbor in need of
        SUNSHINE PET PALS                                  Home Health Care?

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