Page 3 - Boca ViewPointe - October '24
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October 2024                                                     Viewpointe, Page 3
      On Reflection

      By Judith Levy                                    children, your friends or have you held onto as much of   most about. In the end it’s your relationships, not your
                                                        your fortune in time and money to be used for yourself   acquisitions or the money you leave behind that will count,
         The way I see it is that                       alone? Is the cost of this hoarding a lack of friendship,   only your good name, which is a very precious legacy.
      each day is a gift. Not a gift                    closeness with your mate or children or has it brought
      to be shared with others,                         you a sense of emptiness and yearning to have another      Judith  Levy  is  the  New  York  Times  best-selling
      yours alone. Think about                          opportunity to do things differently?              author  of  GRANDMOTHER  REMEMBERS,  which
      life as a dollar. You have                           In the end it comes down to do you like yourself   has  sold  over  four  million  copies  and  the  mega  best-
      one hundred cents, or two                         and your choices. If you can reflect and find pleasure in   seller  GRANDFATHER  REMEMBERS,  published  by
      half dollars, four quarters,                      what you have chosen and their results, keep on doing   HarperCollins. Both books are available on Amazon and
      ten dimes, twenty nickels                         what you’re doing, but if you have inner grumblings and   Barnes & Noble. 
      and one hundred cents.                            dissatisfaction, and wish you had done things differently,
      How you spend this fortune depends solely on yourself.   take heart, there’s still time to change. Reach out, make
      Will you squander every cent, or will you miserly save   amends, smooth the bumpy road you have been travelling   Open Call
      every dime, will you give away some of your fortune in   on and bring some sunshine into your rainy day.
      money or time to help someone else? How have you used      People at first will be startled at the change in you and
      those freely given gifts to make your life and the world   wonder about it, but shortly they will embrace the new   For Viewpointe
      you live in a better place?                       you and your life will brighten. You can use the remaining
         At the end of the day, the decade, or perhaps getting   amount of your life’s dollars, half dollars, quarters, dimes
      close to the century, what do you have to show for your   and pennies to bring closeness and joy, that can only   Contributing Writers!
      life’s dollars? Did you help your parents, your mate, your   be garnered by bringing smiles to the people you care

                                                                                                               We are looking for volunteers, whether experienced or
                    Boca Pointe Community Association, Inc.                                                 hobbyist, interested in writing an article or a column for
                                                                                                            the Viewpointe. You may be interested in writing just once,
              6909 SW 18th St., Suite A120  A special Thank You to our monthly volunteer contributing writers  occasionally or on a regular basis. It’s a great way to sharpen
                 Boca Raton, FL 33433                                                                       your skills or develop your talent while enlightening your
          Office (561) 395-7551 Fax (561) 395-5936  Steve Handwerker  Hillary Reynolds  The Pap Corps       community. Some themes we would like to include in the
              Email:                                                                    Viewpoint are as follows:
              Website:   Judith Levy         Arthur Dermer          Robert W. Goldfarb
                                            Lisa Sileo          William A. Gralnick    Marci Woodward          • Village Spotlight - write about your community. A
        Access Control                      Harold Katz         Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera  Josette Veltri  different village will be featured each month.
        Operator: (561) 395-3392            Harriet Rubin       Yishai Mizrahi                                 • My Story - featuring a member of the community with
        Voice mail system: (561) 395-3369   Anne Gannon         Ashley Rozo                                 a unique or interesting story.
        Website:         Elyse Weintraub Brown  Tonya Jansson
                                                                                                               • Student Life - High school students writing about school
        Staff                                 The views of the writers of the various articles in this newspaper do not   or a topic that interests them. Student writers will be eligible
        April Narine, General Manager      necessarily reflect the views of the Boca Pointe Community Association.   to earn community service hours.
        Lisa Cammaleri, Assistant Manager  The Association nor the individual writers are not responsible for claims or
        Alicia Fleming, Administrative Assistant  promises contained in any advertising material appearing in the Viewpointe.      • Global Cuisine or Gourmet Recipes - share a special,
        Ebenson Bristol, Director of Security  Such claims and promises are the sole responsibility of the individual   gourmet recipe or a recipe from our international community.
                                           advertiser.                                                         • Share an idea you may have for a new column or article.
          Viewpointe of Boca Pointe is the newspaper                                                           A Meet & Greet event with refreshments will be
        of Boca Pointe Community Association, Inc.             Office Hours
        Please  direct  all  questions,  comments  or         Monday Through Friday                         scheduled for current and new writers. Show your interest
        articles for Viewpointe to lisa.cammaleri@              8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m                        in joining the writing team by contacting Lisa Cammaleri                                                                                  at 

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