Page 30 - Boca ViewPointe - October '24
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Page 30, Viewpointe                                                 October 2024
      Boca Helping Hands’ Bowling For Bread

      Benefited Backpacks Weekend Meal Program

         Boca Helping Hands (BHH) welcomed 225 adults and      The top score was 180, bowled by Dan Brede.   Foundation Trustee Lee Steinberg. “Supporting this cause is
      children at their annual Bowling for Bread event on August      Boca Helping Hands has operated the BHH Backpacks   a special way for me to honor my mom, Pearl, who had a
      25 at Bowlero in Boca Raton. BHH invited kids from local   children’s meal program for the past 13 years. Every Friday,   deep passion for helping children.”
      children’s charities to attend for free and enjoy an afternoon   BHH Backpacks provides food-insecure students with   About Boca Helping Hands
      of bowling, food, and prize giveaways.            nonperishable, easy-to-prepare meals to ensure they get      Boca  Helping  Hands  (BHH)  is  a  community-based
         The children’s charities that were invited to attend this   enough to eat on the weekends. During the 2023/24 school   nonprofit that provides food, medical, and financial assistance
      event included 4KIDS of South Florida, Inc., Achievement   year, BHH Backpacks helped over 1,600 students in 13   to help individuals and families improve their quality of life
      Centers for Children & Families, Adopt a Family of the   local schools, providing 181,362 meals and 60,454 snacks   and build financial stability. Through its various programs,
      Palm Beaches, Inc., American Association of Caregiving   to elementary students in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and   BHH assists nearly 35,000 people annually.
      Youth, Fuller Center, HomeSafe, Place of Hope/Village of   Boynton Beach.                               Boca Helping Hands is a partner agency of The Town
      Hope, PROPEL, and Pearl City Cats. The event also raised      Bowling for Bread is part of Boca Chamber Festival   of Palm Beach United Way. Since 1945, the Town of Palm
      enough funds to provide more than 41,000 meals for the BHH   Days—a series of fun-filled August events intended to raise   Beach United Way has been committed to improving lives
      weekend meal program.                             awareness and funds by pairing nonprofits with for-profit   and building strong communities throughout Palm Beach
         Special guests from the Florida Atlantic University   members of the Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce.   County by focusing on programs and priorities that promote
      football team included Offensive Linemen Federico   Florida Peninsula Insurance Company was Bowling for   education, health, and financial stability.
      Maranges and Andre Lamas and Junior Punter Logan Lupo   Bread’s For-Profit Chamber Partner and the Event Sponsor      Boca Helping Hands holds accreditation for Sound
      who came out to cheer on the kids and bowl alongside them.  was the Lee Pearlson Steinberg Foundation. Other major   Nonprofit Management from Nonprofits First, a Platinum
         Trophies were awarded to the top three bowling teams   sponsors included the Gary Peters Family Foundation,   Seal  of  Transparency  from  Candid/GuideStar,  and  has
      and overall high scores. Bowling tournament winners were:  Humana, Stanley Waldshan, and Waypoint Residential.  been  a  Charity  Navigator  Four-Star  Charity  for  17
      First place team – Waypoint Residential              This was the seventh year that the Lee Pearlson Steinberg   consecutive years. It is located at 1500 N.W. 1st Court,
      Second place team – Waypoint Residential          Foundation sponsored the event. “Bowling for Bread is   Boca Raton, FL 33432. For more information, please visit
      Third place team – The Law Offices of Pamela Higer-Polani,   always a fantastic event, and I love seeing the kids enjoy
      Attorney at Law                                   themselves. I’m thrilled to be a part of it again this year,” said
      Achievement Centers For Children & Families (ACCF)

      To Hold 13th Annual Witches Of Delray Beach Bike Ride

         Achievement Centers for Children & Families (ACCF)
      will hold its 13th Annual Witches of Delray Beach Bike Ride
      on Saturday, October 26. The witches plan to make their
      triumphant return to Downtown Delray Beach with the route
      starting at City Hall, flying down the famed Atlantic Avenue,
      and zipping back to the Old School Square pavilion.
         Three hundred witches will don their best witch-wear and
      extravagantly decorated brooms (bikes) to ride through scenic
      Downtown Delray Beach up Atlantic Avenue, all guided by
      the Delray Beach Police Department. The ride will take off
      promptly at 8:30 a.m. At the conclusion of the ride, the party
      will continue at the Old School Square Outdoor Pavilion   Platinum Steppers from ACCF                Judges Marusca Gatto, Amanda Perna, Deborah Dowd
      Stage with music and awards presentations such as “Best
      Costume,” “Best Witch Cackle,” “Best Decorated Broom      Funds raised from the Witches Ride directly benefit Delray   such a meaningful impact,” said Stephanie Seibel, CEO of the
      (Bike),” and “Best Group Theme.”                  Beach’s Achievement Centers for Children & Families,   Achievement Centers. “It’s incredible to see how much the event
                                                        a community-based organization dedicated to serving   has grown over the years. It brings so much joy and support to
                                                        under-resourced children and families in Delray Beach and   our organization, and we’re excited to see it continue to grow.”
                                                        surrounding communities.                              For more information, visit
                                                           “As we mark the 13th anniversary of our Witches Ride,   or email
                                                        we are reminded of the incredible community spirit that has      For more information about Achievement Centers for
                                                        made this event so special. It’s not just about the costumes and   Children & Families, call (561) 266-0003 or visit www.
                                                        the fun—it’s about coming together to support a cause that has

                                                                            NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS

      Lisa Levinson, Lisa Ricco                                           Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor

         Prior to the big ride day, new this year, Amanda Perna
      of the House of Perna Boutique & Atelier (Project Runway                 Board Certified in
      Reality Star) and the Tin Roof will host a “Not your Basic
      Witch” Hat Decorating Event on October 1 at 7 p.m. (rain date            Internal Medicine
      is October 8). ACCF will provide hat supplies, crafts, couture    with Added Qualifications in
      and traditional hat decorating materials. The event will be held
      at 8 E. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach. Space is limited.                  Geriatrics (2002).
         Additionally, longtime event partner Tim Finnegan’s
      Irish Pub in Delray Beach will host a signature fundraiser in      Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      support of the Witches Ride, the Annual “Witches Brew” on
      Friday, October 18 from 6 to 9 p.m.                                     Voted a “Best Doctor”
         The entire month of October, ACCF will have a variety                      by his peers.
      of Ways to be Wicked with the Witches of Delray. For
      registration and event details visit
      Witches2024.                                                           Call to request a complimentary meeting
                                                                                              with Dr. Reznick.
          Meridiana At Boca Pointe

               Seasonal Rental $5,000                                                      561.368.0191
                       minimum 4 month rental
                 Corner unit, walk to pool.
                Club membership optional.                                            7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
             Beautiful 1 level villa. Very bright,                                           Boca Raton, FL 33433
                open, beautifully furnished.                                   
           Call Georgia (561) 403-9371
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