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VOL. 32 NO. 10                                                                           OCTOBER 2024

      Director Of Security

      Security & Safety Tips                               • Do not give your tag master/transponder to anyone.     • If you see something, say something (Access control is

                                                           • Please let your guests know, even if they have a fast   24/7).
      By Ebenson Bristol, Director of Security          pass, they still need to show I.D. at the gate. For example:      • Always make sure you lock your car(s).
                                                        Anyone can find a fast pass on the floor and use it to enter      • Always make sure all perimeter doors are locked when
         I would like to take a moment to introduce myself, Ebenson   Boca Pointe if an I.D. is not required.   you’re away.
      Bristol, as the new Director of Security from St. Moritz      • If you’re having a small get-together, please provide      • When walking or jogging in the dark hours, please do not
      Security Services. I have been working for Boca Pointe security   a list of the attending guests to the BPCA office for access   wear black clothing unless you wear a safety vest over it. It’s
      for 16 years. I am a dedicated leader who strives to provide   control. Also please get in touch with your community   always important to wear a safety vest regardless.
      the highest quality of safety and protection for our residents.   village board to find out what’s allowed and what’s not      • When walking your pets, please always keep them on a
      Below are some security and safety tips I would like to share.  allowed.                             leash and pick up after them.
         • Keep your guest list as updated as possible. Remember to      • Never provide your home address or phone number      If you need to reach me with any security concerns or
      remove guests that you no longer want to come to your address.  to people you don’t know.            questions, please call (561) 395-7551 or email: bpointe@
         • Do not give out your security access code to your      • Please follow the posted speed limits throughout the 
      guests or anyone.                                 community.
      Discover What’s New And What’s Next

      At The Club At Boca Pointe

         At The Club at Boca Pointe, we’re                                                                 October Fun at The Club
      always evolving to bring our Members
      the best in fitness, fun, and community.                                                                The  excitement  continues  this  October  with  festive
      From exciting new sports facilities to                                                               events the whole family will love! After celebrating the
      can’t-miss social events, here’s a peek                                                              Jewish New Year, Members can look forward to these
      at what’s new and what’s on the horizon!                                                             can’t-miss happenings:
                                                                                                           •  Boo  House  and Trunk  or Treat  (Open  to  the  Boca
      Get Fit and Have Fun at the                                                                          Pointe Community)
                                                                                                           Saturday, October 19, 5–7 PM
      Sports Club                                                                                             Get ready for spooky fun! Your ticket includes trunk-
                                                                                                           or-treating, the Boo House experience, and a photo
      New Multifunctional                                                                                  opportunity. Tickets are just $15 per child—bring cash!
      Sports Room                                                                                          • Health Fair (Open to the Boca Pointe Community)
         We’re excited to                               Meet Our New Pickleball Pro – Bobby Runyan         Saturday, October 23, 10 AM–12 PM
      unveil our brand-new                                 We’re thrilled to welcome                          Join us for a complimentary event featuring the latest
      Multifunctional  Sports                           Bobby Runyan as our new                            in health and wellness. The first 100 attendees will receive
      Room, designed to  help                           Pickleball Professional. With                      a complimentary boxed lunch!
      Members improve their golf,                       pickleball, tennis, and fitness                    • Freaky Friday Mak-Uerade
      tennis, and pickleball skills.                    certifications, Bobby brings                       October 25, 7 – 10 pm
      With TPI-certified trainers on                    a wealth of knowledge and                             The much-anticipated annual Halloween party is
      hand, participating Members                       energy to the Sports Club.                         always memorable, with a costume contest, decadent food
      receive a personalized fitness plan tailored to their unique   Whether you’re sharpening             display, and music by the Euphoria Band.
      needs, ensuring you’re not just getting fit but excelling at   your pickleball skills or just        • Scream on the Green
      the sports you love.                              starting out, Bobby is here                        October 26, 7:30 pm
      Padel Courts Coming Soon!                         to help you take your game                            A Member favorite, golf carts emulate a drive-in movie
         The buzz is building for the arrival of four brand-new   to the next level.                       theater held on the Golf Range with our featured movie
      Padel courts at the Sports Club! Padel, the exciting blend      From our state-of-the-art            Psycho.
      of tennis and squash, is one of the fastest-growing sports   gym and 40 complimentary group exercise classes to tennis,      Boca Pointe residents can register for events open to
      worldwide—and it’s easy to see why. Played in doubles   pickleball, and more, The Club at Boca Pointe has something   the community by calling 561.864.8500, ext. 0.
      on a smaller court surrounded by glass and mesh, this fun,   for everyone. Ready to explore our facilities? Contact the
      strategic sport is great for all ages and skill levels. Whether   Membership Team today to schedule your tour and see how   Discover What’s New And What’s Next
      new to Padel or a seasoned player, it’s the perfect way to stay   we can help you reach your health and wellness goals while   At The Club At Boca Pointe on page 5
      active and socialize with friends.                having fun!
                                                                                    Please Help

                                                                                       We are all so fortunate to live at Boca Pointe. However, there are many who are
                                                                                    struggling to just get by. The homeless in our area have a constant need of clothing.
                                                                                    Please consider donating any used clothing to those less fortunate. The only requirement
                                                                                    is that the clothes are clean and placed in a bag (no loose items). All clothing collected
                                                                                    will be donated to local homeless shelters and programs. All clothing can be dropped off
                                                                                    at the Boca Pointe Community Association Office at 6909 SW 18th Street, suite A120.
                                                                                       Thank you for your generosity and care for those in need. 
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