Page 6 - Boca Exposure - October '24
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Page 6, Boca Exposure

      Boca Museum Of Art Celebrates 75th Anniversary With World

      Premiere Exhibit, ‘Splendor And Passion: Baroque Spain’

         The Boca Raton Museum of Art’s world premiere of the   wine tastings from the vineyards of Spain and educational   establishing itself as a cultural touchstone in South Florida.”
      historic Spanish Baroque art exhibition, Splendor and Passion:   experiences. Additionally, an array of cultural events will be   Special Anniversary Programs:
      Baroque Spain and Its Empire, will open in November as   held, culminating in a grand gala on Jan. 25, 2025.     ● Sponsors Preview: Nov. 6, 2024;
      the Museum celebrates its landmark 75th anniversary. This      The celebratory activities will include exclusive guided tours,      ●  Lectures: Adam  Jasienski,  December  8th,  2024;
      captivating exhibition, organized in partnership with the   and educational programs designed to honor Spanish heritage.  Amanda Dotseth, Jan. 19, 2025; Jonathan Ray, Feb.  9, 2025;
      Hispanic Society Museum & Library in New York City, will      “The Museum’s 75th anniversary coinciding with Boca      ● Exclusive Guided Tours: November, 2024 through
      feature a breathtaking collection of Baroque masterpieces,   Raton’s 100th anniversary called for a very special exhibition,”   March, 2025;
      offering an unparalleled glimpse into the dynamic and emotive   said Irvin Lippman, Executive Director of the Boca Raton      ● Film Series: Jan. 16, 23, 30 and Feb. 6, 2025;
      art of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Visitors will experience   Museum  of Art. “Splendor  and  Passion  offers  a  rare      ● Diamond Anniversary Gala: Jan. 25, 2025;
      Spain’s rich artistic heritage during a transformative era   glimpse into Spain’s rich artistic heritage during a dynamic,      ● Symposium: Feb. 22, 2025;
      through this rare collection.                     transformative, and complex era of colonial expansion.      ● Flamenco Performances: Feb. through March, 2025;
                                                        Accompanied by a robust array of public programs and special      For more information about the Splendor and Passion:
                                                        events, the Museum launches an outstanding season, further   Baroque  Spain  and Its  Empire exhibition, the 75th-
                                                                                                           anniversary celebrations, membership and admission, contact
                                                                                                           the Boca Raton Museum of Art at (561) 392-2500 or visit
                                                                                                           online at Join the Museum’s email list
                                                                                                           online for a sneak preview of more exciting events that will be
                                                                                                           added to the 2024-2025 season, plus invitations to exclusive
                                                                                                           member experiences.

                                                        Antonio del Castillo Saavedra, Adoration of the Shepherds,
                                                        ca. 1660, oil on canvas. Courtesy of The Hispanic Society
                                                        of America, New York

      Sebastián López de Arteaga, Saint Michael Striking Down
      the Rebellious Angels, 1650-1652, oil on copper. Courtesy
      of The Hispanic Society of America, New York                                                         Nicholás Correa, The Wedding at Cana, 1696, oil and mixed
                                                                                                           media on wood panel, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Courtesy
         The exhibition will run from November 7 through March                                             of The Hispanic Society of America, New York
      30, 2025. It explores the prominent art and history of Spain
      beginning with its Siglo de Oro (Golden Age), drawing from
      the extraordinary riches of The Hispanic Society Museum &
      Library’s collection of Renaissance and Baroque holdings. This
      period saw the rise of the globe-spanning Spanish Empire and
      its growing influence on Europe and the Americas. Splendor
      and Passion offers an unparalleled opportunity for the public to
      see 57 masterpieces from this formative era of Spanish history
      by some of the period’s most renowned artists, including El
      Greco (Doménikos Theotokópoulos), Bartolomé Esteban
      Murillo and Diego Velázquez.                      Sebastián Muñoz, Maria Luisa of Orléans, Queen of Spain,   Miguel de Pret or Unknown Artist, Still Life with Melon and
         “We are thrilled to partner with the Boca Raton Museum   Lying in State, 1689-1690, oil on canvas. Courtesy of The   Fowl, 1630, oil on canvas. Courtesy of The Hispanic Society
      of Art for the world premiere of Splendor and Passion, says   Hispanic Society of America, New York  of America, New York
      Guillaume Kientz, CEO & Director of the Hispanic Society
      Museum & Library. “We believe that this remarkable exhibition
      will provide visitors with an unparalleled experience of Spanish
      Baroque art and its significant impact on the global stage.”
         To coincide with the exhibition, the Museum will feature
      Las Meninas from an Artificial Light, a meticulous copy of
      Velázquez’s famous painting that hangs in the El Museo
      Nacional del Prado in Madrid. This work by contemporary
      Spanish conceptual artist Félix De La Concha is painted in oil   HAPPY HOUR: MON - THURS, ALL DAY AT BAR ONLY
      on 140 sheets of 9 by 12-inch paper. Together, these fragments                                                                Happy Hour
      reconstruct the real size of the Velázquez masterpiece, which              MON - FRI 3 - 6 PM                                   Mon. - Thurs.
      measures 125 by 108 inches.
         De La Concha reproduced this masterpiece with the              FULL INDOOR                                                At Bar Only All Day
      patience of a copyist, but instead of working in front of       AND OUTDOOR                                                  Mon. - Fri.  3 - 6 pm
      the original at the Prado, he painted it entirely from a high-
      resolution reproduction available online. Also on view will be a   (COVERED PATIO)                                           LUNCH SPECIALS
      triptych by Félix De La Concha, commissioned by the Museum
      as a tribute to the City of Boca Raton’s centennial celebration in   BAR AND DINING                                             EVERY DAY
      2025. Painted en plein air, it depicts the important crossroads
      of Dixie Highway, the Flagler railroad,and Camino Real, with                                                                    starting at  11
      Addison Mizner’s administrative building as the centerpiece.
         In honor of the Boca Raton Museum of Art’s 75th
      anniversary the Museum will host a series of special events and
      programs including curator talks, a Spanish film festival series,

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