Page 2 - Boca Exposure - October '24
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Page 2, Boca Exposure
       Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center

       Names Alan Nash Chief Executive Officer

         The Adolph & Rose Levis                         to his role as chief operating officer, he will retain the role      “I am honored to be named chief operating officer of the
      Jewish Community Center                            of assistant vice president of the Sandler Center, the cultural   Levis JCC, an organization I have proudly served for more
      (Levis JCC) has named                              arts arm of the Levis JCC as well as his work as producer/  than 11 years,” said Nash. “I am very excited to continue
      Alan Nash Chief Operating                          artistic director of the Nina & Martin Rosenzweig West Boca   working with Levis JCC leadership and staff, as well as a
      Officer. In this role, he                          Theatre Company and supervisor of the Levis JCC’s Shirley   variety of partners at organizations across our community
      will be responsible for the                        & Allan Solomon Family Theater Camp will continue.  to continue to grow the Levis JCC.”
      oversight of all operational                          In addition to his work at the Levis JCC, Alan brings to   About The Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center
      and administrative functions                       this role many years of experience in the areas of facility      Established in 1983, Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish
      for the Levis JCC. Working                         operations, administration, design and construction, security,   Community Center (Levis JCC) provides a broad range
      closely with committed                             and building management. Before joining the Levis JCC   of enriching programs and services for individuals of all
      volunteers and other partners,                     staff, he supervised 14 retail stores with a staff of more than   ages and abilities to meet the diverse needs of its members,
      he will continue to serve as lead staff on several key planning   125 people. His work experience also includes 10 years of   the Jewish community and the community at large. Levis
      committees. He will manage operations and facilities for   producing event marketing for two Fortune 500 companies.  JCC promotes and enhances Jewish culture, heritage and
      all Levis JCC buildings located on the Jewish Federation’s      “Alan’s wide range of experience in operational   values through educational, spiritual, social, wellness and
      Richard & Carole Siemens Jewish Campus in West Boca   management is invaluable to our organization,” said   recreational programs. From preschool and summer camp
      Raton. This includes the primary Levis JCC building and   Martin Haberer, chief executive officer. “His expertise   to teen and family activities, from athletics to cultural arts,
      the Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center;   and perspective will help our Levis JCC continue on its   adult enrichment and special needs programming as well as
      he also oversees the Levis JCC Resale Boutique, located in   impressive trajectory of growth and continue to build on   Boca’s chic resale boutique, the Levis JCC offers something
      East Boca Raton in The Shops at University Park.   the organization’s strong four-decade history of providing   for everyone. Levis JCC is a nonprofit community agency
         For more than 11 years, Alan has served in many   excellent programs and services for thousands in our   of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. For
      capacities within the Levis JCC Sandler Center. In addition   community.”                            more details, visit

        City Of Boca’s ‘Jolly Days’ from page 1          NFL Hall Of Famers from page 1                       The James Hardie Pro Football Hall of Fame Invitational
                                                                                                           promises to be a memorable blend of football and golf,
        visit: Deck the House – Decorating Contest | Boca      Sapp, Barber and Freeney                    complemented by a full schedule of parties, celebratory
        Raton, FL (                            join NFL greats DeMarcus                          events and off-course happenings to ensure a fun and exciting
           FAU Tuba Christmas. Sunday, Dec. 1 at 5 p.m.   Ware, Jimbo Covert, Andre                        week for everyone involved. Tickets will be available to the
        Mizner Park Amphitheater.  This lively concert   Reed, Morten Andersen and                         general public in November.
        features holiday music performed by an ensemble of   Calvin Johnson, who have                         James Hardie, an American leader in home building
        tubas and is fun and entertaining for the whole family.   also  committed  to  play  in            products, has committed to a multi-year partnership to serve
        Cost: Free. Details: Mizner Park Amphitheater | Boca   the tournament. A total of                  as the title sponsor of this new and exciting event. The James
        Raton, FL (                            26 football legends and 78                        Hardie Pro Football Hall of Fame Invitational will be managed
           52nd Annual Holiday Street Parade. Wednesday,   PGA TOUR  Champions                             by Pro Links Sports, a nationally recognized sports marketing
        Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Along Federal Highway.   professionals will come                        and event management firm that assists in running several PGA
        The 52nd Annual Holiday Street Parade will feature   together for an exciting  Dwight Freeney      TOUR and PGA TOUR Champions tournaments.
        decorated floats and community groups which will   three-day tournament that                          The tournament will support cornerstone charities,
        entertain viewers as they bring dancing, lighting, and   will be televised live on the             including the Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Habitat
        music to Federal Highway in Downtown Boca. This   Golf Channel.                                    for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County and First
        year’s theme is “Winter Wonderland.” Cost: Free.      “Adding Hall of Famers                       Tee Foundation, reinforcing the event’s commitment to
           Holiday Pops Concert. Saturday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m.   like Warren Sapp, Rondé                      community and philanthropy.
        Mizner Park Amphitheater. Enjoy an all-inclusive,   Barber and Dwight Freeney                         For more information about the James Hardie Pro Football
        festive concert under the stars conducted by Jacomo   to the James Hardie Pro                      Hall of Fame Invitational, visit
        Bairos, featuring the Symphonia Boca Raton and the   Football Hall of Fame                         and follow @JamesHardieInvitational on Instagram and @
        FAU Chorus. Cost: $10-$40.                       Invitational not only adds                        JamesHardieInv on X [formerly Twitter] for tournament
           “Holiday Pops is a wonderful way to celebrate the   prestige to the event, but                  updates and player commitments.
        season with our community,” said Amy DiNorscio,   also brings excitement                              About Pro Links Sports: Pro Links Sports is a leading
        Amphitheater and Community Events Manager. “We   and anticipation for both                         sports marketing and professional management firm that
        are excited to bring this new tradition to Boca Raton,   fans and participants  Padraig Harrington  operates several PGA TOUR and PGA TOUR Champions
        offering residents and visitors a memorable night of   alike,” said Ken Kennerly,                  events. Since 1993, Pro Links Sports has also worked with
        music and holiday cheer.”                        Executive Director, James Hardie™ Pro Football Hall   companies throughout the world to implement full-service
           Tickets range from $10 to $40 per person, and are   of Fame Invitational.                       golf and corporate programs to fit their needs and objectives.
        available at The Symphonia ( Home
        – The Symphonia.
           Praised by critics as “thrilling” and “inspirational,”
        Bairos brings his unique approach to the orchestral
        world, blending genres and connecting the orchestra
        with the global community through innovative
        performances. As Co-Founder and Artistic Director of
        Nu Deco Ensemble, Bairos has redefined the role of
        an artistic leader, pushing the boundaries of traditional
        concert programming and engaging audiences in new   Do you know a family member,
        and exciting ways.
           For additional Boca Jolly Days events and for   friend or a neighbor in need of
        details  on  City happenings, visit
        CommunityEvents.                                   Home Health Care?
           Night Market and Meet & Greet with Olaf.
        Thursday, Dec. 12, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sanborn Square.
        Browse the unique goods from local artists under
        Sanborn Square’s palm trees and lights. Plus, food
        and drink vendors for purchase, live music, art, and   Home Health Aides / Certified Nursing Assistants / Registered Nurses  to assist you with:
        for the kiddos a meet and greet with Olaf from the
        movie Frozen. Cost: Free.                              • Personal Care      • Companionship     • Respite Care      • Alzheimers & Dementia Care
           Merry in Mizner–Cookies and Cocoa. Friday,                   • Medication Management     • Transportation     • Meal Preparation
        Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. Mizner Park – South Gazebo. Sample             • Light Housekeeping      • Grocery Shopping      • Post Surgery Care
        some sweet treats this holiday season. Stop by the
        South Gazebo in Mizner Park to enjoy a cup of hot
        cocoa and a cookie while shopping or before or after                           Complimentary In-Home Consultation
        dinner. While supplies last. Cost: Free.
           Merry in Mizner: “Let it Snow” Snow Cones.                      Care provided in the comfort of your Home, Hospital, or Facility
        Saturday, Dec. 28 at 11 a.m. Mizner Park – South Area.
        Boca Raton’s version of snow this season! Bring the      We accept All Long Term Care Insurance Policies and Private Pay – Affordable Rates
        family to enjoy snow cones on your stroll through
        Mizner Park. While supplies last. Cost: Free.           Family owned and operated. Boca Resident for 30+ years and Boca Pointe Members.
           For additional Boca Jolly Days events and for
        details on City happenings, visit                       CALL TODAY:  561.740.8667
                                                                                      Florida Licensed and Insured NR# 30211558, NR# 30211706
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