Page 6 - Abacoa Community News - October '24
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Page 6, Abacoa

       downtown abacoa HaPPenings

                                                        Sloane Stecker PHYSICAL THERAPY MONTH                 I’m a collegiate track and field athlete who came to
                                                        from page 1                                        Sloane Stecker after getting ACL reconstruction surgery
                                                                                                           this  past  spring. All  of  the  exercises,  alongside  the
                                                           The team at Sloane Stecker utilizes technology to evaluate   TECAR  therapy,  have  helped  reduce  my  scar  and  the
                                                        your strength, balance, range of motion, gait patterns, muscle   pain significantly, and I have been able to begin my path
                                                        activity and much more. Physical therapists can use this data   towards competing again. I am very lucky that I found
                                                        to personalize treatment plans and track progress and prevent   them this summer and I am really grateful for all the help
                                                        future injuries in all ages.                       and improvement I have had because of them. – Olivia
                                                           Physical therapy can be a great complement to other forms of      I had a total hip replacement in the beginning of May.
                                                        exercise in your daily life. By combining physical therapy with   I was going to PT for the first three to four weeks, three
                                                        activities such as running, golf, yoga, pickleball, or swimming,   times a week and then after that two times a week and now
                                                        you can further enhance your strength and endurance.   I feel like a new man. With all of their help, I was able to
                                                        Real-Life Success Stories Can Provide Motivation For   golf five to six weeks after surgery.
                                                        Those Considering Physical Therapy                    I am totally pain free! They are so professional and
                                                           I have been to PT before now, but it never helped me. I   totally know what they are doing, as my results show.
                                                        recently started going to Sloane Stecker PT and it’s the best   –Matt
                                                        thing I’ve done.                                      My teenage son and I were in town for spring break
                                                                                                           and he needed to stay on track for his PT. We reached out
                                                                                                           to Sloane Stecker and they were able to accommodate
                                                                                                           us and we could not be happier. The facility and setup is
                                                                                                           awesome and fun. This was just what my son needed for
                                                                                                           his knee and ankle recovery. We considered PT one of the
                                                                                                           highlights of our vacation. – Mike
                                                                                                              Sloane Stecker was recommended to me when I had
       From The Desk Of The Property Manager                                                               knee pain and some ankle issues. The highest caliber of
       from page 5                                                                                         physical therapy staff and the leading edge equipment for
                                                                                                           analysis and focused exercise have helped enormously.
          We greatly appreciate the following generous                                                     I’ve  gone  from  near  constant  pain  to  very  few  issues
       sponsors who have contributed to making this event                                                  quickly with minimal disruption in my activities. – Dan
          ♦ TCIROOD Landscape Services                  Foreground: REAX BOARD-with SUDDEN DYNAMICS
          ♦  Southern  Exposure  Landscape  of  South   IMPULSES technology. Improve proprioception/dynamic
       Florida, Inc.                                    motor skills-get a triple effect from your workout.
          ♦ Regal Paint Centers-Benjamin Moore Paint                         ♦♦♦♦♦♦                        Mention This Article To Receive A Free
          ♦ M&H Pressure Cleaning, Inc.                 Background: SINTESI- innovative multifunctional smart  30-Minute Assessment Or An Introduction To
          ♦ Floridian Signs & Plastics                  station that incorporates an entire gym’s equipment includes   TECAR Therapy!*
          ♦ Lang Management                             countless different exercises for the whole body.
          ♦ Fields & Bachove, PLLC                                                                            Please contact us to schedule an appointment.
          We are always here to assist. Please don’t hesitate to      The PT’s really take the time to evaluate your needs, and      Email us at, give us a call at
       contact us at (561) 624-7788 or email: abacoaadmin@  have the knowledge and equipment to facilitate your progress.   (561) 790-8256 or stop by and see us at 1155 Main Street,                              In just three weeks I’ve gotten stronger and am confident   Suite 101, Abacoa, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                        that this upward trajectory will continue in the weeks ahead.      *Must be prescreened to qualify for a trial session.
        aPoa uPdate

               Abacoa POA                                            Experience Dentistry

           Meeting Notices

           Official notification is posted via the bulletin board                                with a
         outside the POA office as well as the Abacoa website.
          Members may view and/or download Abacoa POA
          agendas and approved minutes from

           Notice of APOA Board of Directors Meeting –         Woman’s Touch
              Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 11:30 a.m. –
                     APOA office or Zoom
                Notice of Monthly CAC Meeting –
              Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 9:30 a.m. –            Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
                     APOA Office or Zoom
        The deadline to submit CAC materials for review is one         State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
                  week prior to the CAC meeting.

               All Meetings Subject to Change                          Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
        All meetings to be held at the offices of the Abacoa
                  POA, 1200 University Blvd.,
        Suite 102, Jupiter, FL. 33458 or via Zoom.US unless             Joanne Green, D.D.S.
                       otherwise posted.
        Articles herein are the creation of the individual writers,
             and do not express the opinion of the APOA.
        By printing an article herein, the APOA is not endorsing   10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6
        the writer, the article’s content, or any business referred
         to herein.  The APOA will not be responsible for errors   Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
               contained herein, or related to, articles.
                                                                          (561) 622-2815

                 Deadline for the next

                  Abacoa newspaper
                                                                 Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - Cum Laude
               is the 11th of the month.                    Hospital of the University of Penn - General Practice Residency Training
             Submit articles/pictures to                                 Harvard Dental School - Former Instructor                            Boston Brigham and Women’s Dental Group - Staff Dentist
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