Page 5 - Abacoa Community News - October '24
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Abacoa, Page 5

       aPoa news & activities

      From The Desk Of

      The Property Manager                                                                                  Brings Us The Sounds Of

                                      Each month of     participate. The winning posters are used to promote safer   Motown And More!
                                    the year brings on   school bus transportation for everyone. For more school bus
                                    its own feeling, and   safety tips and/or to enter October 1 to April 1, 2025 poster   Saturday, October 19, At The Abacoa
                                    October is certainly   creation period visit  Amphitheater, Jupiter
                                    one of the biggest      Abacoa is home to several schools. Here are some easy
                                    testaments to that.   school zone safety tips from the JPD website to follow:
                                    There’s something      • Be aware of school zones and observe the yellow flashing
                                    about this time of year   school zone lights and speed limit signs.
                                    — when the long, hot      • Do not pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload
                                    summer draws to a   children.
                                    close and school and      • Always stop when directed to do so by an officer or a
                                    work  routines  have   school crossing guard.
                                    put our days back into      • Do not block crosswalks and watch for pedestrians and
                                    a normal rhythm that   bicyclists at crosswalks.
      is calming and nice.                                 • Stay alert while driving and don’t text and drive.
         Autumn evening sun brings out the richness of bright    Wishing you a Spooktacular October!
      pumpkin adorned lawns and doorsteps, comfy flannels and   Happy Halloween and thank you for keeping Abacoa a
      soft sweaters become the wardrobe, and falls earthy air     safe place to LIVE, WORK, PLAY!              Come spend your Saturday night out traveling down
      grounds us like no other, ah October fall!         For events and other information visit our website, www.  Motown memory lane! From the early years of doo-
         October also houses National School Bus Safety Week, where you can also subscribe for the monthly   wop and Motown to the era where Motown branched
      (21 to 25). The National Association for Pupil Transportation   event e-blasts right to your email inbox. The monthly event   out from Detroit into Philadelphia and beyond, hits
      (NAPT) is a great resource to learn and participate in all   calendars can also be found posted at your community   include the music from the greats including Marvin
      things school bus safety from bullying on the bus to all              clubhouse.                      Gaye, The Temptations, Smokey Robinson, the Four
      thing’s safety, plus, plus, plus. Every year they host a poster   We are always here to assist. Please don’t hesitate to   Tops, Aretha  Franklin, The  Miracles,  Sam  Cooke,
      contest in which thousands of school districts over 40 states   contact us at (561) 624-7788 or email: abacoaadmin@  Gladys Knight & the Pips, The O’Jays, Stevie Wonder,
                                                                               The Jacksons, The Commodores, Lionel Richie, The
                                                                             ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦                        Platters and many, many more.
                                                           Mark your calendar! The Abacoa Property Owners’      N2Nation  is a  9-piece  band  inclusive  of four
                                                        Assembly  annual  meeting  is  scheduled  for  Tuesday,   frontline  vocalists  and  five  live  musicians,  all  who
                                                        November 12. The meeting will be held at the Abacoa Golf   have specialized in music for over 30 years together.
                                                        Club, 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458. Social hour will   Combined, the members of N2Nation have over 100
                                                        commence at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will follow beginning   years of vocal and performing experience! All ages
                                                        promptly at 6:15 p.m. You must preregister online at www.  will enjoy the world-class showmanship, Vegas-like
                                               responding in kind by November 4 at 12 p.m.   atmosphere,  and  hilarious  antics  inviting  audience
                                                        Please note: No entry will be permitted at the door.   interaction and participation, and of course don’t forget
                                                                                                            your dance shoes!
                                                        From The Desk Of The Property Manager on page 6

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