Page 16 - Abacoa Community News - October '24
P. 16

Page 16, Abacoa
      What Is The Difference Between ADD And ADHD?

      Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                                shifted to the term ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity  How Do I Know If My Child Has ADHD?
      Licensed School Psychologist                      disorder. In the early 1990s ADHD was classified into     Children can be evaluated for ADHD with several
         You may have wondered                          three different types, or presentations, that we use today.  instruments that assess their functioning in different areas
      things like “What is ADD?                         The three types are: inattentive presentation, hyperactive  and look at the severity of their symptoms. The testing we
      Is it different from ADHD?”                       presentation, and combined presentation.          provide in our office targets the specific areas of concern
      or  “How  do  I  know  if  my                        So,  if  you’re  seeing  inattentive  symptoms  in  your  related to ADHD and allows us to diagnose and provide
      child has ADD or ADHD?”                           child and they were to be diagnosed, the official diagnosis  specific recommendations to support your child at home and at
      ADD was an older term for                         would be ADHD, predominately inattentive presentation.  school. Our evaluations are comprehensive and offer a “whole
      attention  deficit  disorder,                     Likewise, if your child struggled with hyperactivity and  child” approach so we will be able to assess their cognitive
      which  is  the  classification                    impulsivity the diagnosis would be ADHD, predominately  processing, like attention, memory, and processing speed, as
      for  symptoms  like                               hyperactive presentation and if your child had both  well as their social-emotional and behavioral functioning. Our
      inattention,  distractibility,                    symptoms  of  inattention  and  hyperactivity/impulsivity,  testing will provide you with the answers to know if your child
      forgetfulness,  and  making  careless  mistakes.  While  they  would  be  diagnosed  with  ADHD,  combined  really has ADHD or if they are struggling in some other area
      people still use the term ADD to classify these symptoms,  presentation.  What this shift in terminology did was  that is contributing to their ADHD-like symptoms. You will
      it is no longer the technical term used in the medical  combine both inattentive and hyperactive impulsive  leave this process with targeted and specific recommendations
      and psychology community to diagnose these types of  symptoms into one disorder with specific presentation  tailored to your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
      symptoms.  In  the  late  1980’s  the  medical  community  types so everything could be categorized the same way.      Call (561) 625-4125 to discuss about your child.
      Cardinal Newman’s Dillon Schneider Achieves

      National Merit  Scholarship Semifinalist

         Cardinal Newman High School proudly announces that   Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The  stage of the competition, Schneider must fulfill several
      senior Dillon Schneider has been recognized as a semifinalist   nationwide pool of semifinalists represents less than one  requirements, including submitting a detailed scholarship
      in the 70th annual National Merit  Scholarship Program.   percent of U.S. high school seniors.      application highlighting his academic record, leadership,
      Over 1.3 million juniors in about 21,000 high schools entered      “On behalf of the entire Cardinal Newman community,  community involvement, and extracurricular achievements.
      the program by taking the 2023 Preliminary SAT/National   I am proud to announce that Dillon Schneider is counted  Additionally, Schneider will need to write an essay and earn
                                                        among this extremely select group of scholars,” said Cardinal  SAT  or ACT  scores that confirm his PSAT performance.
                                                        Newman High School principal Ed Curtin. “Being named a     Cardinal Newman High School is a premier college
                                                        National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist is truly an amazing  preparatory Catholic high school in West Palm Beach. Their
                                                        honor, and we are very proud of Dillon’s accomplishment.”  vision is to build life’s champions through faith, academics,
                                                           Schneider now has the opportunity to compete for one  servant leadership, and a strong family atmosphere. For more
                                                        of approximately 6,870 National Merit Scholarships and the  information about Cardinal Newman High School, visit
                                                        prestigious title of Merit Scholar . To advance to the finalist
                                                                    Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,

                                                                        Autism, IQ Testing

                                                                                NOW OFFERING:                  Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
                                                                                • Jupiter & Stuart Offices            Licensed School Psychologist
                                                                                • Testing for Processing
                                                                                   Problems, Anxiety,      
                                                                                   Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
                                                                                • Saturday and After
                                                                                   School Appointments
      Ed Curtin, Dillon Schneider, Danielle Benvenuto, Irene
                                                                                       “Helping Parents Help Children”

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