Page 17 - Southern Exposure - September '24
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                                                                                                                                    Southern Exposure, Page 17

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        ● Domestic reporting companies created on or after January   Are There  Penalties  For  Noncompliance With The   in this newsletter was not intended or written to be used,
      1, 2024, must provide information about the company, its   CTA?                                      and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of
      beneficial owners, and its company applicants.      Penalties for noncompliance may be steep. Willingly   avoiding U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed
             ○ A company applicant generally is the individual   providing false information (including false identifying   on such person and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice
      who files the formation document with state authorities   documents) to FinCEN, or failing to report complete BOI   from their tax advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular
      for the reporting company.                        information, can result in:                        circumstances.
        Technically, the information to be filed with FinCEN     ● Fines of $500 per day, up to $10,000    1 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021,
      is called a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)     ● Imprisonment for up to two years            Pub. L. No. 116-283, 134 Stat. 3388 (Jan. 1, 2021).
      Report. The following is what is required in the report     Civil and criminal liability may be avoided if an   2 Press Release, U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, Financial
      for a company, an owner, and an applicant:        individual who submitted an original, erroneous report did   Crimes Enforcement Network, FinCEN Issues Proposed
        ● The reporting company must provide its name and   not knowingly submit inaccurate information and submits   Rule for Beneficial Ownership Reporting to Counter
      any alternative (DBA) names, the address of its principal   an updated report correcting the inaccurate information   Illicit Finance and Increase Transparency (Dec. 7, 2021),
      place of business, the state of formation, and its taxpayer   within 90 days.              
      identification number or FinCEN identifier.       Get Help With CTA Reporting Requirements           issues-proposed-rule-beneficial-ownership-reporting-
        ● Each beneficial owner of a reporting company must     Understanding how the CTA applies to you, how   counter-illicit.
      furnish their full legal name, date of birth, residential   it  will  affect  your  business,  and  what  you  must  do  to   3 National Small Bus. Assn., The Corporate Transparency
      address, and an identification number from a driver’s   comply introduces new burdens that you may have scarce   Act, (last visited June 27, 2023).
      license, passport, or other state-issued identification (ID),   resources to address.                4 U.S. Treasury’s Final “Beneficial Ownership” Rule’s
      along with a copy of the ID document.               Terms like “beneficial owner” and “substantial control”   Impact Explained, NFIB (Oct. 19, 2022), https://www.
        ● A company applicant is required to submit the same   may  seem  vague  and confusing,  further  complicating
      information as a beneficial owner.                compliance efforts. But compliance is critical for business   beneficial-ownership-rules-impact-explained/.
      Who Has Access To FinCEN BOI Reports?             owners who want to avoid possible sanctions.       5 Beneficial Ownership Information Access and Safeguards,
        The CTA authorizes FinCEN to disclose BOI         We can help you determine whether the CTA applies to   and Use of FinCEN Identifiers for Entities, 87 Fed. Reg.
      information to five categories of recipients: 5   your business and the steps needed to meet its reporting   77404 (proposed Dec. 16, 2022).
        ●  U.S.  federal,  state,  local,  and  tribal  government   requirements. With the law’s effective date in place, we   6 Dave LaChance,  Small business group sues over
      agencies                                          encourage you to reach out now to start working on a CTA   federal ownership database, cites concerns over sharing
        ●  Foreign  law  enforcement  agencies,  judges,   compliance strategy.                            “sensitive” info, Repairer Driven News (Nov. 17, 2022),
      prosecutors, and other authorities                  If you have questions about your estate plan and what
        ● Financial institutions                        documents you should have in place to plan your estate,   business-group-sues-over-federal-ownership-database-
        ● Federal regulators                            schedule a free consultation today by calling our office   cites-concerns-over-sharing-sensitive-info/.
        ● U.S. Department of the Treasury               at (561) 694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq.,
        FinCEN may only disclose BOI information “under   Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood
      specific circumstances”: there are more stringent   Drive, Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      requirements for agencies other than those engaged in     The content of this article is general and should not be
      national security, intelligence, and law enforcement   relied upon without review of your specific circumstances
      activities.  There are also restrictions on how the   by competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information
      information may be used and how it must be secured.  herein is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by
        Some small business owners have expressed concerns   the firm on your specific circumstances or legal needs.
      about the privacy implications of the CTA. The NSBA has   An attorney client relationship is not created through the
      filed a lawsuit challenging the CTA’s constitutionality,   information provided herein.
      in part on privacy grounds over sharing “sensitive     To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must   MONDAY SEPT. 2             ND
      information” with the government.                 inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained

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          SPOTLIGHT ON HEALTH CARE                                                                                               By Sue MacDonald

          Robotic Surgery Targets Common

          Gynecological Cancers Among Women

          The same robotic technologies that al-                                                                     It’s like a car —the driver has to turn it
          low cardiac specialists to perform del-                                                                    on, steer it, speed it up, clutch it, and
          icate surgeries inside the human heart                                                                     stop it to get from Point A to Point B.
          and send hip replacement patients                                                                          The robotic capabilities allow us to be
          home the same day with new artificial                                                                      more delicate with tissues so there’s less
          joints are offering similarly profound                                                                     trauma, less disruption, shorter down
          benefits for women experiencing gyne-                                                                      time and less pain.”
          cological cancers.
                                                                                                                     Robotic instruments also allow sur-
          Whether they are diagnosed with cer-                                                                       geons to access hard-to-reach tumors
          vical or ovarian cancer, or facing a hys-                                                                  and cancers,  including  those that are
          terectomy because of uterine/endome-                                                                       recurring or have invaded nearby tissue.
          trial cancer, women can experience less
          invasive surgeries with less blood loss                                                                    The benefit for patients: less blood loss
          and quicker recoveries thanks to the                                                                       during surgery and quicker recoveries/
          presence of robotic surgical systems in   view of the surgical field, compared to  “The DaVinci platform allows for the   healing for gynecologic cancers and
          the operating suite, says Dr. Michael   traditional laparoscopic surgery.”  surgeon’s right eye and left eye to have   lung cancer.
          Worley Jr., a women’s cancer specialist                                 actual depth perception and greater
          at  Jupiter  Medical  Center’s  Anderson   Jupiter Medical Center’s cancer special-  dexterity than laparoscopic surgery,”
          Family Cancer Institute.            ists and surgeons deploy the DaVinci 5  he notes, “and it increases the types of
                                              robotic surgery platform at The Johnny  complex surgeries we can do robotically
          Some women, in fact, are sent home the   & Terry Gray Surgical Institute, which  because it improves our vision.”
          same day after a hysterectomy, thanks   opened in late 2023.
          to the precision and minimally invasive                                 Robotic-surgery instruments also mim-
          nature of robotic surgery.          Technology beyond laparoscopy       ic the more fluid movements of human
                                                                                  hands and wrists, compared with lap-
          “Since the beginning of robotics as the   Robotic surgery’s benefit is that is pro-  aroscopic instruments that tend to be
          platform on which minimally invasive   vides better visual acuity and manual  more rigid, he explains.
          surgeries have evolved, the optics and   dexterity for surgeons as they operate,
          dexterity for surgeons have improved,   explains Dr.  Worley. Laparoscopy in-  “Cancer-based surgeries that used to be
          resulting in better patient outcomes,”   volves manipulating tiny surgical in-  done only through open surgery can
          says  Worley. “Robotic surgery has al-  struments through small incisions on  now be done robotically,” notes Dr.
          lowed us to do significantly more com-  the patient’s abdomen to the exact spot  Worley. “And it’s important to point   Michael J. Worley, Jr, MD
          plex  procedures  but  through  smaller   where surgery is performed, whether  out that the robot doesn’t do anything
          incisions. These new surgical systems   doctors are removing a defective ovary  autonomously. It’s not a robot doing   For information about robotic surgery
          provide binocular vision, which allows   or an entire uterus.           surgery. The instruments are really and   capabilities at Jupiter Medical Center,
          for depth perception and an improved                                    extension of what we do as surgeons.    visit
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