Page 22 - Boca Club News - September '24
P. 22

Page 22, Boca Club News
      Essays on Life:

      The Blue Hat

      By Sonia E. Ravech. Sonia is a                    had ever known, the only school she had ever attended and   three little girls walking down the street. “Which one is
      native of Massachusetts and a                     all the friends she had made. I was sympathetic, assuring   Charlene?” I asked, finally getting to meet my daughter’s
      resident of Broken Sound for more                 her she would have no problem making new friends. I was   new friend, albeit from a distance.
      than 30 years. She is the mother                  right. Within a couple of weeks she returned home from      “The one in the blue hat,” she responded.
      of four, grandmother of seven                     school every day chatting excitedly about her new friend,      As I drove by the trio I was surprised to see that the girl
      and great-grandmother of four.                    Charlene.                                          in the blue hat was African American. I smiled, recalling that
      She has been the facilitator of the                  I learned Charlene lived in the big Victorian house on   of all the things my daughter had told me about Charlene it
      Broken Sound Memoir Writers’                      the corner. Her father was a judge and her mother a social   had never occurred to her to mention her new friend’s race.
      Workshop for the past seven years.                worker. She had no siblings but did have two cats.     I thought to myself, how much better society would be
         In 1969 my husband and I decided to move to a bigger      One afternoon, as I was driving Marcie to the dentist,   if everyone looked at the world through the eyes of a nine-
      house in a new community with a superior school system.   she jumped up excitedly from the back seat exclaiming,   year-old child, recognizing only a warm smile, friendly
      My nine-year-old daughter, Marcie, was not happy. She   “Mama, Mama, there’s my new friend Charlene.”  wave and the color of one’s hat, rather than the color of
      blamed me for taking her away from the only home she      I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw   one’s skin.
      Film Review:

      “Don’t Worry: He Won’t Get Far on Foot”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                   Through the director’s, actor’s and cinematographer’s   become an accomplished cartoonist whose work you
         Trust me on this one.                          skills, John’s trauma and shock are palpable. The initial   will instantly recognize from newspapers and popular
      If, like me, at some point                        treatment by much of the hospital staff is insufficiently   national magazines—and whose humor, while definitely
      in the first half hour or so                      caring, except for a beautiful visiting volunteer (played   funny and clever, is often considered somewhat risqué
      of this film you feel like                        by Rooney Mara) who spoon feeds him and understands   and even the object of complaints from certain social and
      turning it off as being                           that a little kiss will make him feel human.       religious groups.
      rather depressing, don’t                             When John is provided with an electric wheelchair      Interestingly, although I strongly disagree, because the
      do it!                                            whose movements and direction he can control with   film shows some of these wonderful cartoons, the movie
         Resist that urge and                           his fingers, his world widens: He can travel around the   itself is listed in the category of “comedy drama” despite
      you will be rewarded with                         hospital and even go outdoors. Recognizing the reason   the fact that the story itself is of a life that can hardly be
      one of the most brilliant                         for his disastrous situation he decides to join a group in   considered as having any semblance of humor.
      acting performances and                           Alcoholics Anonymous  to  straighten  out  his  life. The      But there is indeed a happy ending to this life, one that
      emotional screen stories                          group leader, portrayed by Jonah Hill, takes a special   will reward you for staying with the film as I urged you
      you will have experienced                         interest in guiding John through AA’s established process.  to do at the opening of this review. A successful career as
      in a long time, to be then told in the closing credits (forgive      We learn that John’s mother had turned him over for   a cartoonist…a loving marriage to Annu, caregiver at the
      this spoiler) that it is all based on a true memoir by the man   adoption when he was a young boy and he has never   hospital who understood what this patient needed at the
      who lived it!                                     overcome the sadness and feeling of loss of self-worth   worst moment of his life…and, as you will discover, the
         The highly respected director Gus Van Sant adapted   caused by that decision.                     one-word lesson learned from his AA leader that enabled
      that memoir into the screenplay for this 2018 film      That is the turning point in the film, for it led the   John Callahan at last to overcome his life of alcoholism.
      streaming  on Amazon  Prime  Video.   After  viewing   real John Callahan–who is able to use his hands—to
      Joaquin Phoenix’s extraordinary performance in the lead
      role I had to do some research to learn why he failed to win
      the Academy Award that year. It went to Rami Malek for  Two Palm Beach Children’s Surgical
      playing Freddie Mercury in American Rhapsody. (Joaquin
      Phoenix  throughout  his  career  has  won  one Academy   Specialists Pediatric Surgeons Offer
      Award, one British Academy Film Award, two Golden
      Globe Awards, one Grammy—having been nominated for   Important Back-To-School Tips To Keep
      13 of those—in addition to having been nominated for
      no fewer than 105 other U.S. and international festival
      acting awards and taking top honors 28 times!)      Children Safe On Campus And Playing Field
         We meet him here in the opening scene as John
      Callahan, onstage as a recovered alcoholic receiving an      As the new school year nears, ensuring students’  or replaced. Children need to be supervised to ensure they
      award before an audience to whom he is telling the story   safety on and around campus as well as during sports and  use the equipment correctly and to prevent overcrowding,
      we are about to witness.                            extracurricular activities is crucial. Back-to-school season  which can also lead to accidents.”
         The flashback begins at a party where Jack and his   means more time spent on fields and playgrounds, so     Additionally ,
      friend (played by Jack Black), already having had too   making safety a priority is key to a successful, injury-free  encouraging children to
      much to drink, decide to make a real night of it. After   academic year.                             practice  safe  play  habits
      stops at an amusement park and a strip club, imbibing      Pediatric surgeons                        helps minimize risks.
      even more at each, they pile back into the car for one more   Anne Fischer, MD, and                  “Schools can promote
      stop with his totally besotted friend behind the wheel. As   Avraham Schlager, MD,                   safety through regular drills
      the car veers from one lane to another, the driver’s eyes   two members of the highly                and educational sessions,
      begin to close. He dozes off…and the inevitable 90 mph   skilled clinical team at                    and by having clear safety
      crash into a light pole results in them being brought by   Palm Beach Children’s                     guidelines,” he said.
      emergency ambulance to a hospital.                  Surgical Specialists,                               The new academic
         As it turns out, the driver escapes with only minor   offered some important                      year also brings increased
      bruises and we see no more of him until the very end of the   tips to help keep children             activity to streets around
      film. But it is largely through John’s (Joaquin Phoenix’s)   safe both at school and on              schools,  making  traffic   Avraham Schlager, MD
      eyes and thoughts that we learn and experience his life   the playing field.                         and pedestrian safety a top
      from that moment on as a quadriplegic: paralysis of both      For participants in any                priority. “Parents need to
      arms and both legs.                                 sport, wearing the proper  Anne Fischer, MD      remind children about the importance of using crosswalks
                                                          protective gear is essential                     and obeying traffic signals, especially if they’re starting
                                                          to prevent injuries. “For sports like football, hockey, and  at a new school where they may be unfamiliar with
                                                          lacrosse, helmets, mouthguards, and pads are crucial,”  the campus,” said Dr. Fischer.  “It’s also important to
                                                          said Dr. Fischer. “These items should be well-fitted and  emphasize wearing high visibility clothing, particularly
                                                          regularly inspected for wear and tear. In sports like soccer  for younger children who walk or bike to school. And, of
                                                          and basketball, shin guards and supportive footwear help  course, helmets are a must for any child riding a bicycle.”
                                                          reduce the risk of injuries. Students should be educated     By  working  together  to  ensure  that  playgrounds
                                                          on the importance of wearing this gear consistently and  are secure and traffic patterns around schools are well-
                                                          correctly, as even a momentary lapse in protection can lead  organized and safe, schools and parents can create a safer
                                                          to serious injuries.”                            and more enjoyable environment for students, added Dr.
                                                             Playground safety is another back-to-school concern.  Schlager.
                                                          Playgrounds are a hub of activity, and ensuring they remain     For more information on Dr. Anne Fischer and
                                                          safe is vital. “The surface under playground equipment  Dr. Avraham Schlager and Palm Beach Children’s
                                                          should be made of impact-absorbing materials like  Surgical  Specialists  practice  and  office  visit:
                                                          mulch or rubber to minimize injuries from falls,” said Dr. or call (561)
                                                          Schlager. “Equipment should be regularly inspected for  295-9100.
                                                          any wear and tear and damaged items promptly repaired
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