Page 20 - The Jewish Voice - August '24
P. 20
Page 20, The Jewish Voice
arts & entertainment
Book Review in the house across matter. And he had an unusual knack for an even more
the street, who said difficult task: letting go of all the rest.”
The Book of Charlie: Wisdom from the he was “washing his There were many highs and lows in a life as long
Remarkable Life of a 109-Year-Old Man girlfriend’s car,” that as this. And witnessing them over more than a century
it was a moment that through Charlie’s eyes is a remarkable experience,
By Nils A. Shapiro would change his especially in the words of such a gifted writer. As just a
David Von Drehle was life forever. few of many, many examples:
already a noted writer—a For that man Dr. Charlie White’s medical career began in the depths
columnist and editor at the was Charlie White, of the Great Depression of the early 1930s, when making
Washington Post and author already 102 years house calls was a typical way to treat patients. The
of four earlier successful of age—a retired situation sometimes called for the emergency removal of
books—when he decided to physician who had a child’s tonsils. At such and similar occasions, parents
move with his wife and four been born before who literally could not afford a nickel in payment instead
young children to Kansas the invention of invited the doctor for dinner or offered anything he would
City, Mo. But he had no radio and lived long like to take from their cupboard.
idea when he first met the enough to use a Charlie had a tough childhood. His father, whom
elderly neighbor who lived smartphone; a man he loved dearly, was a pastor. One day, when the man
born soon after the was entering the elevator in an office building the
first flight of the Wright Brothers who later watched man’s inexperienced operator of the elevator accidentally raised
Lifestyles from page 19 landing on the moon, and whose own medical practice it and Charlie’s father slipped and fell many floors into
began before the discovery of penicillin, was limited to the empty chute and was killed. Charlie’s mother was left
6. Review your insurance. Check the amount of comforting the patient so that the body could heal itself with five children and no source of income.
your life insurance coverage and see if it still meets … and continued through the discovery of antibiotics and One of Charlie’s high school buddies owned a
your family’s needs. Consider getting long-term care today’s latest pharmaceutical and surgical advances. 1917 Model T Ford touring car with bicycle fenders,
insurance to help pay for the costs of long-term care But from the friendship that developed between these Chesterfield seats and a fold-up canopy. Several of the
(and preserve your assets for your family) in the event two men, and which prompted this bestselling book, was guys decided to set out for California after their graduation
you and/or your spouse should need it due to illness the author’s evolving awareness of the extraordinary in May 1922, taking on farm work to pay their way cross
or injury. wisdom and positive philosophy that had enabled Charlie country. The description of that trip includes instructions
7. Organize your accounts and documents. It used to survive all that life had placed in his path those many on how to drive that Model T.
to be that we could just point to a file cabinet and say years. He had taken to heart the lesson his mother had Charlie volunteered and served in the U.S. Army Air
everything was in there. But now so much is done taught him from an early age: Do the right thing. Force. When anesthesia was discovered as a way to ease
online that there may not even be a paper trail. Make For Von Drehle, this became an opportunity to pass patients’ suffering, he was trained in its application and
a list of ALL of your accounts, where they are located, along to his own children the kinds of lessons he had became one of the military’s leading anesthesiologists,
and the user names and passwords, then review and always hoped he could provide for them. training many others under his command.
update it before each trip. Print a hard copy in case The following excerpt makes it clear that everyone Charlie was married more than once. Life was not
your computer is stolen or crashes and let someone you fortunate enough to read this wonderful book can derive always ideal. In his final years he was interviewed many
trust know where to find it. Clean up your computer that same benefit: times by the media and asked about his philosophy of life.
desktop and put your financial and other important “Charlie was a man of science. As a physician, he “I haven’t given it much thought,” he would reply, except
files where they can be easily found. Make a back-up knew how the human body goes—and how it stops. He to add that his mother’s advice to “Do the right thing”
copy in case your computer is stolen or crashes, and let was the first to say that his extraordinary life span was covers a lot of situations. But among the items Charlie’s
someone know where to find it. Be sure to include on a fluke of genetics and fortune. Still, as I’ve reflected family found when he was gone was a single sheet of
your master list any passwords that might be needed on this remarkable friend, I’ve come to see that he was notepaper on which he had written a list of 15 definitive
to access your computer and files. more than a living history lesson, and more than just the rules that serve perfectly as a guide to a successful life.
8. Talk to your children about your plan. You don’t winner of a genetic Powerball. He was a case study in I will list only five here and urge you to read this book
have to show them financial statements, but you can how to thrive—not just survive but thrive—through any to get the full terrific story … and the other 10 secrets
discuss in general terms what you are planning and span of years, short or long. People often asked him you will want to know of Charlie’s well-lived life:
why, especially when any changes are made. The more about the secret of longevity, and Charlie was always Savor special moments.
they understand your plan, the more likely they are scrupulously honest: there’s no secret, just luck. But if Cry when you need to.
to accept it—and that will help to avoid discord after he knew no secrets to a long life, he knew plenty about Feel deeply.
you are gone. a happy life. Through tragedy and loss, poverty and Take a chance.
If you have questions about your estate plan and setbacks, missteps and blown chances, he maintained a Enjoy wonder.
what documents you should have in place to plan your steadiness, an evenness, and a self-reliance that today
estate, schedule a free consultation today by calling our might be called resilience. He had a gift for seizing joy, Arts & Entertainment on page 22
office at 561-694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, grabbing opportunities, and holding on to things that
Esq., Elder and Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480
Maplewood Drive, Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
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