Page 19 - The Jewish Voice - August '24
P. 19

The Jewish Voice, Page 19

      Lifestyles from page 18                               This recipe has just three ingredients, and you can use   in regularly, your veterinarian can evaluate for unhealthy
                                                         whatever veggies you like, such as cauliflower, carrots,   or concerning trends, like weight loss.
         Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Dawn Jackson   or even zucchini.                               Some cat owners may feel that just because their cat
      Blatner wants to help active families find their stride by                                           doesn’t go outside, routine health checkups are not needed.
      offering five tips that can make a big difference in athletic   Veggie Chaffles                      This could not be further from the truth. Indoor cats can still
      performance.                                       Prep time: 5 minutes                              develop a plethora of ailments and regular examinations and
                                                         Cook time: 25 minutes                             preventative measures can ensure that they stay healthy for
      1. Don’t skip breakfast                            Yield: 8 mini waffles                             a long time. Another hesitation that cat owners have is the
         “Eating breakfast kick-starts your metabolism,   Ingredients                                      difficulty and stress (for them and their feline companion)
      replenishes your energy stores, and sets the tone for   4 eggs, large                                of transporting to the veterinary office. If this is the case,
      the day ahead,” said Blatner. She recommends eating   1 cup finely chopped veggies, like cauliflower or shredded   you can reach out to your veterinarian about techniques and/
      nourishing morning meals that include protein, carbs, and   zucchini                                 or pheromones or medications that might ease your cat’s
      healthy fats, like a quick breakfast wrap with a whole grain   3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese       transportation and visit.
      tortilla, avocado, spinach, and eggs to fuel your muscles   Olive oil (for brushing)                    So what can you expect during your routine visit? The
      for whatever challenges lie ahead.                 Preparation                                       veterinary staff will check your cat’s vitals, including
                                                         1. Preheat mini waffle maker.                     weight, during every visit.  They can discuss any
      2. Eat your colors                                 2. In a bowl, mix eggs with veggies and cheese.   recommended vaccines or preventative parasite control
         Did you know that the color of fruits and vegetables is   3. Brush waffle maker with olive oil and pour 1/4 cup egg   based on lifestyle. Your veterinarian will perform a
      important to maintaining a healthy diet? Each color offers   mixture into the mini waffle maker. Close lid and cook for   full physical exam to include dental assessment as well
      different nutrients. For example, leafy greens contain   3 minutes, until golden.                    all body symptoms, including listening to their heart
      nitrates for energy, yellow/orange produce has carotenoids   4. Repeat to use the rest of the egg mixture.  and lungs. Another integral part of assessing our feline
      for healthy vision, and red produce has lycopene and   Additional Notes                              companion’s health status is checking routine lab work
      anthocyanin for heart health. When putting a meal together,      Eat right away or store in fridge for up to four days. Eat   to include blood and urine testing. This will give your
      do a “color check.” Blatner recommends that your plate   leftovers cold, at room temperature, or heat in microwave   veterinarian more crucial information about your cat’s
      should have at least two colors at every meal.     for about 20 seconds. Use frozen riced cauliflower or other   health. These diagnostics can provide a healthy baseline;
                                                         veggies so there’s no chopping required.          but your veterinarian can also assess for trends over
      3. Prioritize protein                                                                   Source: BPT    time enabling them to catch disease before it becomes a
         Protein  is  power! Athletes  who  want  to  improve                                              debilitating issue. As mentioned, cats are masters at hiding
      their strength and endurance should prioritize protein at   Tip of the Tail                          discomfort or illness. Therefore, it becomes important for
      every meal, and having protein after practice or a game                                              us to advocate for them with preventative care.
      is especially important. According to the International   Feline Preventative Care                      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      Society of Sports Nutrition, eating protein after a workout                                          is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
      promotes muscle gain and aids in recovery, so athletes can                                           pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
      wake up energized for the next day of activities.                                                    physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
                                                                                                           extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
      4. Ensure ample time for rest and recovery                                                           Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
         It’s crucial for athletes to focus on recovery and rest to                                        care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
      maintain their energy and performance levels throughout                                              For more information, call 772-283-0920, visit www.
      the entire sports season. Engaging in sports can lead to                                   , or find us on Facebook
      muscle wear and fatigue, so prioritize adequate sleep and                                            at
      relaxation for muscle repair, growth, and a reduced risk of      Regular wellness care is an important component
      injury. Recovery time isn’t just physical; it also provides   of a healthy lifestyle for all pets. Unfortunately, cats   Eight Estate Planning Things
      mental rest, which is essential for maintaining focus and   are less likely to receive routine wellness care than
      motivation.                                        dogs. According to the American Veterinary Medical   to Do Before You Travel
                                                         Association, only half of cat owners brought their pets in
      5. Stock your snacks                               for wellness care over the course of a year and 10 percent   By Anné Desormier-
         When  time  is  short  between  practice  and  games,   of cat owners never even take their cat to the vet at all.   Cartwright, JD
      athletes may be tempted to reach for convenient but   This is an unfortunate statistic when you consider how      Before  any  trip,  most
      unhealthy snacks. To help make wholesome choices,   many cats may be suffering from illnesses that could be   of us create a to-do list of
      Blatner encourages keeping grab-and-go snacks of   prevented. Cats are experts at masking symptoms and   things we have put off and
      nutrient-dense foods in your fridge.               hiding pain.                                      want to take care of before
         A tasty, nutritious, and easy snack or meal to prep and      Because it can be difficult to tell when a cat is feeling   we leave. Here is a checklist
      store are veggie chaffles (cheese waffles). Eggland’s Best   ill, some owners  may  feel  that their  cat  doesn’t need   of estate planning things to
      eggs contain more than double the Vitamin B-12 compared   routine wellness care. This means many cats don’t get   do before you take your next
      to ordinary eggs, which provides a natural energy boost.   the care they need until their condition is much more   trip. Taking care of these
      They also contain more than double the Omega-3s    serious.  Most  illnesses  can  be  more  easily  treated  if   will help you travel with
      compared to ordinary eggs, which may help reduce muscle   caught early, sometimes even before the cat is showing   peace of mind, knowing that
      soreness and aid in recovery after strenuous exercise.  outward symptoms at home. Additionally, when brought   if you don’t return due to serious illness or death, you have
                                                                                                           made things much easier for those you love.
                                                                                                              1. Have your estate planning done. If you have been
          Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?                     procrastinating about your estate planning, use your next
                                                                                                           trip as your deadline to finally get this done. Be sure to
                                                                                                           allow adequate time to get your estate plan completed in
            For The Next Storm?                                                                            advance of your trip.
                                                                                                             2.  Review  and  update  your  existing  estate  plan.

                                                                                                           Revisions should be made any time there are changes
                                                                                                           in family (birth, death, marriage, divorce, remarriage),
                                                                       No Air Conditioning?                finances, tax laws, or if a trustee or executor can no longer
                                                                         No Refrigeration?                 serve. Again, be sure to allow enough time to have the
                                                                                                           changes made.
                                                            FREE                 10% OFF                     have a living trust and did not finish changing titles and/
                                                                                                             3. Review titles and beneficiary designations. If you
                                                           7 Year Warranty                                 or beneficiary designations, now is the time to do so. If a
                                                           on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*      beneficiary has died or if you are divorced, change these
                                                           Standby Generators*                             immediately. If a beneficiary is incapacitated or a minor,
                                                             $ 350                     $ 1,000             you should set up a trust for this person and name the trust
                                                                                                           as beneficiary to prevent the court from taking control of
                                                             One-Time                 OFF                  the proceeds.
                                                           Maintenance*                 Install*              4. Review your plan for minor children. If you haven’t
                                                                            *Must show coupons. Call for details.  named a guardian who is able and willing to serve and
                                                                                                           something happens to you, the court will decide who will
                                                               561.774.7714                                raise your kids without your input. If you have named a

                                                               2271 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.                 guardian, consider if this person is still the best choice.
                                                                                                           Name a back-up in case your first choice cannot serve.
                                                                West Palm Beach, FL 33409                  Select someone responsible to manage the inheritance.
                                                                                                              5. Secure or review incapacity documents. Everyone
                                                                                                           over the age of 18 needs to have these: 1) durable power
                                                                                                           of attorney for health care, which gives another person
                                                                                                           legal authority to make health care decisions (including
                                                         life and death decisions) for you if you are unable to make
                                                                                                           them for yourself; and 2) HIPPA authorizations, which
                                       Licensed Electrical Contractor #EC 13010145                         give written consent for doctors to discuss your medical
        *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
        the Palm Beaches. Refurbished products are excluded from this promotion. This promotion is valid for all air cooled home standby generators in stock. Call for availability.   situation with others, including family members.
        Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
                         offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
                                                                                                           Lifestyles on page 20
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