Page 1 - The Jewish Voice - August '24
P. 1
VOL. 14 NO. 8 AUGUST 2024
Backpacks Filled with Supplies
Donated to Deserving Local Students
Doz e ns of l oc a l
volunteers of all ages
re c e nt l y j oi ne d t he
Dorothy & Sidney
Kohl Jewish Volunteer
Center (JVC) and the
Education Foundation of
Palm Beach County to
assemble backpacks for
students at Title 1 schools
throughout Palm Beach
County, where a majority of the families are economically
Volunteers packed nearly 1,500 bags full of supplies
and books that will equip students at Grove Park Backpacks Filled with Supplies on page 2
Survivor Transforms Misery into Music
Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens most treasured possession is a pair of in the camps has now evolved into a full-blown musical
recently hosted Saul Dreier and the tefillin that he was gifted by a group presentation.
Holocaust Survivors Band for an of young rabbis who honored him. “I want to play for the 6 million to hear us. We want to
intimate and uplifting event. Dreier, A Holocaust survivor from Poland, play in Auschwitz and Warsaw for the 6 million people who
now in his 100th year, is a Holocaust Dreier decided, in his nineties, to perished,” Dreier says. “It’s my biggest ambition in life.”
survivor who used music to help form a Holocaust Survivors Band In a move both beautiful and defiant, the Holocaust
survive the atrocities of the Holocaust. that would perpetuate the legacy of Survivor Band performed on the infamous railroad tracks
During the concert, Dreier told the victims of the Holocaust through leading to Auschwitz — an act of solidarity with the dead.
the tale of his incredible resilience song and celebration. He had a vision But for Dreier, the most memorable moment of the trip was
through six years in the concentration of using music to honor the lives an act of weather in a sacred place. “When I walked into
camps and the miracle of his survival. of the Jews who were murdered in Treblinka where my mother perished, the rain started,” Dreier
When asked about the most moving World War II. A musical experience said. “It’s almost as if all 6 million were crying.”
moment in his life, he spoke of that started with clapping spoons
performing at the White House. His and playing drums to keep up morale Survivor Transforms on page 4
Team Tikkun Olam Takes Action Against Hunger
Temple Judea members
volunteered last month at
St. George Table to provide
food for our food insecure
neighbors. St. George Table
serves a hot lunch for 200
people Monday through
Friday each and every week.
Their work, made possible
by dedicated volunteers, is
inspired by the values of
human dignity, empowerment, optimism, and community
Temple Judea’s Team Tikkun Olam volunteers brought
in a hot lunch for 200 people, packed them into individual
boxes, and distributed them residents in Palm Beach County struggle with hunger; 50,890
to our neighbors in need. of these residents are children who do not have enough to eat
Each neighbor also receives a on a daily basis. Jewish tradition mandates that we all have
lunch to take home with them, a responsibility and obligation to feed the hungry. On each
consisting of sandwiches Passover we proclaim, “May all who are hungry come and
made by local organizations. eat!” In the book of Leviticus, we are instructed, “When you
Each month Temple Judea reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to
members donate hundreds of the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest;
freshly made sandwiches to you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger.” These days,
St. George Table. Despite its
wealth, more than 173,000 Team Tikkun Olam Takes Action on page 2