Page 17 - Boca Exposure - August '24
P. 17

Boca Exposure, Page 17

      You And Your Pet from page 16                        For all these important reasons, it is important to field      A tranquilizer or other pre-anesthetic medication may be
                                                        those questions to your regular veterinarian to find the   administered to ease the induction of anesthesia. Medication
      mammary cancer development, and spaying before the first   best timing to spay your own pet.         is given intravenously to induce sleep. Once the dog is asleep,
      heat cycle (generally before the ages of six to eight months)      Pyometra Prevention. Pyometra is a life-threatening   a tube is placed in her throat to ensure that a clear airway is
      removes this problem as a consideration. Spaying before the   infection of the uterus that generally occurs in middle-aged   maintained throughout the procedure.
      first heat is protective against an extremely common form   to older unspayed female dogs in the six weeks following      The tube is hooked up to an anesthesia machine that
      of cancer. Further, spaying while the dog is of a smaller   heat. One in four unspayed female dogs who have survived to   delivers a specific concentration of inhalant gas mixed with
      size makes for less trouble with bleeding in surgery and   age 10 will get it. Treatment involves surgery on a potentially   100 percent oxygen. A technician is assigned to monitor this
      an easier recovery after surgery. Larger dogs are a more   unstable patient. Mortality rates with surgery have been   pet so that the concentration of inhalant gas can be changed
      difficult surgery and are generally more costly to spay.  reported as high as 17 percent. Without treatment the dog is   as needed and the patient’s jaw tone, facial reflexes, mucous
         That said,  research has shown that there is an   expected to die. Spaying early prevents pyometra.  membrane color, ECG, heart rate, respiration rate and volume,
      increased incidence of some other problems in some      The spay (Ovariohysterectomy) procedure.  What   end tidal carbon dioxide, pulse oximetry, blood pressure and
      breeds when they are spayed young. For some breeds,   Exactly Happens? It is important that the patient has not   other parameters are followed.
      there is an increased incidence of urinary incontinence   been fed for at least twelve hours prior to surgery. Anesthetic      An incision is made on the midline of the abdomen, and
      associated with spaying before the age of one year.  medications commonly induce nausea and vomiting can   the three points where the ovaries and uterus are attached are
         For larger breeds, the situation becomes more   be dangerous in a sedated patient (vomit can be inhaled/  tied off and cut. The abdomen is checked for bleeding and
      complicated. The problem for large-breed female dogs   aspirated leading to pneumonia).              two or three layers of stitches are placed to close the incision.
      is that some breeds have a higher incidence of joint and      A preoperative evaluation is performed; ECG and blood      It is helpful to know that should the skin stitches come
      bone issues or increased incidence (albeit small increases)   work is recommended for females as a normal pre-  out there are two layers below holding everything closed.
      in other types of cancers when they are spayed too   anesthetic consideration. An intravenous catheter is placed   Sometimes skin stitches are not placed but if they are present,
      young. Issues regarding joint and bone problems, urinary   to facilitate the administration of anesthetic drugs, for any   you will need to return in 10-14 days to have them removed.
      incontinence, and cancers other than mammary cancer   fluid administration, and for use in case of emergency.   Sometimes the skin layer is omitted in which case returning
      are highly dependent on breed such that findings for one   This necessitates shaving a small patch of skin on one of   will be unnecessary unless there is a problem.
      breed do not hold true for another.               the legs.                                             What to Expect at Home. Most spay surgery patients go
                                                                                                           home the same day or the next as if nothing had happened,
                                                                                                           though pain and other medications will be provided to cover
                                                                                                           the next few days.
                                                                                                              Some nausea may occur in the first couple of days after
                                                                                                           surgery and it would not be unusual for the pet to refuse food
                                                                                                           for a day after surgery. Dogs who show a propensity to lick their
                                                                                                           stitches will need an E-Collar to restrict access to the stitches.
                                                                                                           This is not comfortable for the dog but it must be used strictly
             HAPPY HOUR: MON - THURS, ALL DAY AT BAR ONLY                                                  until the stitches are out and the incision is healed.
                                                                                                             Activity should be restricted to short leash walks for
                               MON - FRI 3 - 6 PM                                                            eliminations only, during the two weeks following surgery.

                     FULL INDOOR                                                $             99           Excessive activity can lead to swelling or fluid accumulation
                                                                                                           under the incision or, even worse, a tear in the internal incision
                    AND OUTDOOR                                                    59                      line. Obviously, if the situation is more serious have the
                                                                                                           incision swelling inspected at the veterinarian’s office.
                   (COVERED PATIO)                                                                            In conclusion, depending on your discussion with your

                   BAR AND DINING                                                                          veterinarian—the breed of your dog, the age, etc.—it is
                                                                                                           often best to spay your dog before the first heat and prevent
                                                                                                           cancer and pyometra. Both conditions are life threatening
                                                                                                           and extremely expensive. Both conditions cause suffering
                                                                                     ONE APPETIZER,        and pain. So, spay early, don’t wait!
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