Page 16 - Boca Exposure - August '24
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Exposure
      Dining Out: Everybody Knows Your Name...Cheers!

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                       short ribs drizzled with maple sriracha for heat, topped with   neighboring steakhouses they are still premium Angus Beef
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s                         pickled onions and pressed between two slices of Challah   and grilled over an open flame! Give the 12 oz. N.Y. Strip
      love for food started very                        with Vermont cheddar oozing from its inners.       ($39) a try and remind yourself you’re not at Capital Grill.
      young. Never satisfied with                          Not hungry yet? Then go for the piled-high Maxx      From The  Dessert Tray: Every dessert off their
      his Mom’s dishes, he started                      Burger ($19.50). Your mouth will need a stepladder to   dessert tray is made in house. There are only three choices
      to cook his way through her                       bite off this high topper. Fresh hand-packed Angus beef   here: Cheese Cake ($10.50), Seven-layer Chocolate Cake
      “Betty Crocker Cookbook.”                         with all the trimmings joined by amazing crispy greaseless   ($11) or the winner of our visit, Key Lime Pie ($9)—the
      During the years to follow he                     onion rings with a griddle bun.                    sourly sweet custard of fresh key lime set perfectly in a
      spend many hours working                             Straight From The Kitchen: For Hungry D’s main   shelled graham cracker-like crust. Plenty for two to enjoy.
      in restaurants, both as server and cook, attending cooking   entree she cast her vote for the Salmon Romesco ($30).   It would be great if Burton’s added some more options,
      classes and traveling the world in an effort to expand   Perfectly cooked bronzed salmon with, of course, the   such as a pastry item or ice cream.
      his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers his   Romesco sauce and sided with fennel slaw and very tasty      Check Please: From the very first seat I pulled up to
      perspective on current food trends and guides you through   herbed roasted fingerling potatoes.      the bar I knew that Burton’s was a place I could call home.
      your local restaurant options.                       Another ballot entry would be the Mediterranean   Like Dorothy from Oz, the sharing of time and space
                                                        Chicken Risotto ($21.50/27.50). This Greek style rice is   comfortably with faces of familiarity is a total security
      Burton’s Grill & Bar                              surprisingly cooked al dente (hard recipe to nail perfectly)   high for Hungry D and me. Judging by the quality of food
      5580 N. Military Trail                            with good balance of protein and vegetables.       and the competent friendly staff, you know this chain is
      Boca Raton, FL 33496                                 Hungry Al elected to have the Crab Cakes ($39.50),   more than just a corporate entity. It proves that there is
      (561) 465-2036                                    again only because they were the closest I’ve eaten to the   management that really wants to please.                                  real deal—light on the filler, great on the seasoning and      Taking a cue from the lyrics of the theme song:
                                                        broiled to temperature perfect.                    “Making your way in the world today takes everything you got.
         Food For Thought: When Woody asked Norm, “Can I      Another popular dish exiting the kitchen is Burton’s   Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.
      draw you a beer?” Norm responded, “I know what they look   Pappardelle Bolognese ($26). I counted at least five plates   Wouldn’t you like to get away...?
      like. Can you just pour me one!”                  passing by me in a matter of minutes. Here at Burton’s they   Sometimes you want to GO—
         This is only one example of the laughs I got from my years   are utilizing only fresh pasta with the traditional meat sauce.   Where everybody knows your name....”
      watching this show. I also started thinking about how nice it   You can slurp up any additional sauce (if there’s any left)      It’s only fitting that I give Burton’s its well-deserved
      would be to have my own “Cheers” bar where “everybody   with the garlic ciabatta toast that accompanies it.  four golden bar stools. Hopefully, we
      knew my name.” Thankfully, I had a few.              Finally, there’s Burton’s Butcher Block for all you meat   get seats next to you and have a few
         There is still one bar in Deerfield Beach, Muddy Waters,   lovers. Even though these steaks don’t come from the   laughs together.
      that Hungry D and I go back to every year during Christmas
      for a seasonal drink. As we glance around the bar we can still
      we all have a few more wrinkles and pounds to show, but  You And Your Pet: Spay Early,
      see a few recognizable faces, even after 25 years. Obviously,
      the welcoming smiles have not aged. We order the same fish
      sandwich (amazingly good) and two Bloody Marys. Nothing   Don’t Wait!
      has changed and we are happy for that fact.
         The best part of having a bar retreat is no one is judgmental
      or unaccepting. Regardless of our political or monetary   By Dr. Sid Ranade, DVM, Calusa Veterinary Center,   After the first heat, the incidence of tumor development
      status everyone is on an equal playing field. I can’t explain   6900 Congress Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33487, (561)   climbs to 7 percent and after the second heat, the risk
      all the indirect therapy I’ve received by pulling up a stool   999-3000,             is 25 percent (one in four!). It is easy to see that an
      for everyone to hear my stories, good or bad.          Surgical sterilization of the female dog, commonly   early spay can completely prevent what is frequently a
         Now that we live in North Boca we have established a   referred to as spaying, is one of the most significant   difficult and potentially fatal form of cancer.
      new “cheers” bar called Burton’s Grill. It has a different   aspects of care an owner can provide for their female      But is it too late if a dog is already past her second
      demographic but everyone will greet you with open arms.   dog. The benefits to the dog far outweigh simply not   heat? No. In fact, spaying is important even in female
      If you haven’t gotten there yet, make it a point to do so.   having puppies, though as pet overpopulation looms as   dogs who already have obvious tumors. This is because
         First Impressions: The blueprint of this restaurant is   a societal problem it is important to consider the bigger   many mammary tumors are stimulated by estrogens;
      a sure winner. Originating from Massachusetts and having   picture as well and be part of the solution rather than   removing  the  ovaries, the source of estrogens  will
      several other locations, these folks know the business. The   part of the problem.                   help retard tumor spread. Spaying removes the uterus
      modernization of its decor is stunning as well as functional.      Spaying involves the removal of the uterus and   and both ovaries, prevents pyometra and is crucial in
      Its centerpiece is a u-shaped bar big enough to seat forty   ovaries. It is a major surgery but a very commonly   preventing as well as treating mammary cancer.
      patrons. Plus...there’s a huge selection of crafted drinks   performed one, most safely performed while a female      What Age to Spay? A lot of factors go into this
      that will have you sipping them down like a Slurpee from   dog is still in puppyhood, prior to her first heat cycle.   question. As mentioned, dogs have a huge problem with
      7-Eleven. There’s also an open kitchen to give you the sense   A female dog spayed before her first heat will have a
      that your dinner is made to order. The good is!   significant chance of never developing mammary cancer.   You And Your Pet on page 17
         You’ll also find a great area off the front room that serves
      as a casual holding area with a few high tops and comfortable
      seating. The rest of the layout has striking wooden tones,
      deconstructed ceiling, ample booths and a very tropical and
      inviting outside bar with seating.                                    NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
         Prime Your Taste Buds: I have to admit Burton’s is not
      Houston’s. They are much more. Here, vegetarians and vegans
      together can eat from the same garden. And for those of you
      who have gluten-free issues you can avoid the carbs with plenty     Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      of choices. Basically, there’s a menu for everyone.
         For starters you might want to consider filling your
      wheelbarrow with General Tso’s Cauliflower ($17.50). This                Board Certified in
      is not your ordinary P.F. Chang’s version. The stalks here
      are braised on the wok with a Thai chili and served with a               Internal Medicine
      cooling down ginger aioli.                                        with Added Qualifications in
         Not enough veggies? Try the Spinach & Artichoke Dip
      ($15). Nice and cheesy with ample amounts of spinach and                  Geriatrics (2002).
      artichokes will have you dipping non-stop and requesting
      more tortilla chips. Also, for you Chicken Wing ($17)              Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      lovers, these are a very popular item. You’re going to love
      the Memphis rub they coat these flappers with!                          Voted a “Best Doctor”
         For those who can’t start any meal without a green                         by his peers.
      salad, you’ll be happy to keep it simple. The Burton’s
      House Salad ($13.50) is much more than its title.
      Actually, it’s one of the best I’ve had that fall into this            Call to request a complimentary meeting
      category. As Hungry D says, “There are plenty of goodies
      mixed in!” But what makes it stand apart from the norm                                  with Dr. Reznick.
      is the quality of blue cheese and the home-cut cured
      apple-smoked bacon. My favorite salad is the Southwest
      Chicken Salad ($21).                                                                 561.368.0191
         There’s also a Greek Salad ($16) for those who want to
      reminisce their travels to Greece and a Superfood ($17.50)
      for those wanting to feel like a real vegan.                                   7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
         Outside The Lunchbox: Sandwiches hold supreme on                                    Boca Raton, FL 33433
      Burton’s menu. Regardless if it’s lunch or dinner these will             
      be a hit with you Sandwich Kings! I highly recommend
      the Short Rib Grilled Cheese ($22). I know it’s a bit pricey
      but it’s really that good. Imagine slow-braised Angus beef
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