Page 4 - Talk of Tequesta - July '24
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Page 4, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                             in Your CommuniTY

                          Busch Wildlife Sanctuary Celebrates Arvy

       The Brown Pelican’s Three-Year Homecoming Anniversary

        Busch  Wildlife  Sanctuary  at  the  Abramson  &     Unfortunately, Arvy  suffered  severe  frostbite  and   sales benefitting Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. The nonprofit is
      Schlaggar  Reserve,  a  nonprofit  organization  dedicated   underwent multiple surgeries that resulted in the pelican   incredibly proud of its effort to rehabilitate Arvy and provide
      to  the  conservation  of  Florida’s  native  wildlife  and   losing about 35 percent of both feet. She would not have been   her with a forever home.
      environmental  education,  is  excited  to  celebrate Arvy   able to survive in the wild and became a permanent resident     Busch Wildlife Sanctuary at the Abramson & Schlaggar
      the  brown  pelican’s  third  anniversary  of  becoming  a   at Busch Wildlife Sanctuary on June 4, 2021.  Reserve is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection
      permanent resident at its sanctuary.                 Arvy settled in beautifully and has thrived ever since.   and conservation of Florida’s wildlife and natural resources.
        Arvy  was  blown  off-course  and  rescued  from  the   First coming to the sanctuary as a juvenile, Arvy has now   Founded in 1983, the sanctuary protects and restores native
      icy Connecticut River on Jan. 27, 2021, suffering from   matured into an adult and is a wonderful surrogate mother   wildlife for the benefit of its unique animals, environment and
      extreme  hypothermia.  Brown  pelicans  are  southern   to the nonprofit’s newest juvenile brown pelican, Beans.  people. Our goal is to inspire and educate the community in
      birds, and it was evident Arvy needed to be transported     Arvy is an amazing educational ambassador for brown   leading local conservation and wildlife rescue, rehabilitation
      elsewhere for her best                             pelicans and how humans can cohabitate with the species.   and release efforts. To learn about Busch Wildlife Sanctuary,
      chance  of  survival.                              She has captured the hearts of wildlife enthusiasts nationwide,   visit Nurture What’s Wild.
      That’s  where  Busch                               featured in the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2023
      Wildlife  Sanctuary                                and boasting her own fan club T-Shirt with a portion of
      stepped in.
        A     mother -
      daughter  team  flew                                TequesTa profile from page 1                     the years is special and meaningful, and we are humbled
      Arvy  12  hours  from                                                                                to be a part of it,” said BallenIsles Country Club General
      Connecticut to Jupiter,                             Beaches,  4KIDS,  Caring  Children  Clothing  Children   Manager and CEO Ryan Walls.
      Fla., where Arvy began                              Inc., Boca School of Autism and Junior Achievement.    “Year after year, our goal is to surpass the accomplishments
      treatment  at  Busch                                  BallenIsles Country Club last hosted the FLCMAA   of the past, further embedding ourselves as integral part of
      Wildlife  Sanctuary’s                               Seminole Region’s charity golf tournament in its infancy   these young lives,” said FLCMAA Foundation Chair Michael
      rehabilitation center                               some 24 years ago. Since then, the group has raised over   McCarthy. “It is only with the support of the participants,
      with hopes of releasing                             $10 million, including closing in on $1 million from the   sponsors and volunteers that we are able to continue to offer
      her back into the wild                              2024 charity golf tournament and marathon golf events   such a wonderful event for the benefit of the children in our
      once healed.                                        this year.                                       community.”
                                                                                                             For more information on BallenIsles Country Club, visit
                                                            “Anytime you can pull our industry together to provide
             Best Bin Caddy#                              to charitable organizations, especially for children, we will
                                                          always proudly be first in line to host or participate in any
                                                                                                             For more information on the FLCMAA, visit www.
        NEW!                                              event. What Jay, Michael and many others have done over

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                    Call 561.354.8169                     2024 FLCMAA Seminole Region Charity Golf Tournament Committee at BallenIsles Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens,
                       To Order Today                     Fla. Left to right, Ryan Artim, High Ridge Country Club; Chris Hull, Bear Lakes Country Club; Michael Gibson, Grand

                                                          Harbor Golf & Beach Club; Robert Martin, Wycliffe Golf & Country Club; Mark Ruszczyk, First Palm Beach Property
       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of   Mgt.; Kathy Gibson, The Bear’s Club; Matt Lambert, Vice Chairman, The Country Club at Mirasol; Michael McCarthy,
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by   Chairman, Addison Reserve Country Club; Larry Savvides, Hunters Run Country Club; Stephen LoGiudice, The Club at
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
                                                          Ibis; Gary Collins, Vice Chairman, Marathon Golf; Ed Latalladi, Frenchman’s Reserve; J.J. Sehlke, Coral Ridge Country
                                                          Club. Not pictured: Matthew Linderman, Boca West Country Club; Eben Molloy, Woodfield Country Club; Brett Morris,
                                                          The Club at Admirals Cove; Corey Saban, CS Media Works

                                                                                                  “Service is our number one priority”
         Seabreeze Publications

                           Publisher                                                                            561-743-0070
                          M. Sean Reid
                       S. Miller • E. Miller                                                       
              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                Production Manager   Lee Nostrant
                     Production Department
           Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
            Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney

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                                                                                             Expires 8/15/24.
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