Page 21 - Southern Exposure - July '24
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                                                                                                                                    Southern Exposure, Page 21

                                                              FinanCial FoCus                   ®

                              Be Careful When Naming Beneficiaries

                                                                        By Sally Sima Stahl

        You might not have                              rules about how beneficiary designations are treated after a   needs trust as beneficiary for a family member who has
      thought much about                                divorce. And some financial assets are treated differently than   special needs or becomes disabled. If this individual were
      beneficiary designations —                        others.                                            to be the direct beneficiary, any assets passing directly into
      but they can play a big role                        Here’s the big picture: If you’ve named your spouse   their hands could affect their eligibility for certain programs.
      in your estate planning.                          as a beneficiary of an IRA, bank or brokerage account,     You may need to work with a legal professional to sort
        When you purchase                               insurance policy, will or trust, this beneficiary designation   out beneficiary designation issues and the rules that apply in
      insurance policies and open                       will automatically be revoked upon divorce in about half the   your state. But you may also want to do a beneficiary review
      investment accounts, such                         states. So, if you still want your ex-spouse to get these assets,   with your financial advisor whenever you experience a major
      as your IRA, you’ll be asked                      you will need to name them as a non-spouse beneficiary after   life event, such as a marriage, divorce or the addition of a
      to name a beneficiary, and,                       the divorce. But if you’ve named your spouse as beneficiary   new child. Your investments, retirement accounts and life
      in some cases, more than                          for a 401(k) plan or pension, the designation will remain intact   insurance proceeds are valuable assets — and you want them
      one. This might seem easy,                        until and unless you change it, regardless of where you live.  to go where you intended.
      especially if you have a spouse and children, but if you     However, in community property states, couples are     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      experience a major life event, such as a divorce or a death in   generally required to split equally all assets they acquired   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      the family, you may need to make some changes — because   during their marriage. When couples divorce, the community   Member SIPC.
      beneficiary designations carry a lot of weight under the law.  property laws require they split their assets 50/50, but only     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
        In fact, these designations can supersede the instructions   those assets they obtained while they lived in that state. If you   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
      you may have written in your will or living trust, so everyone   were to stay in the same community property state throughout   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
      in your family should know who is expected to get which   your marriage and divorce, the ownership issue is generally   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
      assets. One significant benefit of having proper beneficiary   straightforward, but if you were to move to or from one of   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
      designations in place is that they may enable beneficiaries   these states, it might change the joint ownership picture.  Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      to avoid the time-consuming — and possibly expensive —     Thus far, we’ve only talked about beneficiary designation     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
      probate process.                                  issues surrounding divorce. But if an ex-spouse — or any   provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
        The beneficiary issue can become complex because not   beneficiary — passes away, the assets will generally pass to   advisor regarding your situation.
      everyone reacts the same way to events such as divorce —   a contingent beneficiary — which is why it’s important that     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      some people want their ex-spouses to still receive assets while   you name one at the same time you designate the primary   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      others don’t. Furthermore, not all the states have the same   beneficiary. Also, it may be appropriate to name a special

      Book revIew from page 20                          in part because of the unusual sex drive of the male macaque     “If you make a gull sufficiently nervous, it will vomit. While
                                                        monkeys that the author discusses in her typical (and quite   unpleasant for biologists who need to handle them, the habit
        “Deepening the problem: offerings. Tuesdays and   hilarious) droll manner.                         affords easy insight into what the birds have been eating. Here
      Saturdays, the devotees visit Hanuman temples to make a     Another example of man vs. nature problems is one much   is a partial list of what a herring gull considers edible – that
      puja. To the icons inside, they present coconuts and garlands   closer to home: the efforts in Texas, Arkansas and elsewhere   is, things that have been vomited in the general direction of
      of marigolds; to the living representatives hanging around   to literally bomb crows – “black bandits of the air” and   Julie C. Ellis, senior research investigator at the University
      outside, samosas and Frooti mango pop. Feeding wild   “feathered gangsters” they were called – and other birds out   of Pennsylvania: bologna, ants, strawberry shortcake, a
      animals, as we know, is the quickest path to conflict. The   of the skies from airplanes with sticks of dynamite! During   large mackerel, a whole hot dog, intact mice, squid, a used
      promise of food motivates normally human-shy animals to   one winter alone 250,000 crows were killed in Illinois.  sanitary napkin, discarded lobster bait, Vienna sausages, an
      take a risk. The risk-taking is rewarded, and the behavior     Their crime? Doing what crows do naturally in order to   eider duckling, a paper muffin wrapper, a loaded diaper, ana
      escalates. Shyness becomes fearlessness, and fearlessness   survive: They were raiding the nests of waterfowl, devouring   a plate’s worth of spaghetti marinara with mussels.”
      becomes aggression. If you don’t hand over the food you’re   eggs and chicks to the extent that duck hunters would not     When you consider that large flocks of gulls descend
      carrying, the monkey will grab it. If you try to hold onto it,   have enough of them to shoot!       on St. Peter’s Square when crowds gather to see and hear
      or push the animal away, it may slap you. Or bite you. The     Here is one with a gentler touch befitting the locale –   the Pope and understand that “droppings” from above are
      Times of India put the number of monkey bites reported by   Vatican City:                            not blessings from heaven, it is clear why the Vatican has
      Delhi hospitals in 2018 at 950.”                    Gulls are very different from crows, and it is sometimes   hired a Dutchman, Andre Fritjers – who owns the company
        So far, the Delhi government’s efforts to control the   necessary to keep them away in certain situations – but in a   Vogelverschrikker (Dutch for scarecrow) – to demonstrate
      situation with injectable or oral contraceptives have failed,   way that does no harm.               his LaserOp Automatic 200, “a sort of monochrome laser
                                                                                                           light show. Lasers are silent, seemingly humane, and they
                                                                                                           can usually be counted on to unnerve gulls for at least a week
                                                                                                           … mainly used to dissuade cormorants, gulls, and vultures
                                                  “Who will clean                                          from roosting on structures where someone doesn’t want
                                                                                                           them – and their droppings – to gather.”
                                                       up the mess if                                        Black bears in Aspen, Colo., who take advantage of
                                                                                                           residents’ ignoring rules to keep trash cans shut tight …
                                                                                                           elephants whose centuries-old pathways in India’s forests are
                                                     you don’t draft                                       being surrounded and blocked by construction, yet are being
                                                                                                           blamed and punished for “trespassing onto humans’ property”
                                                                                                           … a page of “poop” illustrating four different kinds of scat
                                                                         a Will?”                          that accompanies a chapter on how to track bobcat, ocelot,
                                                                                                           jaguar and mountain lion by identifying their droppings as
                                                                                                           part of a program to protect these animals by keeping them
                                                                                                           apart from human populations … these as well as others are
                                                                                                           among the many odd and fascinating issues faced in this
                                                                                                           book’s pages.
                                                                                                             And not all are about animals. The author devotes one
                                                                                                           chapter to dangerous trees, and another to poisonous plants
                                                                                                           … both species which we now know through scientific
                                                                                                           evidence to have intelligence and able to wreak havoc on
                                                                                                           humans despite our “laws.”
                                                                                                             Learn and laugh. And join me in the Mary Roach fan club.

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