Page 11 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- July '24
P. 11

Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 11
      Palm Beach North Education Foundation Awards $11,000

      To Outstanding Educators

      Honored With The Palm Beach                         “We are delighted to present

      North Chamber Of Commerce’s                       these awards to teachers who
                                                        exemplify  excellence  in
      Teacher Of The Year Award                         education,”  said  Foundation
                                                        Board  Member  and  Palm
        The Palm Beach North Education Foundation is thrilled   Beach North Chamber of
      to announce the awarding of $11,000 in total to deserving   Commerce  President  and
      teachers in the Palm Beach North region. In collaboration   CEO  Noel  Martinez.  “It  is
      with the Stiles-Nicholson Foundation, this marks the second   through the dedication and
      consecutive year these organizations have partnered to   hard  work  of  these  teachers
      recognize and reward outstanding educators.       that  our  community  thrives,
        Last week, all 22 recipients of the Palm Beach North   and our future generations
      Chamber of Commerce’s 2024 Teacher of the Year Award   are  inspired  to  achieve  their
      were each awarded a $500 check. These teachers were   fullest potential.”
      recognized as exceptional educators who have demonstrated     For  more  information
      remarkable dedication and commitment to shaping the minds   about the Palm Beach North  Jupiter High School, left to right Noel Martinez, Principal Dr. Colleen Iannitti, LeeAnne
      and futures of young learners in our community. This token   Education  Foundation  and  LaBanz, Katie Thompson, Teacher of Year Recipient Sue Diaz, Tim Burke, Dr. Joseph Lee
      of appreciation underscores the Palm Beach North Education   their  impact,  please  contact
      Foundation’s commitment to supporting educators and   Kathleen  Joy  at,  or  visit   their  website  at
      schools within the region.                                                                           education-foundation or their Facebook and Instagram at
                                                                                                             The Palm Beach North Education Foundation is
                                                                                                           committed to investing in the educational future of our youth
                                                                                                           through literacy programs, teacher externships and retention
                                                                                                           incentives, and leadership awards for post-secondary
                                                                                                           education. The foundation is a private nonprofit foundation,
                                                                                                           affiliated with the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce,
                                                                                                           and works specifically with schools and students in the Palm
                                                                                                           Beach North region.

                                                                                                            Three Step Plan

                                                                                                            For College

      Grove Park Elementary School, left to right Principal   Lake Park Elementary School, left to right Maria Bishop,   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.
      Marzella Mitchell, Teacher of Year Recipient Erica Mardis,   Kat Joy, Teacher of Year Recipient Tiffany Law, Principal   Licensed School
      Kat Joy, Traci Rollins                             Dr. Carlos Castro                                  Psychologist
                                                                                                              Planning  for  college
                                                                                                            does not have to wait
                                                                                                            until the senior year.
                                                                                                            Students obtain better
                                                                                                            outcomes when college
                                                                                                            planning  starts  in  10th
                                                                                                            or 11th grade. A rising
                                                                                                            junior student I recently
                                                                                                            worked  with  wanted
                                                                                                            to  attend  a  large  state  university,  but  he  had  not
                                                                                                            yet  accomplished  anything  to  position  himself  as
                                                                                                            a  competitive  applicant.  During  our  interview  he
                                                                                                            revealed he did not participate in any school clubs,
                                                                                                            student government, sports, or arts. He was not working
                                                                                                            or volunteering. This put him at a disadvantage.
                                                                                                              Working  with  a  college  planner  helps  students
                                                                                                            accomplish  three  important  steps.  First,  resume
                                                                                                            building. College applicants submit a resume as part of
                                                                                                            the admission process. Teens benefit from coaching on
                                                                                                            the best activities to become involved with to include
                                                                                                            on their resume. Most college admissions officers
                                                                                                            prefer  a  well-rounded  individual  as  compared  to  a
                                                                                                            one-dimensional bookworm.
                                                                                                              A second important step is test preparation. Have
                                                                                                            you heard that test scores are often optional and don’t
                                                                                                            really matter for college admission? That’s not exactly
                                                                                                            true. When applying to highly competitive universities
                                                                                                            the admission officer examines applications and when
                                                                                                            two applicants are equal on paper, the one with test
                                                                                                            scores  has  the  admission  edge. Thus,  your  student
                                                                                                            needs test preparation for the ACT and SAT tests.
                                                                                                              A third step to preparing for college is crafting an
                                                                                                            amazing essay. Admission officers really read every
                                                                                                            applicant’s essay. They look for a distinguisher that
                                                                                                            captures  the  essence  of  the  teen  and  how  they  will
                                                                                                            contribute to making the university a better institution.
                                                                                                            Thus, participating in essay workshops and working
                                                                                                            with  an  expert  essay  college  planner  helps  to  best
                                                                                                            position your student.
                                                                                                              I  recommend  the  one-to-one  college  planning
                                                                                                            services of Class 101 North Palm Beach. They provide
                                                                                                            ten college planning services which includes the three
                                                                                                            in this article to give your student an edge in the
                                                                                                            competitive college admission process.
                                                                                                              We test high school students who need ACT and
                                                                                                            SAT accommodations such as extended time, stop the
                                                                                                            clock brain breaks, and small group testing. Call (561)
                                                                                                            625-4125 to discuss your child or visit
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