Page 10 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- July '24
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Page 10, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Nonprofits First Hosts

      The 8th Annual Hats Off Nonprofit Awards

        Nonprofits First proudly
      announces their 8th Annual
      Hats Off Nonprofit Awards,
      which will be hosted in the
      Cohen Pavilion at the Kravis
      Center for the Performing
      Arts on Tuesday, October 8,
      from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
        The Hats Off Nonprofit Awards (HONA) Host Committee
      is led by a collaborative team of professionals, volunteers and
      community leaders deeply                           Claudia Mariaca         Colette Beland
      committed  to  supporting
      Nonprofits First and the most
      critical causes in Palm Beach
      County. The committee chair                                                                          Concetta Theros         Christine Raymond
      leads the Host Committee,
      Dr. Peter Cruise of Florida
      Atlantic University. Bill
      Bone of Larmoyeux & Bone,
      PL will serve as emcee.
        2024 Host Committee
      Members:  Mary  Aguiar,
      Friends  of  Jupiter  Beach;
      Cheryl  Baldwin,  Sweet
      Boo  Design;  Colette  Bill Bone                   Diane Smith             Aquannette Thomas
      Beland, Palm Beach Special
      Events;  Checree  Bryant,                          with a valuable platform to showcase the impactful work of
      Actuate Consulting; Trudy                          the cause community, fostering recognition and appreciation
      Crowetz, Nonprofits First;                         for the nonprofit industry. Additionally, the awards ceremony
      Philip  DiComo,  Nason                             serves as a catalyst for networking and collaboration among
      Yeager  Gerson  Harris  &                          nonprofits, inspiring them to continue striving for their
      Fumero,  P.A.;  Kathleen                           highest level of impact. Through this event, Nonprofits First
      Hillman, Retired; Laureen                          reaffirms its commitment to supporting and empowering
      Hunter, Touchstone Webb                            nonprofits in their endeavors to achieve their missions with
      Realty  Company;  Lillian                          exceptional performance and results,” said Trudy Crowetz,     The Hats Off Nonprofit Awards will be held in the Cohen
      Khanna,  Khanna  House                             Chief Executive Officer of Nonprofits First.      Pavilion at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts.
      Studios;  David  Lyons,                              The categories that are open for nomination are:   Tickets, sponsorships and tables are available. Tickets will be
      Retired; Claudia Mariaca,                          • Nonprofit of the Year Award Honoree - Small Category  available from Aug. 12 through Oct. 1, at $180 for members
      Nonprofits  First;  Teresa  Cheryl Baldwin         • Nonprofit of the Year Award Honoree - Medium Category  and $200 for nonmembers. Tickets can be purchased at www.
      Miller,  Nonprofits  First                         • Nonprofit of the Year Award Honoree - Large Category Parking is complimentary in the covered
      Executive Board Member;                            • Arts and Culture Impact Award Honoree           garage. The Kravis Center for the Performing Arts is at 701
      Mark Montgomery, Marsh &                           • Nonprofit Innovation Award Honoree              Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33401.
      McLennan Agency; Christine                         • Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree              Hats Off Nonprofit Awards Calendar Listing
      Raymond,  Extraordinary                            • Nonprofit Executive of the Year Award Honoree     Tuesday, Oct. 8, Nonprofits First 8th Annual Hats Off
      Charities; Riley Remington,                        • Nonprofit Professional of the Year Award Honoree  Nonprofit Awards, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Kravis Center for
      Nonprofits  First;  Jennifer                       • Nonprofit MVP of the Year Award Honoree         the Performing Arts in the Cohen Pavilion. This fundraising
      Sardone-Shiner,  JSS                               • Community Collaborators Award Honorees          event will celebrate and honor the Palm Beach County
      Marketing and PR; Virginia                         • Nonprofit Volunteer of the Year Award Honoree   nonprofit sector, its professionals and volunteers for their
      Savietto, Palm Beach County                        • Community Hero Award Honoree                    impact, achievements and performance.
      Commissioners Office; Diane                          Nominations for the 8th Annual Hats Off Nonprofit     For more information, visit
      Smith, Palm Beach County  David Lyons              Awards open on Monday, June 17, and remain open until
      Sheriff’s Office; Concetta                         Wednesday, July 31.
      Theros, Valley Bank; Aquannette Thomas, Valley Bank; and
      Michael Zeff, Palm Beach County Sports Commission.
        The Hats Off Nonprofit Awards recognize and honor
      nonprofit  organizations  of  the  Palm  Beach  County   Are You Ready                                                  Hurricane?
      nonprofit sector, along with the dedicated professionals
      and volunteers who contribute to these charities and make
      our community strong.                                   For The Next Storm?
        “The 8th annual Hats Off Nonprofit Awards holds special
      significance for Nonprofits First as it marks another year of
      acknowledging and celebrating the exceptional efforts of                                                            No Air Conditioning?
      nonprofit causes at a time of increased cost and demand for                                                           No Refrigeration?
      services in the sector. This event provides Nonprofits First
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