Page 6 - Stuart Exposure - July '24
P. 6

Page 6, Stuart Exposure

                                                    tip Of tHe tail

      Noise Phobias In Dogs:                            thunderstorms or fireworks. Noise phobia is a genuine problem   more comfortable during thunderstorms or fireworks. One
      Understanding The Condition                       that can significantly impact a dog and owner’s quality of life   of the best ones for small dogs is Sileo. It is used as needed
                                                                                                           and works within 20 to 30 minutes. The Florida thunderstorm
                                                        and worsen over time if not treated appropriately.
                                                           If your dog is experiencing noise phobia, several treatment
      And Treatment Options                               options are available. The first and most crucial step is to create   season can be unpredictable, so some pets benefit from daily
                                                                                                           medication during storm season, while some pets just need
                                                        a safe and comfortable environment for your dog during the   medication on bad storm days and the Fourth of July. Also,
                                                        noise-triggering event. Place your pet in a quiet, dark room,   keep in mind that once your pet is already panicking from the
                                                        preferably an interior room with no windows. If your pet   noise, the medications typically do not work as well, so talk
                                                        naturally goes to a closet, crate, or under the bed, allow them   to your veterinarian about the timing of when the medications
                                                        to go there. Do not confine your pet to the crate or safe space   should be given. If your pet is suffering from noise phobia,
                                                        unless it helps them calm down. Pets can panic and injure   consult with your veterinarian about medications to help ease
                                                        themselves attempting to escape the room or crate. Turn on   your pet’s fear.
                                                        music or a white noise machine to block out some of the sound.      Noise phobia is a common and challenging condition that
                                                        If the room contains windows, draw the blinds or curtains to   affects many dogs. As a pet owner, it is essential to recognize
                                                        block out the lightning. Pheromones such as Adaptil or Zenidog   the signs of noise phobia in your dog, create a safe space for
                                                        can help relax your pet in the safe space. Some dogs feel safer   your pet during storms and fireworks, and seek professional
                                                        wrapped in a blanket or wearing a Thundershirt. Bring out your   help from your veterinarian if necessary. While noise phobia is
         Summer is a tough time for pets in South Florida suffering   pet’s favorite toys or treats to distract them and try to engage   not typically curable, it can be managed to make noisy events
      from noise phobia. Afternoon thunderstorms, hurricanes and   them in play, or simply sit near your pet if that comforts them.   less frightening for our furry companions.
      fireworks are common triggers. Noise phobia is a behavioral   It is important not to punish the scared behavior, because that      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
      problem characterized by an exaggerated fear and anxiety   will only increase your pet’s fear and anxiety. Creating the   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
      response to loud or sudden noise. Symptoms of  noise   right environment can help your pet be less fearful during   focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
      phobia in dogs can range from pacing, trembling, drooling,   noise-triggering events.                rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics,
      hiding, destructive behaviors, excessive barking and even      Another step is to talk to your veterinarian about medication   and emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      injuring themselves. Noise phobia can be a challenging and   to manage your dog’s noise phobia. Not every medication   combines exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy
      distressing condition, not only for the affected dog but also   works for every pet, so a few may need to be tried until the right   for pets and their owners. For more information, call (772)
      for their owners. Many pet parents have spent sleepless nights   combination is found. A variety of anti-anxiety medications,   283-0920, visit or find
      trying to comfort their furry companion through nighttime   sedatives and supplements can be used to make your dog   us on Facebook at

                                                   NoNprofit News

      House Of Hope Opens                               City  and  at  the  House  of

      Packing House In Palm City,                       Hope Thrift Store on U.S. 1
                                                        in Stuart. Ranieri reminded
      Provides More Fresh Produce                       guests at the event that
                                                        House of Hope depends on
      To Clients                                        volunteers for its successful
                                                        operation. “We’re always
         A fully operational packing house, hydroponic   looking for people who
      greenhouses, gardens and an orchard were open for visitors   would like to be hands-
      at a ribbon-cutting event at House of Hope’s Growing   on in helping us harvest,
      Hope Farm in Palm City in early June.             package and distribute fresh
         The packing house has been a major project of the   food,” Ranieri said. “It’s
      nonprofit. It uses state-of-the-art equipment to clean   a volunteer job with very
      and package fresh produce grown on the farm and other   tangible rewards.”
      produce that is gleaned or donated. That produce is then      For more information
      distributed to House of Hope clients at its four client   about House of Hope, its
      choice food pantries and is shared with community food   Growing Hope Farm and
      pantry partners.                                  volunteer activities, visit
         “We made it a goal to find ways to improve the   House of Hope’s website at   House of Hope staff and volunteers joined members of the Palm City Chamber of Commerce
      nutritional status of the people we serve, and the packing or call   in cutting the ribbon on the new packing house at Growing Hope Farm, where fresh produce is
      house is an important piece of our overall plan,” House of   (772) 286-4673.  cleaned and packaged for House of Hope clients and partner food pantries.
      Hope CEO Rob Ranieri said. “By cleaning and packaging
      fresh produce in our own packing house, we are able to
      boost the nutritional content of our clients’ diets and even
      help them to develop a taste for fruits and vegetables.”
         House of Hope sees an additional role for the packing
      house: to serve local farmers who would find value in
      cleaning and packing their own produce near their farms
      and local markets. “We see this as a service to our farmers
      and also an additional way for House of Hope to earn
      revenue to help support our many community programs,”
      Ranieri said.
         The ribbon-cutting was held in partnership with the
      Palm City Chamber of Commerce. Chamber Executive
      Director Missi Campbell praised House of Hope for its
      vision in improving nutrition and being entrepreneurial
      in its approach. “House of Hope realizes that sometimes
      people just need a hand up and not a handout, and they are
      there for those in need. Martin County is very fortunate to
      have House of Hope in our community, empowering our
      residents in need with housing, education, life skills and
      even better ways of eating.”
         Fresh produce from Growing Hope Farm is now being
      sold to the public at the Palm City Farms Produce and
      Market  next  to  the  farm  on  Citrus  Boulevard  in  Palm

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