Page 4 - Stuart Exposure - July '24
P. 4

Cleveland CliniC Martin HealtH news
      Page 4, Stuart Exposure

                                                           real estate

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                        Service (MLS). It was alleged that agents would steer clients   commission. Others say that if the buyer buys any house within
                                                        towards properties that paid them a higher commission.
                                                                                                           a certain time frame, they will owe a commission to that agent.
      Report                                               Now the MLS will no longer show any commission a seller      If the buyer intends to have a particular agent assist them in
                                                        would pay to the agent that procures a buyer. Buyers will now   locating a property and purchasing a property, then no problem.
      Yes, I Will List Your Home For As Little As 2.5   need to pay their own agent and negotiate the fee.  But if the buyer is just using an agent to show them one house,
      Percent But Buyers Must Use Caution                  According to Gia Arvin, president of Florida Realtors,   and then have their best buddy Realtor friend do the real work,
                                                        “Effective July 2024 (subject to federal court approval), sellers   they may find themselves in a jam.
      By Jim Weix                                       will no longer cover commissions for both their agent and the      If they signed a contract with the first agent and they buy
         I will list your home for as                   buyers. Instead, buyers will independently compensate their   that house, they may owe a commission to that agent and
      little as 2.5 percent because I                   agent.”                                            maybe their best buddy realtor friend also.
      will no longer need to share                         Additionally, Arvin states: “MLS participants working with      Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
      my commission with another                        buyers must enter into written representation agreements with   options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      agent who procures a buyer                        those buyers. This change will go into effect in mid-July 2024.”
      for your home. In the past that                      So how will buyers pay their agent and how much? This      Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes Company.
      was not normally the case.                        is where buyers must beware.                       Jim has 25 years of experience selling real estate full-time.
         Additionally, any amount                          Numerous buyer agreements are popping up. Some   If you have questions or want the services of an experienced
      offered to the buyer’s agent                      agreements state that if the buyer has an agent show them a   expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      would be shown in  your                           particular house, and they buy it, they will pay a negotiated
      listing in the Multiple Listing

      Helping People Succeed from page 1

      a positive impact on our community. They understand it’s
      hard enough to raise a child under normal circumstances.
      Helping People Succeed walks alongside families to help
      them flourish; which is why Thrivent’s Amy, Rob and Heather
      partnered to amplify the impact of April Showers.
         Helping People Succeed is thankful for the support from
      Thrivent as well as that of the entire community. Over thirty
      businesses in Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties
      hosted “Shower Boxes” in their businesses. These in-kind
      donations equate to a $17,000 gift to Helping People Succeed.
      Suzy Hutcheson, CEO of Helping People Succeed, said, “April
      Showers brings happiness to so many of the families we serve
      who don’t receive new gifts or baby showers. Rob, Amy and
      Heather are great examples of how giving, especially to those
      who truly need it, makes our community and our world better.”
         Helping People Succeed is celebrating 60 years of service
      to the community. Through its diversified, effective program
      services and initiatives, hundreds of thousands of the most
      vulnerable local children, families and adults have been
      able to transform their lives through education, counseling,
      training and employment. For more information, contact
      Glenna Parris at (772) 320-0778.
                  Photos provided by Helping People Succeed

      Paul Gargolinski, Ann Mehling and Sheryl Britton

      Marian Vitale, Jan Robson and Trish Blake

                                                                                                                                    See answer in this paper.
      Guests enjoying breakfast
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