Page 14 - Stuart Exposure - July '24
P. 14

Page 14, Stuart Exposure

                                                          GOOd wOrks

      Helping People Succeed                            looks like today. Samuel McIntosh stole the show with   own  personal story and closing  with  what  our  future
                                                        his testimonial of support from Helping People Succeed.
                                                                                                           holds. Mary Kay Buckridge was honored as the most
      Celebrates 60 Years!                              Bliss Browne, former board chair, shared with the group   long-standing volunteer in the room.
                                                        her passion behind the mission and Heidi Bosley, chair      The heart of Helping People Succeed is reflected in
      Submitted by Glenna Parris                        of the Governing Board, captured the audience with her   the successes of the people who are served. The newborn
         60 years ago, Helping People Succeed was founded                                                  who thrives from a solid foundation and safe environment,
      by a group of parents wanting more for their sons and                                                the student who is at risk of expulsion and graduates high
      daughters who had disabilities. Little did they know                                                 school, the smile on the face of a person with a disability
      that six decades later Helping People Succeed would be                                               when he lands a job and receives his first paycheck.
      celebrating all of their accomplishments and dreams.                                                 Since its inception, Helping People Succeed has changed
         Nearly 100 guests gathered in May to celebrate Helping                                            the trajectory of thousands of lives leading to a path of
      People Succeed’s 60 years of good works, volunteerism                                                confidence and well-being.
      and philanthropy. This celebratory event was graciously                                                 Helping People Succeed is proud and honored to be
      hosted by Jeanine Webster and Mel Nobel.                                                             celebrating 60 years of service to the community and is
         The venue was the headquarters in Jensen Beach and                                                thankful for their support of its mission: Helping People
      was elegantly decorated reflecting the 60th year theme.                                              Succeed transforms lives through education, counseling,
      A large  historical  snapshot  was  displayed,  and  each                                            training and employment. For more information, contact
      guest marked their place of entry of involvement of this   Samuel McIntosh  Bliss Browne             Glenna Parris at (772) 320-0778.
      meaningful nonprofit.
         The speakers were magnificent! Senator Gayle Harrell
      captured our history in a meaningful and educated way.
      Helping  People  Succeed’s  CEO  Suzy  Hutcheson  did
      a wonderful job with her overview of where Helping
      People Succeed has been and what the organization

                                                        Kirsty Innis, Roseann Ryba, Christina McIntosh, Kim Dettori,   Sally Kurts, Pat Hoshino, Otto Vitale, Bob Weissman,
                                                        Suzy Hutcheson sitting in front                    Marian Vitale

      Patty and Fred Pollak, Celine Drouhard

                     Answer for
                Crossword Puzzle                        Glenna Parris, Mary Kay Buckridge,   Suzy Hutcheson, Gayle Harrell, Tom   Mary Rose Bressman, Michael Borlaugh,

                                                        Mark Burton                      Campenni                          Heidi Bosley

                                                                          MediCal Matters

                                                        Education Foundation                               said  Corey  Lovelace,  chief  executive  officer  at  HCA
                                                        Of Martin County Helps                             Florida St. Lucie Hospital. “This will not only pave the
                                                                                                           way for brighter futures but also contribute to a stronger,
                                                        Students Forge A Path In                           more diverse healthcare workforce along the Treasure
                                                                                                           Coast and across the state of Florida.”
                                                        Healthcare                                            For  more  information  about  the  Career  Pathways
                                                                                                           to a Healthier Florida program, visit www.
                                                           The HCA Healthcare Foundation has awarded a $60,000
                                                        grant to the Education Foundation of Martin County, which     For more information about the Education Foundation of
                                                        will lead to more healthcare career opportunities for local  Martin County, please visit
                                                        high school students. The grant is a $20,000 award per     Visit to learn more about HCA Healthcare
                                                        year for the next three years.                     Foundation.
                                                           Part of a statewide initiative called
                                                        “Career Pathways to a Healthier Florida,”
                                                        the program focuses on preparing students
                  our Home For 2.5%!
        List Your Home For 2.5%!                        for in-demand healthcare roles through
                                                        enhanced healthcare academy offerings.

                                                           “We are thrilled to receive this crucial
                                                        support, which enables us to address
                                                        the growing need for skilled healthcare
                                                        professionals,” said Lisa Rhodes, the
          ou no longer must
        You no longer must                              foundation’s executive director. “This
        pay the buyer's
        pay the buyer's                                 initiative will prepare students for successful
                                                        careers and inspire them to serve their
        agent!                                          communities.”
                                                           Projects funded by this grant include
                SELL YOUR HOME                          comprehensive curriculum materials,
         Using the latest and most advanced             equipment  and  supplies  aligned  with
                                                        healthcare industry certifications, vouchers
                marketing technologies                  to cover certification exam fees for  Tracee Hendershott, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, chief nursing officer;
                                                        students in need, and teacher stipends for  Lex Lalicon, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, assistant chief nursing officer;
                                  Call Jim at           the coordination and implementation of  Lana Barros, Martin County School District, director of Innovation and

                              772-341-2941              student work-based learning experiences. Choice; Dr. Jorge F. Gonzalez Jirau, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital; Corey
                                                           “As a healthcare provider deeply  Lovelace, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, chief executive officer; Shaun

                                                        invested in the well-being of our  Williams, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, board member; Lisa Rhodes,
                Jim Weix, Broker Associate              community, we are honored to support the  Education Foundation of Martin County, executive director; Dr. Thomas
                                                        Education Foundation of Martin County  Matese, HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital, board member; Rene Arteaga, HCA
                   309 SE Osceola St., Suite 204, Stuart  in their mission to foster healthcare career  Florida St. Lucie Hospital, board member. Photo by Education Foundation
                                                        opportunities for high school students,”  of Martin County.
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