Page 13 - Stuart Exposure - July '24
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Stuart Exposure, Page 13


      80th Anniversary Of D-Day                         Martin Artisans Guild’s                              from noon to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
                                                                                                             The Palm Room Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday
         WWII veterans are referred to as the “Greatest   Annual Summer Salon                                 For more information, visit
      Generation,” and rightfully so!  Thank you to the                                                                 Photos provided by Martin Artisans Guild
      Halpatiokee Chapter of the Daughters of the American   By Jackie Holfelder
      Revolution and the Road to Victory Military Museum for      The red-hot Summer Salon presented every year by
      hosting the incredible 80th Anniversary of D-Day event,   Martin Artisans Guild will take place from July 3 to August
      which brought tears to the eyes of many of the Normandy   31  at Palm Room Art Gallery and Artisans Boutique,
      Invasion soldiers’ families that attended in their memory.   located at 3746 S.E. Ocean Boulevard in Harbour Bay
      Martin County Tax Collector Ruth Pietruszewski’s father   Plaza, Sewall’s Point.
      was a 101st Airborne paratrooper who fought on the      The popular opening
      Normandy beaches. The tremendous turnout at the event   reception is set for
      showed how powerful the memory of these individuals   Wednesday, July 3 from
      was. It’s hard to imagine the sacrifice those who died in   5:30 to7:30 p.m. with
      the battle and their families have made. Because of their   appetizers and a cash bar.
      gift, we get to enjoy freedoms that people in other parts of      The Meet the Artists
      the world have never known. We should thank God such   event is always a fun-
      men and women lived! We don’t know them all, but we   filled gathering, and this                     Barb Bucci
      owe them all. Thank you to all WWII veterans!     one will be no exception.
                                                        Plan on dropping by
                                                        Wednesday, August  7  Laura Kay Whiticar-Darvill
                                                        between 4 to 6 p.m. Light
                                                        refreshments will be served.
                                                           Exhibiting artists include:
                                                           • Alexandra Akerberg
                                                           • Barb Bucci
                                                           • Chris Kling
                                                           • Danuta Rothschild
                                                           • James J. DeMartis
                                                           • Jane Lawton Baldridge
                                                           • Jose Farinas
                                                           • Laura Kay Whiticar Darvill
                                                           • Lynn Morgan                                   Alexandra Akerberg
                                                           • Marian Vitale
                                                           • Sue Klahne
                                                           • Susan Clifford
                                                           • Dot Galfond
                                                           • Tepa Charles
                                                           • Mallo Bisset
                                                           • Michaelann Bellerjeau
                                                           Don’t forget to check out the special, one-of-a-kind
                                                        items in the Artisans Boutique.

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          SPOTLIGHT ON HEALTH CARE                                                                                                  By Valerie Staggs

          Complexity of the knee joint requires a

          multi-faceted approach to pain treatment.

          Visit  any  pickleball  court  around  the                                                                 tions, and injections. Surgery is usu-
          country and you’ll notice that one piece                                                                   ally the last resort, and no problem is
          of equipment is becoming more and                                                                          too small or too big.”
          more popular. In addition to the newest
          carbon fiber paddles and ball retriever                                                                    If surgery is recommended, it doesn’t
          gadgets, players are sporting a surpris-                                                                   mean the end to your active lifestyle.
          ing array of knee braces. From simple                                                                      Conditions like a torn meniscus, dam-
          stretchy  knee  sleeves  to  fully  hinged                                                                 aged ligaments or mild arthritis can of-
          knee stabilizers, knee support is the                                                                      ten be treated arthroscopically. Even if
          new norm for people trying to live an                                                                      a partial or total knee replacement sur-
          active lifestyle while dealing with knee                                                                   gery is needed, you can still enjoy lower
          pain or injuries.                                                                                          impact activities like golf, swimming,
                                                                                                                     bicycling and yes, even pickleball.
          Considering that every movement in
          your legs and your balance rely on your   Sports Medicine & Orthopedics Cen-  ti-inflammatory medications can pro-
          knees, the knee joint is arguably the   ter who performs knee surgery at Jupi-  vide relief for minor knee pain. Knee
          most important joint in your body. It   ter Medical Center.  “In reality, only  braces can also help; however, using the
          is also one of the most complex joints.   about 10 percent of my patients end  wrong type of brace can result in ad-
          Known as a synovial joint, the knee   up undergoing knee surgery.”     ditional  problems. When  intermittent
          joint consists of bones, cartilage, liga-                              knee pain becomes severe, Randazzo
          ments,  muscles  and  nerves  all within   In diagnosing knee pain, doctors like  says it’s time to seek medical care.
          the structure of your knee. Stress or an   Randazzo have to go through a seem-
          injury to any one of these five inter-  ingly endless list of possible diagnoses.  “If it’s at the point where an anti-in-
          secting parts can cause knee pain that   Knee pain can be caused by chronic  flammatory medicine isn’t of help, and
          can be difficult to pinpoint. Even more   conditions such as arthritis or osteo-  if you’ve tried home exercise and other
          difficult is figuring out when knee pain   porosis, inflammatory issues such as  interventions aren’t working,” he says,
          is concerning enough to seek medical   tendinitis or bursitis or injuries such as  “then it’s time to see a specialist.” Ran-
          treatment.                          sprains, ligament tears, dislocations or  dazzo says symptoms such as swelling
                                              even bone fractures.               of the knee joint, recurring or constant
          “A lot of people fear going to the doc-                                knee pain, a knee that is unstable or   John L. Randazzo, M.D.
          tor or orthopedic specialist because   Most active people are accustomed to  doesn’t work correctly or an acute knee
          they’re afraid they’ll need surgery,”   dealing with achy, sore joints, especially  injury are all reasons to seek medical   For more information about knee conditions
          says  Dr.  John  Randazzo, a  board-cer-  as they grow older. The age-old RICE  care.  “Usually,  we can  get  patients   and treatment options, visit https://www.
          tified orthopedic surgeon and sports   (rest, ice, compression, elevation) meth-  back to feeling better and normal ac-
          medicine specialist at Palm Beach   od and over-the-counter pain and an-  tivity with physical therapy, medica-
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