Page 4 - Martin Downs Bulletin - July '24
P. 4

Page 4, Martin Downs

                                              local GovernMent

      Martin County Property                               Martin County Is Counting                       Aug. 10 through Saturday, Aug. 17 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
      Appraiser’s Office                                   On YOU, VOTE Aug. 20!                           These dates do include Sunday, Aug. 11.

      There Is More Significance To “January 1”                                                              • Vote-by-mail ballots can be requested through
                                                                                                           Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024.
      Than Celebrating New Year’s Day!                       In the state of Florida                         • When voting in-person voters should remember to
                                                           voters have  the option                         bring photo and signature identification when voting early
      By Jenny Fields, CFA, Martin                         to decide how they are                          or when voting at their assigned precinct on Election Day.
      County Property Appraiser,                           going to cast their vote                          • Secure Ballot Intake Stations (drop boxes) will be
      3473 S.E. Willoughby Blvd.,                          … by mail, by voting                            available during early voting at both locations for voters
      Suite No. 101, Stuart,                               early,  or by voting  at                        to hand deliver their voted mail ballot.
      FL 34994                                             their assigned precinct                           As your Supervisor of Elections, it is my goal to
      (772) 288-5608                                       on  Election  Day.  Here                        provide the best possible voting experience!                                  is some important                                                                  Vicki Davis,
        When  it  comes  to  ad                            information regarding                                         Martin County Supervisor of Elections
      valorem property taxes in                            these three ways to vote
      Florida, everything revolves                         to help you decide  by
      around a date of assessment                          what method you are going to choose to cast your votes
      of  January  1. When  you                            for the upcoming Aug. 20 election:
      receive your tax bill in November, those taxes are based on a     • The  Martin  County  Elections  Office  located  at
      snapshot of your property valuation which took place eleven   135 S.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Stuart and the
      months prior on January 1. As a result, the property appraiser   Elisabeth Lahti Library located in Indiantown Saturday,
      studies the previous year’s real estate market activities and
      transactions to establish the current year values.
        Florida law goes on to say that the taxability of newly
      constructed improvements is determined based on whether
      they were substantially complete as of January 1. For
      example, if you are putting in a new swimming pool that is
      not complete until February 2024, then the tax bill you receive
      in November 2024 would not reflect the additional taxes for
      your pool because the pool wasn’t done by January 1, 2024.
      The value of the pool would be added the following year and
      the additional taxes would be reflected on your November
      2025 tax bill.
        The eligibility of all property tax exemptions is also
      determined based on whether you qualify on or before
      January 1. To qualify for the Homestead Exemption, you
      would have to own the home and make it your primary
      residence as of January 1 of the tax year that you apply.
      Likewise, if you apply for the Limited Income Senior
      Exemption, which has an age requirement of 65 years old,
      you will have to be age 65 on or before January 1 of the
      year you apply.
        Agricultural classification is a tax savings benefit for
      property owners that use their land primarily for bona fide
      commercial agricultural use. This benefit results in the land
      being valued based on the probable income, which is often
      substantially less than market value. But to qualify for this
      benefit, the agricultural use must be in place on or before
      January 1 of the year you apply.
        The January 1 date of assessment greatly affects new
      homebuyers. The reason is that the property tax estimate shown
      on real estate listing sites are misused to calculate the closing
      costs and the tax escrow portion of mortgage payments.
        When a buyer purchases a home after January 1, they
      will receive a first-year tax bill that is based on the previous
      owners’ exemptions and Save Our Homes benefits. This
      can lead to a significant discrepancy in the escrow payment   Are You Ready                                             Hurricane?
      and not necessarily what the new buyer may expect to pay
      in taxes the following year, which will be based on market
      sales prices.                                           For The Next Storm?
        The Property Tax Estimator, New Homebuyer Timeline
      handout, and the New Homebuyer educational video are
      resources available to educate and assist new homebuyers                                                            No Air Conditioning?
      when estimating their own property taxes before they make                                                            No Refrigeration?
      the purchase, so they may prepare for the financial impact.
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                Jim Weix, Broker Associate                *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
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                  309 SE Osceola St., Suite 204, Stuart   Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
                                                                           offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
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