Page 1 - Boca Club News - July '24
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An Independent Newspaper Serving Broken Sound & Bocaire

        VOL. 18 NO. 7                                                                                  JULY 2024

      For Boca Centennial,                                                        BocaConnect,

      Residents Invited to                                                        City’s New Shuttle Service,

      Create “Zip Odes to Boca”                                                   Launched June 17th

      Celebrating City in Poetic Verse                                               Boca Raton’s new on-demand

                                                                                  shuttle  service,  BocaConnect,
                                                                                  started service on Monday,
         In preparation for the city’s centennial celebrations in 2025, the City of Boca Raton   June 17th, with a ribbon-cutting
      is partnering with the poetry organization O, Miami, on a year-long campaign to capture   ceremony that included members
      residents’ love for their city through the creation of an “Ode to Boca,” or a short poem   of the City Council, city leadership
      based on their zip code.                                                    and staff and partners in attendance.
         An original form of poetry invented by O, Miami, in partnership with WLRN, these      The new service provides
      short poems known as Zip Odes are designed to transform a zip code into an occasion for   first-mile-last-mile transportation
      place-based, lyrical celebration.                                           needs, making it easier for
         Within this poetic form, residents create a five-line ode to where they live, written in   residents and visitors to travel
      the form of their zip code. The inventive format has made poetry more accessible –so much   within and around Downtown
      so that South Floridians have submitted 17,000+ of them since the initiative launched in   Boca and beyond, including those
      2015, including these two about Boca Raton:                                 arriving at the Brightline train station and nearby mobility hubs.
         3 In my town                                                                The city is partnering with Circuit Transit, Inc. to operate BocaConnect, with the launch
         3 where I grow,                                                          marking a significant step toward enhancing connectivity and multimodal transportation
         4 among parks and schools.                                               options.
         8 From the ocean tides to the highway rides,                                Mayor Scott Singer emphasized the service’s importance, “BocaConnect is a vital step
         6 I awake each day with pride.                                           towards enhancing our city’s transportation infrastructure. It not only offers convenience and
                                                                - Nick Kalpakjian  connectivity but also supports our sustainability goals by reducing traffic congestion and
                                                                                  lowering emissions.”
       For Boca Centennial, Residents Invited on page 4                           BocaConnect on page 3
      Broken Sound’s “A Night at                                                  Annual White Coats-4-Care

      Coney Island” Brings Fun to                                                 FAU Medical Scholarship

      Members, Funds to Charity                                                   Fundraiser Set for July 31st

         The elegant Illuminations
      Ballroom of Broken Sound’s                                                     Annually drawing civic and business leaders, healthcare professionals and community
      clubhouse was  magically                                                    advocates to welcome and “dress and equip” the incoming class of medical students, Florida
      transformed into a replica of the                                           Atlantic University’s Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine (CoM) will host its 14th annual
      famous Coney Island boardwalk                                               White Coats-4-Care (WC4C) major scholarship fundraiser for its incoming Class of 2028 on
      for the evening of June 22nd,                                               Wednesday, July 31st. The event will be held at 6:00 p.m. on FAU’s Boca Raton campus in the
      thanks to the creative idea of the                                          Owls Nest in the Schmidt Family Complex for Academic and Athletic Excellence.
      club’s Boca Friends Chapter of
      Pap Corps, which saw the event                                              Annual White Coats-4-Care on page 4
      as an opportunity to add to the
      charitable organization’s already
      donated total of more than $110
      million to cancer research.
         It  was  an  ideal  summer
      evening of nostalgia for Broken
      Sound members who were
      born and raised in The Bronx,
      Brooklyn  and  Queens,  and  a
      treat for  those who wanted a

      “A Night at Coney Island”    (Left to Right): Terrie Meyer, Jen Geller, Jody Appelman,
      on page 6                    Jill Knopf, Lisa Helfant

                                                                                  Seated: Dr. Michael T.B. Dennis, WC4C Co-Chairs Bonnie and Jon Kaye, Alisa Cohen; Standing:
                                                                                  Medical Students; Maurice Plough, Jr.; Arlene Herson; Interim Dean Dr. Curtis L. Whitehair;
                                                                                  Robin Trompeter; Constance Scott; Alan Kaye; Dr. Nathan Nachlas, and Dr. Jaclyn Klimczak

                                                                                    Broken Sound Adds
                                                                                           Two Golf Pros to Club Course – See page 3
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