Page 4 - Boca Club News - July '24
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Page 4, Boca Club News

      Annual White Coats-4-Care from page 1

         WC4C funds help the college attract, recruit, train and
      educate the next generation of humanistic clinicians and
      scientists – doctors who care and cure in this community. Each
      year the fundraiser generates much-needed funds to provide
      scholarships and other resources for the incoming class of
      students to give them the ability to follow their hearts, not their
      debts, into lifelong medical careers. With the average cost of
      a medical education reaching $206,823 in 2023, 70.3% of the
      College’s talented students required financial assistance.
         “Since heavy debt often impacts both a student’s choice
      of medical school as well as their medical specialty based   WC4C Committee Members: Dr. Stephen A. Grabelsky, Emily Grabelsky,
      on its income potential to repay loans, White Coats-4-Care’s   Florida State Senator Lori Berman and Dr. Jeffrey Ganeles, Alisa Cohen,   WC4C Committee Members: Dr. Ron Rubin (left)
      Scholarship funds help the CoM attract, nurture and sustain an   and Dr. G. Richard Cohen.                     and Bonnie Halperin (right)
      exceptional and diverse class of students who will mirror the
      communities they serve,” shared Co-chair Bonnie Kaye, who   • White Coat Sponsor: $250 to provide a medical student’s   for Graduate Medical Education (GME) was formed in Fall
      with Kaye Communications PR & Marketing (KCOM-PR)   first white coat. In recognition of your support of their dream   2011 with five leading hospitals in Palm Beach County. The
      partner Jon Kaye has co-chaired WC4C since its inception for   of becoming a doctor, your family or company name will be   Consortium currently has five accredited residency programs
      14 consecutive years.                             included in the pocket of the white coat; includes one ticket.  in internal medicine, emergency medicine, general surgery,
         “Receiving its first national ranking in U.S. News & World   •  Pre-Med Sponsor: $500  provides a medical school   psychiatry, neurology and several fellowship programs.
      Report last year, the Schmidt College of Medicine was one   scholarship in memory of Founding Dean Michael L.      Dean Whitehair reports that 100% of graduating students
      of approximately 156 accredited and rated allopathic or M.D.   Friedland, M.D. or Ira J. Gelb, M.D.; includes two tickets.  this year have been successfully placed in a residency
      medical schools in the U.S., and continues to expand and   • Medical Student: $1,000 will provide medical student   program, being accepted into highly prestigious institutions
      thrive in new disciplines and programs,” shared Co-chair   scholarships; includes two tickets.       across the nation, such as New York-Presbyterian/Columbia
      Jon Kaye. “Bonnie and I are honored to once again chair   • Intern: $2,500 supports the Dean’s Fund for Excellence;   University Medical Center; Massachusetts General Hospital
      the White Coats-4-Care Campaign. Since the inception of   includes four tickets.                     – a Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital; Cincinnati
      White Coats-4-Care, more than 848 incoming students have   • Resident: $5,000 supports the Dean’s Fund for Excellence;   Children’s  Hospital  Medical  Center;  UCLA  Medical
      been gifted their first white coats and 467 of those have   includes six tickets.                    Center; Rush University Medical Center; Baylor College of
      received scholarship funds due to the generous support of   • Chief Resident: $10,000 supports the expansion of the   Medicine; and University of Virginia, among others.
      our community that has provided our next generation of   medical school; eight tickets.                 Nearly 41% of CoM students have also chosen to pursue
      physicians with the resources they require to be successful   • White Coat Society: $20,000 or more pledge to join   careers in primary care, which helps to address the national
      and compassionate healers.”                       White Coat Society by supporting students through all four   shortage of internists, pediatricians and family practitioners.
         While any scholarship funding gift is welcome, this year’s   years of medical school; pledge paid annually in installments   Students have matched into highly competitive specialties
      WC4C options have expanded to the following: All donors and   of $5,000 per year.                    such as plastic surgery, psychiatry, orthopedic surgery,
      corporate sponsorships of $1,000 or more will be recognized   • Dean’s Circle: a legacy gift of $25,000 or more to establish   dermatology, urology and triple board specialty (pediatrics/
      in the lobby of the CoM as part of the corporate and individual   an endowment fund in one of the following areas: medical   psychiatry/child psychiatry).
      donor listings.                                   student scholarship, graduate student scholarship, medical      Launched in 2010, CoM became the 134th allopathic medical
                                                        school expansion, biomedical research.             school in North America and has swiftly become nationally
                                                           Community continues to remain at the forefront of the   recognized for its innovative curriculum. With an emphasis
        For Boca Centennial, Residents Invited from page 1  CoM. Nearly 48% of the medical school’s graduates this   on teamwork and collaboration, the college is dedicated to
                                                        year chose to remain in Florida for their residency training,   addressing healthcare disparities in the community.
           3 Over the fence                             playing a vital role in bridging the healthcare workforce gap      WC4C Co-chairs are supported by a dedicated committee,
           3 avocados are escaping                      in the state. WC4C offers the first step in welcoming the new   including Patricia Anastasio, M.D. and Thomas Mersch, Esq.;
           4 from the neighbor’s yard.                  matriculants into the college.                     Melissa Azrack; Florida State Senator Lori Berman and Jeffrey
           3 I pick them                                   “With the growing demand for healthcare professionals   Ganeles, D.M.D.; Donna and Joe Biase, M.D.; Alisa Cohen
           2 and run.                                   in South Florida, the White Coats-4-Care fundraiser is   and G. Richard Cohen, M.D.; Phyllis and Michael T.B. Dennis,
                                          - Nancy Sail  vital in providing scholarships that allow our students to   M.D.; June Gelb; Emily and Stephen A. Grabelsky, M.D.; Bonnie
           For next year’s centennial, the City of Boca Raton   pursue their medical careers without the burden of financial   Halperin; Arlene Herson; Jaclyn Klimczak, M.D.; Margie and
        will turn 100 Odes to Boca into public art and showcase   constraints,” said Curtis Whitehair, M.D., Dean of the   Alan Kaye; Deborah Leising; Jennifer and Gary Lesser, Elizabeth
        them in unexpected places throughout the city. Boca   CoM. “By investing in our future doctors, we enhance our   and Stuart Markowitz, M.D.; Nathan E. Nachlas, M.D.; Margie
        residents can submit theirs now online at   community’s healthcare and support the continued expansion   and Maurice Plough, Jr.; Ronald L. Rubin, D.M.D.; Constance
        In addition, throughout the year, O, Miami and the City   and excellence of our medical programs, fostering a new   Scott; Robin Trompeter and Janice Williams.
        of Boca Raton will collect the poems at multigenerational   generation of compassionate and skilled clinicians.”     To learn more about the White Coat Society, Dean’s Circle
        events and school workshops.                       To further FAU’s commitment to increase much needed   or other gift options contact Sara Greene, Assistant Director of
           “We want to hear from you–our residents–as part   medical residency positions in Palm Beach County and to   Development at (561) 297-2984 or For
        of this Centennial, so that the people who live here are   ensure that the region will continue to have an adequate and   Corporate Sponsorships contact Michael Turtz at (561) 297-2387
        writing the poetic narrative of Boca Raton at 100 years,”   well-trained physician workforce, the FAU CoM Consortium   or
        said Scott Singer, Boca Raton Mayor.
           Mayor Singer submitted his own poem about his
        beloved city:
           3 Boca Raton is
           3 the greatest city
           4 because of its people,
           9 but we can reach our fullest potential, united together
           6 for the next century and beyond
           While native to South Florida, Zip Odes has traveled
        all around the United States, with similar poetry contests   Do you know a family member,
        in Orlando, Toledo and Boston.
           O, Miami’s Founder P. Scott Cunningham is a Boca   friend or a neighbor in need of
        Raton native who embraced the opportunity to create this
        partnership to redefine the city through poetry.   Home Health Care?
           “As someone born and raised in Boca Raton, I am
        thrilled that O, Miami and the city are working together
        to amplify resident voices through poetry,” Cunningham
        said. “Arts and culture are a powerful tool in forging
        community, and I can’t wait to read all of the brilliant   Home Health Aides / Certified Nursing Assistants / Registered Nurses  to assist you with:
        poems that the people of Boca are going to craft.”
           The Ode to Boca project is part of O, Miami’s Civic   • Personal Care      • Companionship     • Respite Care      • Alzheimers & Dementia Care
        Publishing efforts, where residents shape the narratives        • Medication Management     • Transportation     • Meal Preparation
        of their own city. O, Miami collects poems through live          • Light Housekeeping      • Grocery Shopping      • Post Surgery Care
        events, open calls, workshops and school curricula, then
        broadcasts these poems to the communities they came
        from through an innovative mix of real-world and digital                       Complimentary In-Home Consultation
        projects, using every available city surface, from fake
        parking tickets to warehouse rooftops.                             Care provided in the comfort of your Home, Hospital, or Facility
           About O, Miami. O, Miami builds community around
        the power of poetry. Throughout the year, the organization   We accept All Long Term Care Insurance Policies and Private Pay – Affordable Rates
        teaches poetry to kids in schools, hosts a month-long
        poetry festival and publishes residents’ works in books   Family owned and operated. Boca Resident for 30+ years and Boca Pointe Members.
        and in unexpected places such as billboards, fences and
        rooftops. Its work is an act of love, inviting residents to           CALL TODAY:  561.740.8667
        share their stories and write a new narrative together. For                  
        more information, visit | @omiamifestival.                         Florida Licensed and Insured NR# 30211558, NR# 30211706
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