Page 7 - Abacoa Community News - July '24
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Abacoa, Page 7

       neigHborHood news

      Abacoa Community Garden

                                                           When it comes to enjoying dragon fruit, the
      Dragon Fruit –                                      options are as diverse as its origins. Slice it up
      A Tropical Delight!                               and savor on its own, incorporate into salads,
                                                        blend into smoothies, or pair with your favorite
                              Dragon fruit, with its striking   yogurt. Delicious.
                            oval shape, bright colors and      Garden membership runs from Aug. 1 to July
                            odd spikes, is a tropical delight   31. Download forms at https://www.abacoa.
                            that packs a punch of nutrition.   com/abacoa-community-garden or find one in
                            Low in calories yet bursting   the outside mailbox at the garden entrance at
                            with fiber and antioxidants like   1022 Community Drive. There is a waiting list
                            magnesium, this exotic fruit   for independent beds but if interested, just check
                            is often likened to a flavorful   the box. Stop by, especially Saturday mornings,
                            blend of pear and kiwi.     and check out our Facebook page.
                              Native to southern Mexico
      and Central America, dragon fruit flourishes on the
      Honolulu queen. Among its varieties, the most popular  Resident Writer, Hank Reed,
      Hylocereus cactus, also affectionately known as the

      features white pulp speckled with black seeds, encased
      in bright red, leathery skin adorned with green, scaly   Introduces Fourth Mystery Book!
      spikes—an appearance that perfectly earns its name.
         Growing dragon fruit
      can be very rewarding,                              Hello Abacoa Neighbors,
      whether outdoors or as                                 My fourth Hank Reed
      a potted indoor plant.                              mystery,  The Bridge to
      Propagation is relatively                           Murder was published on
      simple: seeds thrive in                             June 25. It begins under
      suitable conditions,                                the Whitestone  Bridge,
      or one can nurture a                                in Queens, N.Y., when an
      healthy stem segment                                evening of celebration for
      and let it take root.                               18-year-old Luca Falcone
      However, it’s essential                             and his friends quickly
      not to overwater, given the plant’s cactus nature. Providing   spirals into a nightmarish
      a climbing structure is key, as demonstrated by the dragon   orde a l  whe n L uc a
      fruit plant captured in this photograph from the garden.  disappears, leaving a murder
         A unique aspect of dragon fruit cultivation lies in its   scene behind. Twenty years later, Hank Reed is hired to work
      nocturnal flowering habits. Blooming under the cover of   the still-cold case, not realizing his life is now in danger.   and on lucky days, I’d make out with someone special. (Do
      night, these flowers rely on bats or moths for pollination.      Whitestone, a place where I spent my teenage years,   they still call it that?)
      Consequently, indoor plants may require a self-fertilizing   where the park, the East River, and the jetty, were my      Pre-orders for my e-book and paperback are available on
      variety to yield fruit, though flowering remains a spectacle   playground. Where I fished and horsed around with friends,   Amazon now:

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