Page 10 - Abacoa Community News - July '24
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Page 10, Abacoa

                                                                                  Turtle Walks are a unique program allowing visitors to learn about and observe the nesting and egg-
                                                                                laying process of loggerhead sea turtles and Juno Beach is one of the densest nesting sites for loggerhead
                                                                                sea turtles in the world.
                                                                                  Nesting is highest for loggerhead sea turtles in June and July. During these months, we offer turtle walks
                                                                                to the public Tuesday-Saturday under a required permit issued by the state of Florida. Once registered for
                                                                                an evening, visitors come to the center to enjoy an informative presentation on the plight of sea turtles and
                                                                                engage in a variety of hands-on learning experiences. At this time our experienced Loggerhead Marinelife
                                                                                Center scouts are on the designated section of Juno Beach in search of activity. If the scouts spot a
                                                                                loggerhead sea turtle carrying out her nesting process, they will radio to bring the group down to watch.
                                                            The group is then led down to the beach to witness this unforgettable experience. The walk will likely last about 3 Hours.  While
                                                         there’s no way to know the exact duration from night to night, the program is officially scheduled from 9pm to 12 am.This will depend
      The Wizard of Oz                                   on when we spot a loggerhead sea turtle and her behavior. If we do spot one, it could be at any point in the evening. If no turtle has
                                                         been spotted by midnight, the program concludes. We cannot guarantee a turtle will carry out her nesting process on the evening of
                                                         your scheduled program. Turtles do not RSVP and the Center cannot offer refunds, however all ticket sales directly benefit Loggerhead
      – Conservatory                                     MarineLife Center’s mission and the care of the sea turtle patients.
                                                            Due to our State issued permit requirements, we can only accommodate a small number of people per night and dates fill up

                                                         quickly. There is no relationship between sea turtle nesting activity and the phase of the moon, the weather, or the tides. All scheduled
      Production                                         Turtle Walk nights have the same odds of the group seeing a sea turtle nesting. We run
                                                         our program rain or shine and only stay off the beach in the event of lightning. During
                                                         this waiting period, guests will be onsite enjoying our presentation. We do not cancel the
                                                         program due to inclement weather. If the forecast calls for rain, we recommend guests
      From July 27 To July 28                            wear raincoats or ponchos. No umbrellas please.
                                                            Children must be 10 years or older to attend the walks, and all participants must be able

                                                         to walk up to half a mile on the beach.
      Tickets Available July 1, $25 Each                 Dark clothing is preferred.  Bug spray & comfortable walking shoes highly recommended.
                                                         `No flashlights or photography of any form permitted.
         Performed by students                              To Book Your Turtle Walk Adventure visit:
      in grades 4 to 7 as part of
      the Conservatory’s Summer
      Production camp!
         Oops, another mean girl!                         Three Step Plan For College
      The Wicked Witch  of  the
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