Page 13 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- June '24
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 13
      Extraordinary Charities Hosts

      Second Annual ‘Talk Derby To Me’ Fundraiser

        Extraordinary Charities (EC) hosted the Second Annual     “I needed someone to believe in me before I could     Media Sponsors:  Palm Beach Illustrated, Legends
      “Talk Derby To Me” event on May 4 at the home of   believe in myself. Chef Greg was that someone – he gave   Radio 100.3
      Beverlee and John Raymond on Flagler Drive.        me the push I needed to follow my dream of a career as     To make a donation, or learn more about Extraordinary
        Guests enjoyed a raw bar, mint juleps, and catering from   a chef,” said Johnson.                  Charities, call (561) 366-7032 or visit
      the students and graduates of “Recipes for Success,” the title     Extraordinary Charities is grateful to everyone who   Photos by Capehart Photography
      program of Extraordinary Charities. Recipes for Success   attended and helped raise support for its programs.
      is a full-service catering program staffed by graduates   Thank You To The Talk Derby To Me Supporters
      of the Recipes for Success                           Honorary Chairs: Lisa Brintz, Ozzie Medeiros and
      workforce development                              Eddie Schmidt
      culinary training program,                           Chair: Beverlee Raymond
      which  provides  culinary                            Committee: Collin Adams, Colette Beland, Tish Carlo,
      training and employment                            Rosa Carreiro, Rocio Garcia, Gloria Gramolini, Sheila
      to typically underserved                           Gustafson, Christine Harasz, Taylor Materio, Ashleigh
      individuals.                                       McDonald, Kate McGoff, Christine Pitts, Christine
        During the event, the                            Raymond, Kiana Rivera, Lisa Stella
      Kentucky Derby was live                              Thank you to our Talk Derby To Me Sponsors: Table
      streamed, followed by a                            26 Palm Beach, Citizens Private Bank, Nelson Mullins,
      luxury live auction hosted                         SubCulture Group, Hospitality Helping Hands, Lisa
      by Jay Zeager. During the                          LaFrance, Mitchell Rubin, James and Betsy Meany,
      Call to the Heart, Nyree                           Toshiba Business Solutions, Robert R. McGill Air
      Johnson, a graduate of                             Conditioning, Hormel Foods, Fit & amp, Psyched, Alan   Jenn Gowdy and  Allison   Christine Raymond and Kate
      Recipes for Success who is                         and Lisa Lipsky, B’Ing The Best, Inc., Steve and Kris   Raymond           McGoff
      now employed by Ibis County  Christine Raymond and Chef   Simpson, McMow Art Glass, Westgate CRA, Let’s Get
      Club, addressed the attendees. Greg                Social, Cathe Tepper.

                                                                                                           Eddie  Schmidt,  Ozzie  Janet Elinoff and Cathe
                                                                                                           Medeiros                Tepper
      Cassius Johnson          Tim and Heidi Reever      John and Beverlee Raymond  Jennifer and Lisa LaFrance

                                                                                                           Ryan Hollihan and Susan   Kami  Kreaps  and  Collin
                                                                                                           Kaplan                  Santini Adams

                                                                                                           Shanon and Taylor Materio  Betsy and James Meany

                                                                                                           Marybeth Murdick and  Patty Silver, Lisa Brintz, Vicki
                                                                                                           Christy Massbach        Kellogg
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