Page 8 - Martin Downs Bulletin - June '24
P. 8

Page 8, Martin Downs


      House Of Hope Takes Honors                        residents across Martin,

      For Innovative Ways To Care                       St. Lucie and Okeechobee
                                                        counties, with a mission to
      For The Environment                               empower people in need
                                                        to overcome hunger and
        House of Hope, known throughout the community as an   hardship.
      organization that cares deeply for people in need, has also     “Our environmental
      been honored for the care it shows to the environment.  efforts, like everything
        Keep Martin Beautiful awarded House of Hope the 2024   we do, are directed at
      Community Impact Award at its Environmental Stewardship   empowering people in need
      Awards ceremony in May. Jill Marasa of Ashley Capital, a   and improving the overall
      sponsor of the event and a nominee for its own environmental   health and financial stability
      restoration efforts, called House of Hope “a model for   of the greater community,”
      environmental stewardship through its comprehensive   Ranieri said. “We’re proud
      approach to reducing waste and conserving resources.”  and  grateful  for  the  staff,
        Each year House of Hope distributes about 1.3 million   volunteers and donors who
      pounds of food. Its efforts to use resources wisely ultimately   take our mission to heart  The House of Hope team works together to make environmental stewardship an integral
      rescue 614,000 pounds of food annually from going into   and create new and different  part of all they do. These efforts resulted in House of Hope winning the 2024 Environmental
      the landfill because it’s considered “not shelf-worthy” at   ways to make a difference.”  Stewardship Award for Community Impact from Keep Martin Beautiful.
      local grocery stores. House of Hope Thrift Shops recycle
      unusable clothing, linens, cardboard and household items
        At its Growing Hope Farm, House of Hope uses  Treasure Coast Outdoors
      while assisting families with the basics of living.

      environmentally-friendly hydroponic farming techniques and
      employs closed-loop water systems. The fact that House of   The Tilefish Are Back!
      Hope has a farm for growing fresh produce for its clients is
      in itself environmentally sound. Composting is an integral   By Jim Weix
      part of its operations, generating farm feed for local farmers     A  year  ago,  anglers
      and ranchers. Rainwater is captured for irrigation, and the   were wondering where
      water used to clean produce in the new packing house is in   the tilefish had gone. Deep
      turn used to irrigate the farm’s grove of fruit trees.  drops, with an electric reel
        In addition, its Traveling Nutrition Education Garden and   and weighed chicken rig,
      Nutrition Gardens in key areas of the community help teach   were coming up empty.
      people about growing food locally and the importance of   At the same time, a
      using fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables in their meal planning.  commercial fisherman was
        “We made a commitment to ourselves that we would   advertising  fresh  tilefish
      incorporate good environmental stewardship in all aspects   and showing a boat loaded
      of our business,” House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri said.   with tilefish.
      “We challenge ourselves to find opportunities to minimize     Tilefish live in pods. If you catch one, it is not unusual
      our impact on local landfills, to be imaginative in how we   to catch several. It was thought that the pods were being   it is a thrill to bring up your rig and try to see what is
      recycle and repurpose, and to conserve valuable resources.”  wiped out.                              coming up.
        Every month House of Hope provides food, basic      I guess we will never know. The good news is that     Fishing for them is easy, but you will need an electric
      needs, life skills, case management, financial assistance,   they are back.                          reel. Using a 5- to 10-pound weight, you fish on the
      workforce development, housing assistance, nutrition     Tom Flynn, Russ Imbruglia and Nate Stevenson were   bottom in anywhere from 600 feet or more. Look for a
      education and enrichment to more than 21,000 area   beyond surprised when they pulled up their limit of one   mud bottom, since the fish partially burrow in and wait
                                                          fish per person on their second drop. The first drop didn’t   for food to come by.
                                                          work out, as the line got caught in the propeller.     Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
                                                            Tilefish have white flakey flesh and are as good to   conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is
                                                          eat as anything that you will catch. Many anglers don’t   included in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s Hall of
                                                          spend the time or have the equipment to fish for them.   Fame for helping restore thousands of acres of wetlands.
                                                          Their loss. Given the fact that overfishing is affecting   Jim is a broker associate with The Keyes Company. He
                                                          so many species, it was good to see the return of these   can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or by email: jimweix@
                                                          fish. Although not as exciting as seeing a dolphin jump,

                                                            Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?

                                                              For The Next Storm?

      The House of Hope Thrift Team created a pop-up boutique
      filled with used items for purchase by attendees at the
      Environmental Stewardship Awards event. Lauren Povio,                                                               No Air Conditioning?
      Donna Vestal, Pat Ferrara and Michele Trout curated the                                                               No Refrigeration?
      items that became treasures instead of trash for the landfill.
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