Page 6 - Martin Downs Bulletin - June '24
P. 6

Page 6, Martin Downs

                                                LocaL Government

      Martin County Tax Collector                        disability and is qualified to obtain a driver’s license is

                                                         generally exempt from all fees. An honorably discharged
      We Salute You!                                     disabled veteran who has been a resident of Florida for the past
                                                         five years or who has established domicile may apply for one
      By Ruth Pietruszewski,                             free disabled veteran “DV” license plate for an owned or leased
      Martin County Tax                                  vehicle; however, there is a $4.80 annual state registration fee.
      Collector                                          Free license plates with a wheelchair emblem are available for
        The freedoms we enjoy in                         those veterans permanently confined to a wheelchair and who
      our country inspire people all                     otherwise qualify for a DV plate.
      over the world. It is because                        Disabled veterans with mobility impairment may apply for
      of the selfless acts of bravery,                   the disabled parking plate with the wheelchair emblem. No state
      courage and patriotism of the                      agency, county, municipality or agency thereof may charge the   United States Armed Forces, or the spouse, or un-remarried
      men and women who serve                            driver of a vehicle displaying a “DV” license plate any fee for   surviving spouse of such veteran for a new or an existing business.
      and have served our country                        parking on public streets, highways, or in any metered parking     America owes an immeasurable debt of gratitude to the men
      that have provided and kept our                    space. Total and permanently disabled Florida veterans are   and women in military uniform sacrificing so much, because
      “Land of the free.” Every day                      exempt from county and municipality building licenses or permit   we truly are “The Land of the Free Because of the Brave.” Ruth
      our military put their safety at risk and their lives on hold to defend   fees when making certain improvements to their residence in   “Ski” Pietruszewski, Martin County Tax Collector, and her staff
      the liberty we all enjoy. Through the course of American history,   order to make the dwelling habitable or safe.  annually honor veterans by participating in the Veterans Day and
      courageous men and women have taken up arms to protect the     The Military Gold Sportsman’s license is available for a   Memorial Day parades, daily prioritize serving veterans any way
      most important principles upon which our country depend.   reduced fee of $20 to any resident who is an active or retired   they can, and support the men and women who bravely serve
        License plates honoring the individual armed services are   member of the U.S. Armed Forces, U.S. Armed Forces Reserve   our country.
      available to the general public. Your purchase of the “Florida   or National Guard. State hunting and fishing licenses and permits     God Bless America.
      Salutes Veterans” or one of the state’s U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S.   shall be issued without fees for
      Air Force, Marines or U.S. Coast Guard license plates directly   five years to any veteran who is
      helps veterans.                                    a Florida resident, certified or
        Honorably discharged Florida veterans can add a veteran   determined to be 100 percent
      designation “V” to their driver’s license or ID card by visiting   totally and permanently
      any Florida driver’s license office. There is no charge or fee   disabled by the VA or the U.S.
      collected to display this designation on a veteran’s driver’s   Armed Forces, or who has been
      license. A homeless veteran may renew or obtain a new Florida   issued a valid disabled veteran
      ID card free of any charges.                       ID card by FDVA.
        Any honorably discharged veteran who has a valid FDVA     Martin County Tax Collector
      100 percent disabled veteran card or who has been determined   provides a free business tax
      to have a 100 percent total and permanent service-connected   exemption for veterans of the

      The Rose Ball from page 1                           Teri Dolecki was the presenting sponsor for the event   Treasures Care Team addresses medical, psychosocial and
                                                        in memory of her mother, Ginny. Ginny was under the   spiritual concerns by providing intensive pain and symptom
        Brownie and her family had the opportunity to witness the   loving care of Treasure Coast Hospice before she passed   management along with counseling, guidance and education.
      compassionate and dedicated care administered by the Little   away in 2023. Many other sponsors joined in supporting     For more information visit
      Treasures Program when their daughter Kamden Rose was   the event, including Evergreen Private, Martin Funeral
      cared for as one of the first children in the program. Kamden   Home Crematory, Closets by Design, Wilmington Trust and
      Rose received palliative care, which included various services   Waterpointe Realty.
      such as grief counseling, social work, pediatric program     Treasure Coast Hospice’s Pediatric Care Program, Little
      management and music therapy. Although Kamden passed   Treasures, focuses on the unique needs of children, teens
      away at the age of 7, her family was able to experience the   and their families. The
      transformative impact of the Little Treasures Program and   goal of this program is
      create many special memories.                     to improve the quality of
                                                        life for children and teens
                                                        with serious illness by
                                                        supporting the entire family
                                                        with palliative and hospice
                                                        care. Surrounding families
                                                        with individualized care
                                                        and support, the Little  Linda and Scott Hoffman   Susan King, Ewald Bender, Cheryl Mayes and Shannon Cooper

      Peter Culley with Mary Feherback and Ted Brown of
      Wilmington Trust

                                                        The Rose Ball Committee at Hutchinson Shores Resort & Spa
                                                                    Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,

                                                                               Gifted Testing

      David and Cheryl Sines, Doris and George Goll

                                                                                 NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
                                                                                 • Jupiter & Stuart Offices           Licensed School Psychologist
                                                                                 • Testing for Processing
       Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing                                                         
       Palm Beach County and is a privately                                        Problems, Anxiety,
       owned and managed company.                                                  Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
       Captain’s is committed to providing
       dependable, reliable and professional                                     • Weekend and After
       ground transportation to and from all                                       School Appointments
       South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
           To reserve your vehicle:                                                    “Helping Parents Help Children”
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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