Page 10 - Jupiter Spotlight- June '24
P. 10

Page 10, Jupiter Spotlight
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                       • Typically, 65 percent of property owners pay their   Hurricane Guide
        Last month, I had the                           property taxes during the month of November.         Do you know where the closest grocery store to you that is
      pleasure  of  attending                             • The top five states from where newly licensed Florida   powered by a generator is located? Or the closest gas station
      several community events                          drivers previously resided are New York, New Jersey,   with emergency power transfer switches? These are important
      as I do throughout the                            California, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.        things you should know when preparing for hurricane season.
      year. Frequently, other                             • For the 2023 tax year, the top Palm Beach County   Even relatively minor hurricanes can leave you without power
      elected officials are also                        taxpayer was FPL, paying $133,632,115.20 in property tax.  and water for a few days. Make sure you are prepared by having
      in attendance as we are all                                                                          enough food, water and medical supplies for your family
      committed to the residents                        Get Your Hurricane Guide!                          members and your pets. For a comprehensive list of supplies,
      of Palm Beach County. At                                                                             visit to view and request
      many  of  these  events,  we                        June 1 marks the start of another hurricane season.   a copy of our pocket-size hurricane guide.
      discuss the importance of the                     Hurricanes are part of the reality of living near the coast and
      upcoming election in November and how crucial it is that   major hurricanes are becoming more and more prevalent.
      everyone eligible to vote does so. The change in Florida Law   However, the key to navigating hurricane season is to be
      now requires voters to re-request mail ballots after every   prepared and have a plan. This year, to help you prepare, the
      general election cycle. So, if you have requested mail ballots   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration declared
      in the past and have not yet re-requested mail ballots for the   May 5 to 11, as National Hurricane Preparedness week. Visit
      2024 elections, I urge you to do so to ensure you receive for more information.
      your ballot and vote. You can visit the Palm Beach County   Preparing Before Hurricane Season
      Supervisor of Elections website at www.votepalmbeach.    Take advantage of the Home Hardening Sales Tax Exemption.
      gov/voters/vote-by-mail to check the status of your mail   The exemption is for the purchase of impact-resistant doors,
      ballot request or to request a ballot be mailed to you for the   windows and garage doors, going on now until June 30. For
      upcoming elections and let your voice be heard!   more information, visit
        And this month, I want to wish all our fathers a very Happy
      Father’s Day!
                                       Anne M. Gannon,
                               Constitutional Tax Collector,
                               Serving Palm Beach County

      Celebrating Belle Glade’s

      Agricultural Heritage

        When you think of
      Palm Beach County, the
      first  thing  that  may  come
      to mind is beaches; with
      our 47 miles of coastline,
      it’s easy to see why. But
      did you  know that  Palm
      Beach County leads the
      state in total agriculture
      sales and Belle Glade is a
      top supplier of vegetables,
      fruits, and sugar cane?                                                           $                   $ 100 OFF                  $ 250
        With the motto “Her soil is her fortune,” the city                                39Usually  95
      celebrates its agricultural heritage every year with its                        SERVICE CALL WITH           ANY NEW             UV LIGHT WITH ANY
      Annual Black Gold Jubilee. Earning its name from the                              ANY A/C REPAIR          WATER HEATER          NEW INSTALLATION
                                                                                                                                         ( 750 Value)
      city’s rich soil or “black gold,” the jubilee is a celebration                 CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE
      of the soil’s ability to produce bountiful harvests.                           561-741-2825           561-741-2825           561-741-2825
        We look forward every year to interacting with our                          Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,
      western community clients and answering questions about                       offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount
      the services we provide. Thank you to everyone who came                       per transaction. Expires 7/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 7/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 7/10/24.
      by to visit our booth and ask our team questions.

      Fun Facts About The TCO!

        You already know that
      when you need to pay your
      property taxes, renew your
      driver’s license, or renew your
      vehicle registration, you turn
      to the tax collector’s office
      (TCO). But did you know these
      fun facts about our agency?
        • On average, we service
      more than 3,000 clients each
      day in our six service centers. Wait times have gone down by
      more than 36 minutes since before the COVID pandemic.
        • Last year, our client care and research center answered
      237,868 phone calls and received 45,246 email inquiries.
        • Each month, we electronically distribute more than 40,000
      satisfaction surveys to clients who visit our service centers in
      person or contact our office by phone. 83.5 percent of survey
      respondents rated our service as “exceptional” or “very good.”
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